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Video Poker Wanting to learn more about VP

Discussion in 'Video Poker' started by ThinkOTB, Jul 16, 2019.

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  1. tringlomane

    tringlomane STP Addicted Beer Snob

    Jan 21, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Most times if you aren't sure about a hand, it shouldn't be that costly anyway if you pick the suboptimal choice. Bigger issues are when you learn strategy incorrectly and assume you're playing right, or never cared to learn optimal strategy to begin with. Like DDB players that just hold a pair of face cards instead of two pair. That adds up, especially in a 45 credit full house game. The good news is I see fewer people holding that than I used to.
  2. oghuman

    oghuman VIP Whale

    May 24, 2010
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Agree, the best way, as been pointed out, is to practice on the tools mentioned ensuring you have warning on for errors.
    After playing for a few days you'll get the hang of most hands. Suggestion: start with one game until you make very few errors, then move on to another game. I mostly pay two games DDB and BP. You can choose what you're comfortable with.
    Best is to start with JOB then move to BP, it's very similar holds only when you get to hands that have higher payoffs, you adjust to get the maximum payoff.
    I personally don't like a few of the plays given and I play my way , but in general the tools are very good. After you play in a real casino you also find different machines have a different feel and you will want to play on machines that feel comfortable to you. Whether it's the feel of the buttons or speed of machines(which are adjustable). If a machine doesn't feel right move to a different one.
  3. oldbrewzer

    oldbrewzer High-Roller

    Jun 23, 2018
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I think this is really important when concerned about accuracy. I have come to realize most mistakes I make fall into the following categories: (1) STICKING OR MALFUNCTIONING BUTTONS THAT DO NOT HOLD YOUR CHOSEN CARD. (2) Poor lighting or other reflections on the screen that make speedy card recognition difficult. (3) Machines that are set at less than ideal angles(usually bar tops), or chairs that are either too high or too low to comfortably play. (4) Missing an obvious play because of fatigue or playing too fast (i.e. holding a Q,K suited and missing the low pair in the 1st and 5th position). (5). Not knowing the proper way to play a hand (very rare since I have dedicated significant hours practicing on simulators that warn you of incorrect play). (1 - 4) are by far the most common reasons that my play results in less than optimum strategy. These errors are magnified when you start adding excessive speed to your play. So I would definitely heed "oghuman's" advice.
  4. oghuman

    oghuman VIP Whale

    May 24, 2010
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Great Post oldrewzer, thanks for elaborating on my different feel (bad buttons).
    Overall I think the tips in this thread could be a good guide on playing Video Poker. Lots of great contributions.
    I think out might be a good sticky subject.
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