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Spoilers big brother

Discussion in 'Non-Vegas Chat' started by LucyR., Jun 25, 2015.

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  1. Nevyn

    Nevyn VIP Whale

    Apr 13, 2007
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    The whole point of the twin twist is potentially throwing the twin to the wolves. Just like the first Brenchel season where the saboteur went out week 1, if you get found out, that's the risk of participating in a twist.

    If they had pulled it off, they would have suddenly had a rock solid two person alliance in the midgame throwing off everyone else's numbers. That's the reward. Getting busted is the risk.
  2. Candy Apple

    Candy Apple VIP Whale

    Mar 15, 2004
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    They could have found a pair of twins that look more alike. Different eye colors and 20 extra pounds isn't a very good set of "identical" twins.
  3. LucyR.

    LucyR. VIP Whale

    Feb 17, 2012
    Los Angeles,CA.
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Hot news for west coast viewers: I found out at Jokers that Vanessa and Austin won the HOH. The next step will be to eliminate one of them as HOH.

    DaVonne was evicted by 7. I think it was Jason and James that must have given her a sympathy of 2 persons not voting her out. The bb show starts at 9 p.m. in Los Angeles. Lucy
  4. LucyR.

    LucyR. VIP Whale

    Feb 17, 2012
    Los Angeles,CA.
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Hi Candy

    I think the twin with a few extra pounds looks better. Lucy
  5. LucyR.

    LucyR. VIP Whale

    Feb 17, 2012
    Los Angeles,CA.
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    BB AFTER DARK SHOW: Vanessa original alliance was with Clay, Shelly, Austin . She has added Liz and her twin, and Steve. They are all jumping with joy because it is their alliance that is in charge again for a second week. Vanessa plays with candy to put where all the players are at with her game plan. Her and Austin are trying to figure out how the players are playing the game and finding out who has an alliance with whom. Then commercial break stops me from seeing what Vanessa is saying about the players.

    Vanessa is choosing a lot of players that are going to lose and she will win the money. I think Shelly is her only completion in the game from her alliance.

    I think I heard that Vanessa told Austin the tattoo guy that she wants him to become the HOH because he has a lot of friends in the house. I think she just wants to keep her hands clean from the blood that will happen when some of the players get super unhappy with who gets evicted. Smart move on Vanessa the poker player. She is using the players as CARDS. Lucy
  6. LucyR.

    LucyR. VIP Whale

    Feb 17, 2012
    Los Angeles,CA.
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Bb after dark show

    I WATCHED THE BBAD and I noticed that Liz and her twin are models. Austin said he wants to be noticed by people who can give him a job. They are just in the bb house just to get showcased.

    Joker has made it official that Vanessa is now the official HOH winner. She has James and John the dentist on the chopping block. She is hoping to evict James because she said James is super intelligent and can become the next HOH. She wants her competition out real bad. Her alliance wants Jeff out just because he wants Clay or Shelly out of the house.

    If James or John get off the chopping block by winning the veto then she wants to put Jeff on the block. But I am thinking that if James Judge Ito gets off the block will the players vote out Jeff or John the dentist? I think it would be to their advantage to evict the dentist who makes a lot of money and is not really important to the other players.

    Stupid Vanessa wants to keep James and John on the block. She doesn't realize that James could be saved by an alliance friend. Or one of her alliance group could win the veto and keep them on the block. This is a game of chance and she could lose what she wants done to happen and control the VETO game. She has shown her cards that she doesn't want James in the house and also Jeff. Vanessa alliance could be a shaking alliance and she has shown her cards for people to gossip about in the house. There are no true secrets in the house.

    Becky and John could be creating a true friendship because they were having fun in the bathroom area for a long time.

    We need to see if James has a strong alliance to be able to get him off the block. It will also be fun seeing how Vanessa the poker player handles being the new HOH. Lucy
  7. LucyR.

    LucyR. VIP Whale

    Feb 17, 2012
    Los Angeles,CA.
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    BBAFTERDARK SHOW: I saw a video of Vanessa playing poker on Jokers. She stayed real quiet and never said one word until after she won, Well.... in BB House she has to TALK, TALK, TALK, if she wants to win the money. On BBAD she tried to control that John the dentist should stay on the chopping block but John got out of the block with the help of AUSTIN who wants JEFF out of the house because he wants Liz for himself because Jeff and Liz have gotten too close for Austin's comfort. I don't see how Liz could fall in love with Austin the tall tattoo man.

    Vanessa picked Steve's brain for almost an hour last night. What is really mean of Vanessa is that she doesn't really consider Steve as part of her alliance.
    Then Vanessa was picking Austin brain for information.

    Info from another website said that VANESSA got real angry at Austin for letting John get off the block so John won the VETO. I heard that Meg was upset that the same people are being used as the Pawns. Why don't they use Clay and Shelly as pawns. I also read that lots of people stayed up late to watch the feeds to see any blow ups. It is said that Vanessa started some kind of fight regarding Jeff. Some viewers said it wasn't necessary.

    Vanessa wants to save Audrey because she is part of her alliance that was a secret as far as I am concerned. The logical person to put on the block was Audrey. Audrey is not going to be lasting
    long in the house anyway.
    I also heard that Vanessa was crying later on during the night. I notice that when the gals win the HOH they always end up crying. Shelly cried when she was HOH. Shelly had Clay as a boyfriend so that helped her a lot so she didn't cry much.

    I think Shelly is a better player than Vanessa. Vanessa has to rely on others to give her information. Shelly notices things on her own. Lucy
  8. LucyR.

    LucyR. VIP Whale

    Feb 17, 2012
    Los Angeles,CA.
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I just want to add that I think it is really stupid that Shelly wanted John to stay as a pawn on the block and Vanessa also wanted John to stay as a pawn so James would be voted out.
    They both are stupid to think that the players will save John. John the dentist may be having fun in the house with the other players but he does have an X on his back just because he is a money maker. The players always throw out the people who have money. For example; last season they evicted the gal with the two kids because she owned a super expensive car.
    Vanessa owns a DeLorean car that is very expensive.
  9. northerngirl

    northerngirl High-Roller

    Jul 3, 2007
    Northern Minnesota
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Lucy, just want to thank you for all the information you post regarding the live feeds, etc. It helps knowing what goes on behind th scenes. You definitely are a huge BB fan with good insight. Thanks!
  10. LucyR.

    LucyR. VIP Whale

    Feb 17, 2012
    Los Angeles,CA.
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Hi Northerngirl, I have been a fan since the very beginning of the BB Show years ago. I don't remember all the names or who the winners were. But.... I am retired now and I can check out what is going on in the BB House. I live in Los Angeles so I am able to see BB show on two channels day and night. Some of the Big Brother shows are repeated during the week for people who missed a show. The BBS Shows are boring to watch because I already know what is going on in BB House. I do have a great retired life. I go on cruise ships a lot, I do volunteer work at a animal shelter, I attend lots of parties, I am also taking care of foster kittens for fun, and I have wonderful neighbors to have fun with and NONE OF THEM WATCH BB SHOW. My son said a long time ago that I am a strange bird. LOL. I like to watch people and their behavior. This is why I love the reality shows.

    Vanessa is a lousy HOH because she wants to save Audrey whom she has a secret alliance. She had to make a big stink about Jeff so she would have an excuse to put him on the block. She hasn't done it yet . I heard she cried in the HOH. I have noticed that it is normal for the girls to cry when they become HOH. Vanessa doesn't have any friends. She has an alliance that can drop her anytime they want. I think Austin will get tired of her. Shelly and Clay are happy to be out of the HOH power and are now enjoying themselves.

    We all thought that Shelly and Clay were going to have a Showmance but he told her a long time ago that she was too old for him. Now he wants to call her Momma Shelly. Shelly is so desperate to get Clay to love her that she is not giving up on him. Can you believe she was wearing long black fancy stockings sitting by the Jacuzzi so Clay could keep looking at her? Clay was in the Jacuzzi. He didn't look interested. I am guessing he already has a girlfriend back home.

    I can't stand Vannessa and her voice. She repeats her fears over and over. She tries to see different reasons why it is okay to put Jeff on the block and not Audrey the floater who is wearing a life-jacket loaned by Vanessa only. Everybody else want Audrey gone. Van is going against with what the group wants. That is not good for her. Lucy
    I heard she started a big fight with Jeff just so she could put him on the block.
  11. northerngirl

    northerngirl High-Roller

    Jul 3, 2007
    Northern Minnesota
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Lucy, thanks for a bit of your background. I only started watching BB about four seasons ago....now most of my family are hooked. In fact I know we will be watching BB in Vegas come August. It is always a fun hour break in the room. A cruise is on my bucket list.....sounds like a great life. It is obvious that you are a people watcher as you pick up things that I would have missed.
  12. sybgal

    sybgal VIP Whale

    Apr 19, 2004
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Should be interesting Thursday nite.....several of them keep changing their minds on who they will vote out....Jeff or James. Vanessa & Audrey better watch out.....

    Vanessa was talking the other nite that she thinks she always knew she was gay.....was she possibly living the bi-life? She was previously married to Chad Brown (engaged for a long time then married for several years).....one of the truly good guys in poker. Soon after they split...he got cancer and passed. I read that the divorce was very hard for him....guess he may have found out she was gay. They did remain good friends and she stayed at the hospital with him during many of his treatments...
  13. LucyR.

    LucyR. VIP Whale

    Feb 17, 2012
    Los Angeles,CA.
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I didn't watch BBAAFTERDARK last night because I was busy seeing two other favorite t.v. shows. So I went this morning to read what Jokers has to say. Jeff has been put on the block.

    Jackie told Liz about her experience as a dancer for Vegas impersonators. Plus, how she worked as a dancer for the Miami Heat at the NBA Championship. She worked as a dancer with that team for awhile. The pay wasn't good so she moved on.

    She still works in Vegas as a dancer for impersonators. She enjoys meeting the real singers like Madonna, Cher, Britney Spears, Lady Gaga. The real singers have to approve the impersonators.

    Jackie said her WORST work job was in Mexico when she worked as a dancer for impersonator Cher. The dancers were all angry at the low pay. They quit the show. Most of the dancers are now dancing in Las Vegas.
    I was right about JACKIE just being in the BB House to be SHOWCASED..... That means she wants to be noticed by a talent scout in the entertainment business. She could care less about winning the money. Jackie will not be on VANESSA RADAR since Liz will tell Vanessa that Jackie is just a dancer wanting to be noticed by Hollywood/Vegas. But since Jackie is not part of Van's alliance she will be put on the block when they get a chance. Presently she is considered a floater that will vote with the bb house.

    Will Jackie give Jeff a sympathy vote?
  14. LucyR.

    LucyR. VIP Whale

    Feb 17, 2012
    Los Angeles,CA.
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    BBSHOW AFTER DARK: ....Vanessa was ready to throw farm boy Clay under her bus when he said he may or may not vote out Jeff. He said there was a 90% chance he might keep Jeff.

    Shelly tried to have a talk with Clay about how Jeff had said he wanted to get rid of Shelly and keep Clay to take to the top with him. Shelly got angry about that but Clay just smiled at Shelly and said not to worry about it..... that Jeff was his friend. Clay's face looked very sheepish towards Shelly as if he really doesn't care about her. Shelly can't take the hint that Clay is not really interested in her. Later on Vanessa first confronted Shelly about the 90% that Clay said.... then Clay walks in and Vanessa confronted him about the 90% comment. Then Clay said he would vote out Jeff 1,000 % or more. Vanessa calmed down. I heard that someone called Jeff the Joker card because he is being evicted. Maybe...... hummm.... I think Clay is the card that comes in the box that you throw away.lol. Clay is a goner. He doesn't even know how important it is to keep his alliance happy. He doesn't know how mean and cold the poker player can become towards him if she can't trust him to vote with his alliance. Her Van-bus has snow tires and she will have fun running over the farm boy one of these days. Lucy
  15. LucyR.

    LucyR. VIP Whale

    Feb 17, 2012
    Los Angeles,CA.
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    BB T.V. SHOW July 17th: As soon as I saw that the HOH challenge was about DANCERS. I right away thought it was created for Jackie to win the HOH. I THINK Jackie threw the HOH on purpose. I think she decided to play it safe and not draw attention to herself. I don't think she could handle being HOH without Jeff. She would have been a basket case as HOH.

    I totally dislike seeing Vanessa being part of the power again. I find her very boring. I find Shelly and Clay full of themselves and boring too. Liz is just a small fish in a bowl full of sharks. Plus she has barracuda Austin trying to sink his teeth into Liz or maybe her twisted sister. Some young gals have a hard time saying "NO" to a guy they are not truly interested in as a boyfriend.

    BB AFTER DARK was boring too. I was hoping for other persons to become HOH's. The BB producers better do something about their boring show. I am still waiting for some exciting things to report......but.....DUH..... Lucy
  16. LucyR.

    LucyR. VIP Whale

    Feb 17, 2012
    Los Angeles,CA.
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I have three favorite BIG BROTHER websites. My advise is for you all to go there to read about BB SHOW. I don't plan to come back to report anymore since I am just one person writing.

    Go to Jokersupdates.com, or BBQ Forums Big Brother, or Mortys T.V. Big Brother. Have fun adios amigos, LucyR.
  17. sarah9nascar

    sarah9nascar VIP Whale

    Sep 14, 2008
    Mesquite, Texas
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I use Morty;s but I always come read yours and your perpective on how things are going. I've had lots of trouble getting into this season for some reason. I really don't care about these people so far. I also use on my Iphone Pocket Big Brother. I hope you come back.
    Sema Show
  18. smartone

    smartone VIP Whale

    Jul 17, 2011
    Northern Nevada
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I'm with ya... I've watched most every season and it always takes me a bit to get in the flow of things, but this group I'm still asking my kids what that person's name is? Kind of an "uninteresting" group to me so far.
  19. sarah9nascar

    sarah9nascar VIP Whale

    Sep 14, 2008
    Mesquite, Texas
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Yeah it's so strange this season. I'm usually by this time in the season so wrapped up, I can't get off the internet. This season, I still don't know most of their names yet.
    Sema Show
  20. LucyR.

    LucyR. VIP Whale

    Feb 17, 2012
    Los Angeles,CA.
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    July 26th show: SPOILERS, Plus... future information

    I just learned that Vanessa is taking Adderall which is amphatamines also known as SPEED. BB is giving it to her and I don't know why she needs it. I think this is why she speaks super fast during the After Dark Show. Vanessa shook hands with Jackie that they would never back door eachother . But the gossip is that Jackie may be back doored by Vanessa.
    Austin has been telling lies to Vanessa just to not be put on the chopping block. Clay won the VETO and Vanessa told Austin she was planning to put him on the block but Steve is trying to tell Vanessa that is not a good idea since Austin is part of her alliance. Steve is Vanessa's secret alliance. Steve is teaching Vanessa how to play the game.

    LIZ DOESN'T LOVE AUSTIN. She just wanted to be friends with him. He told Vanessa he just wants to make it to Jury House so when Liz gets evicted he plans to have sex with her. YUCK AND CREEPY. Now Liz is afraid to sleep downstairs and asked Vanessa if she could sleep upstairs with her in the HOH. Vanessa approved it.
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