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Discussion in 'LV Strip Hotels' started by Starz22, Jul 1, 2013.

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  1. Starz22

    Starz22 Low-Roller

    Dec 27, 2012
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I had no issues with the construction going on at what use to be Bill's. The noise was a non issue...walking from Flamingo by Bill's was a non-issue. Cab rides to and from Flamingo was a non-issue...the pool was great...the adult pool was packed but still a fun place to be. The other pools were less crowded and not over ran by kids. service was great.. The only crappy issue I had was the dinner buffet. Not much to rave about for their buffet. The prime rib was great...awesome clam chowder. The shrimp was stuck to the ice...the crab legs were so small and always empty...not worth the price they want for a dinner buffet. Flamingo's breakfast buffet is worth it.You get alot for a cheaper price than Paris...with way shorter lines. Flamingo for breakfast buffet....nothing else.
  2. Terry Benedict

    Terry Benedict VIP Whale

    Jun 27, 2010
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    It's not information, it's opinion. I'm guessing over 90% of the board members have stayed there at least once. And to address your caveat of planning on using the pool creates value, then apparently you agree you agree that it has value when you want to use the pool. I agree some of the rooms could be upgraded, but most do not. As far as the casino goes, I have found winning usually makes a casino fun. Although there are casinos that are fun even if we lose, ALL are fun when we win.
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