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Just returned 7/4-7/7 initial thoughts

Discussion in 'Vegas Trip Reports' started by drew42, Jul 8, 2004.

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  1. drew42

    drew42 Tourist

    Aug 3, 2003

    My Trip Report

    First I would like to thank everybody on the boards for there thoughts and ideas.Just arrived back to work. Took the red-eye hopefully some initial thoughts I can spit out as I am sleep deprived.A full trip report will follow after some rest.

    My first visit to Vegas since 1978:

    Crowds-lots & lots of people everywhere all hours of the day and night

    Lots of people smoking, seemed to blow in my face all the time.

    Lots of people drunk, but that is probably why people are smoking.

    blackjack- Can not understand why people would play $ 10per hand with a continous shuffle while next table was was regular shoe also for $10.I wanted to play $5.00 bj first table I found was a single deck 6/5 which I did not want to play.After playing and only getting $6.00 on my bj left table after 10 minutes to play for $10 a hand at better odds which I did for the rest of trip.

    Detailed report to follow as soon as I am more lucid
  2. drew42

    drew42 Tourist

    Aug 3, 2003
    One more thought .I stayed on the strip(Mirage).Was looking forward to seeing downtown.When i got there it just seemed very run down . The lights were cool but I thought every thing else was a dump.
  3. Ay Caramba

    Ay Caramba Sprinkle My Ashes Along LV Blvd

    Feb 10, 2004
    Greenville, SC
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I had this same question a few weeks ago. I posted a topic on the gaming forum here and was surprised to learn that CSM's actually decrease the house edge. Here is the link I was directed to for more information:


    I still can't seem to beat the continuous shuffling machines, though. [​IMG]
    Comped Pearl Jam Tix
    Atlantis with the Fam
  4. Gator5220

    Gator5220 Low-Roller

    Apr 27, 2004
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    From the same Wizard of Odds page is the reason you have trouble beating the CSM.

    "However it must also be stressed that the CSM allows the dealer to deal continuously, increasing the number of hands dealt per hour by about 20%. For the basic strategy player this will result in a greater expected loss on an hourly basis."

    I guess the lower house edge is offset by the increased hands dealt.
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