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Table Games Trifecta of Craps Table Mutants

Discussion in 'Table Games' started by The Toddster, May 6, 2017.

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  1. Chuck2009x

    Chuck2009x VIP Whale

    Apr 5, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Ouch, lol.
  2. bedaniels

    bedaniels High-Roller

    Feb 1, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I bet you took care of that dealer when you colored up with a nice tip- even if he is a steelers fan.
  3. flyguyfl

    flyguyfl MIA

    Apr 11, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Love these stories guys. Please keep them coming.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. Lil Lo

    Lil Lo Tourist

    Jan 12, 2017
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    i think thats why i hardly ever win money in Vegas. but the dealers all seem to like me a lot.
  5. troe

    troe Tourist

    Aug 26, 2015
    Columbus, OH
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    A few stories...

    Was at the Horseshoe in Tunica a few weeks ago and there was a 300lb. guy standing straight out at the end of the table. I was on stick left, on the same side as this guy. He's the kind of guy that doesn't shut up, and if the dice are not rolling his way, he's loudly blaming all the shooters. The guy standing at stick right is shooting--sets a point of 8, rolls an outside number and then quickly sevens out. This guy starts calling him names and saying he "knew the guy wasn't going to be worth a damn." I'm to the point where I'm getting irritated listening to the guy, but I decide to have my roll then leave. Before the dice even get pushed to me, the guy says "Look at this next motherfu**er, he ain't gonna do shi* either." I was pissed. I shot right back to him saying his mouth is probably the reason the table is so cold. He picked up his chips and left.

    Was at Mohegan Sun about 10 years ago, bought into a table and notice the dealer on my end of the table has a V-shaped scab on her forehead. Asked her how it happened--a shooter threw the dice overhand and one hit her directly in the forehead.

    I think, by far, the most obnoxious table mutants are the drunk youngsters who spill drinks on the table, don't know how to play and ask everyone around them for advice, and then proceed to argue about payouts on every hit. Have run into these kids more times than I can remember. Also had a group of about 8 youngsters in February at Caesars who kept trying to play in more spots than available at the table. The pit boss kept telling them there were a max of 8 players on each end. My wife and I were playing, and 6 people from this group were playing. One drunk guy from the group kept trying to weasel his way in where there was obviously no room. He puts a pass line bet down--they tell him no action, there's not enough room. Few rolls later, he puts another pass line bet down--no action. This goes on for about 30 mins. before the whole group leaves.
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  6. Kingbarkus

    Kingbarkus Low-Roller

    Sep 25, 2009
    New Orleans
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    More experiences..

    Years ago a surreal experience occurred at the El Cortez. It was my last night and I was getting burned out on Vegas. I walked down to the El Co to play some craps before I turned in. I was on a table where there was myself, a local, and on the other end was at most 2 persons the entire night. Hottest rolls of my life ensued. I was an extreme low roller and still made about 1k. The local was betting max and sometimes well over max which earned the ire of the box. The pattern went like this. Me: monster roll. Other hook: quick 7-out. Local: Fairly good roll. Me: Monster roll. I never spoke a word. It was surreal in that the table did not draw more folks and that every time I got the dice...monster roll. By the time I left at 4 am, I was counting the days I would return. Many years later I was playing at the El Co and I recognized the local again. I saw him whisper something to the guy next to him. He recognized me. He began betting big. 7-out!
    • Like Like x 4
  7. topcard

    topcard It's not really blackjack unless it pays 3:2!

    Aug 8, 2012
    Fort Worth
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    It was on the casino's chips...and, yeah - it should've been a no-roll... but the pit declared otherwise... which is why the table cleared out right after that.
  8. RunningRam

    RunningRam Low-Roller

    Nov 11, 2015
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Here's my best one:

    2 years ago I was playing $15 craps (pass with single odds and placing 6 and 8 for $18) at the Cosmo at a table with all female dealers. The table was pretty hot right away. After about an hour at the table, an obnoxious drunk shows up. He's loud, rude, and throwing chips all over the table. He was playing blacks on the pass line with full odds and greens on the hard ways so while he was pissing everyone off, the pit was letting him play. Finally the dice get to him and he runs through a ridiculously long routine and throws the dice way up in the air. His first several rolls went off the table and the pit is all over him about it. He backs down a little and proceeds to go on the longest heater I've ever seen while remaining a royal pain in the butt. By the time he sevened out, I was up over $2k. After that roll, I never complain about anyone unless they try and take my chips.
    Annual Memorial Day trip with the wife at my home away from home!
    • Like Like x 2
  9. Dean Martin

    Dean Martin VIP Whale

    Jan 16, 2003
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Oddly (since a lot of you seem to thrive on these freaks), that's exactly why I rarely play even though I like the game. I hate gambling next to somebody that just escaped from the cuckoos nest...fucks up my gambling karma every time. I would have had fun with it and laughed my ass off when I was younger so probably has something to do with the fact that I don't gamble at games where you have to (or at least should) be thinking when I'm catching a buzz anymore.
  10. Bazzito52

    Bazzito52 Low-Roller

    Feb 21, 2008
    Lakeland, FL
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Well, not all mutants are players or dealers. There's the odd boxman, as well.

    Many years ago, I used to take day-trip junkets out of St. Pete, Florida to the casino at Freeport, Grand Bahama. You'd pay the junketeer $25.00 and they'd fly you down (on a Conavair prop jet) for about a 10 hour stay at the casino which included a buffet lunch or dinner. All of the dealers were British and the service employees were Bahamian.

    I was shooting craps one afternoon when I happened asked for a cocktail waitress. The boxman completely ignored my request. (The table equipment included a toy "clicker" - like the ones the soldiers used in "the Longest Day"- that they kept on top of the chips in the bank. They'd hold it up and click it few times to call for the cocktail waitresses.) After a few minutes I asked again. Once again, complete silence from "Mike" the boxman. It's hard to believe that after fourty years, I still remember his name. For some reason, he simply wouldn't acknowledge my requests and actually seemed to enjoy neglecting me and every other player at the table.

    This routine went on for over a half hour until a waitress finally happened to wander by and I FINALLY was able to order a drink.

    During the next week, while driving around my home town, I happened to drive by a toy store. I stopped, went inside, and was able to buy a large toy clicker for myself!

    On my next junket, I asked "Mike" to request a cocktail waitress and, yep, you guessed it....total neglect. I reached into my pocket, pulled out the clicker and clicked away. The dealers started howling in laughter, Mike jumped to his feet and howled, "Where did you get that?!!," and actually CALLED SECURITY to the table! Security arrived at about the same time as the waitress, so after ordering my drink, I explained exactly why I brought my own clicker. Security immediately left the table and Mike, the boxman sat there and steamed all afternoon.

    After that, for quite a while, whenever I would step up to the craps table at Grand Bahama, the dealers would welcome me with my new nickname, "Cocktail Requested" with a smile.
    • Like Like x 5
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    • Wow! Wow! x 1
  11. flyguyfl

    flyguyfl MIA

    Apr 11, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Great story!
    Too bad they don't do those junkets any more or I would be on them in a flash.
  12. Ezzy711

    Ezzy711 VIP Whale

    Jul 29, 2012
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I used to take those flights to the Bahamas from Ft. Laud. That is where I first played craps. I had studied for months. I read "Winning at Casino Craps" that suggested a pass line and 2 come bets with odds. I was so nervous that I had to have a stiff scotch at the bar before I could even approach the table. It only got worse when the chips kept sticking to my sweaty hands! All the dealers were nice to me. I couldn't remember if I had one or two numbers and they would remind me. What a real spaz! I was much younger then and did not know the dealer trick of pushing the dice just far enough to make me reach for them. Clever those dealers, or should I say cleavage?
    • Like Like x 2
    • Wow! Wow! x 1
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  13. pswearen

    pswearen Tourist

    Jul 24, 2007
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    On our first guys weekend in Vegas (2012), we were playing Crapless Craps at the Plaza, dealers were a little grumpy but we hit a couple two way yo's and they cheered up. I was at one end of the table and was tossing the dice. After a about 5 throws one die hit the table funny and bounced up. A couple was at the other end of the table and she was wearing a low cut t-shirt. She along with rest of the table just watched the die go right down her shirt. Table just cheered and howled, I of course yelled same dice. She fished the die out gave it to the boxman who actually sniffed it. Still talk about that roll today.
    • Like Like x 4
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  14. bighouse304

    bighouse304 Low-Roller

    Jul 14, 2012
    Plainfield, IL
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I'm not getting any work done today reading all these stories Keep 'em coming!

    Last year I was playing at the Paris one early afternoon. I was standing the first position right of the stick. Dice are pushed to me and I roll a 6 on the come out. I make my come bet and bet the inside around the 6. Dice are still in the middle and while I wait for the dealers to get everyone set up, I happen to look over to the opposite side of the table and notice that the dealer on that side had placed the ON puck on the 5, not the 6. The dealer on my side has his puck on the 6. I mention to the stick that I threw a 6, not a 5. Without even consulting his two other dealers, the stick declares the throw was a 5. There was no one sitting box (at least at this time) The complaints come from around the table, including me. Dealer on my side wants no part of the argument. An asian man on the opposite side is particularly upset and becomes pretty loud with the stick, to which the stick replies "why the hell do you care? You don't even have a PL bet!" Our grumbles and requests to speak to the pit fall on the deaf ears and the dice are pushed to me. I then throw a 6, right back. The table lets out a HUGE collective grumble. As far as opposite of the loud table cheer we all know and love. I then go on to have an unspectacular roll and 7 out somewhat quickly. Everyone but 1 (not me) player either walks away or colors up. As the mass exodus is occurring, a pit walks up and quips "where's everyone off to?" which then began a stream of complaints and grumbles from all directions, including the dealers And he simply replies "the natives are restless" I hate playing there now.
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  15. Chuck2009x

    Chuck2009x VIP Whale

    Apr 5, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Lol, that is a good line, though.
  16. Electroguy563

    Electroguy563 Vegas Joker

    Apr 26, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I've heard and experienced at least twice this phenomenon happen of dice going down women's busoms. But I've never heard of a boxman actually sniffing it. Wish I saw that...LOL!
  17. Hurricane

    Hurricane Eat, drink, be merry and roll points

    Mar 26, 2016
    Boston, MA
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    A couple of years ago I was in the Cromwell with my wife in the late afternoon looking for a blackjack game. As I approached the blackjack table closest to the craps pit a couple of dice bounce past my feet. I look in the direction from where they came and see a solitary guy, late 20s-ish, standing at the craps table closest to the Strip. He was playing by himself, and he easily threw these dice 30 feet. I proceeded to sit at the blackjack table but my wife and I kept an eye on him as I played. He was a maniac, probably high, and threw the dice clear over the table approximately every other time that he touched them. He was also yelling and carrying on. A lot. His favorite catchphrase was "Stack that cheese!" which he shouted optimistically while throwing the dice, and then repeated while clapping vigorously after a win. My wife did a walk by of his table to see his stakes. He was playing the pass line minimum (it was either $5 or $10), with no odds and no other bets. This went on for maybe 20 minutes until his buy in was gone and he disappeared. "Stack that cheese!" became our motto for that trip and we later put it on a t-shirt for a subsequent Vegas trip.
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  18. jamie1983

    jamie1983 Low-Roller

    Apr 18, 2010
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    With my buddies throwing dice at the Vegas Club...this guy who is crazy drunk comes stumbling up to the table. Knows everyone working there and from the sounds of it used to work there. Was maybe betting $5 here or there and losing every time. He's getting angrier and more belligerent towards everyone. Starts calling everyone "7 A$$ rolling Mother F#%ckers" on and on and on....finally the pit boss sets him straight and kicks him out.

    It was awesome! We still refer to each other as "7 A$$ rolling Mother F#%ckers" whenever we 7 out at the table lol.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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    Aug 8, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I've actually had that happen more than a few times (I've played a LOT of craps)..some times it is funny because the point WAS 10..But it gets marked as something else..then we mention the the other number snd it gets moved to it rather than the 10, hahaha..works for me!
  20. joshrocker

    joshrocker VIP Whale

    Feb 16, 2003
    Saint Louis, Mo.
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    It's amazing how much this cures.
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