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Am I Snob?

Discussion in 'Misc. Vegas Chat' started by egelston2, May 30, 2013.

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  1. egelston2

    egelston2 Low-Roller

    Aug 24, 2007
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I usually logon to the board 5 times a week. As I'm getting closer to a trip to the mecca, I login on a daily basis. While I find the spirit of the board invigorating, I find myself rolling my eyes sometimes when reading TRs or the planned activities for an upcoming trip.

    In particular, I have a hard time relating to why people would travel to Vegas to eat at chains such a CPK, Mon Ami Gabi or the Cheesecake Factory. The effusive praise for these places amaze me. Maybe it is because I live in a major city and I have eaten at these places numerous times, mainly for work, and I do not see what is so attractive about these places.

    I understand that for some that these places are not available where they live and so they want to try it out. Still, I have a hard time relating to the attractiveness of these places and therefore I find myself doing the Rodney Dangerfield eye roll on occasion.

    Does anyone else fine themselves acting in a snobbish manner when it comes to this board? What triggers it?
  2. Joe

    Joe VIP Whale

    Sep 11, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Honestly, until your post, I didn't know Mon Ami was a chain. But after our experience there just trying to get seated, I would never go back.

    We certainly try to go to places that we don't have at home.

    I'll let others decide if you are a snob, but my reaction is no.
  3. Travel Fanatic

    Travel Fanatic The Arbiter of Taste Caviar Kid

    Jul 11, 2010
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I don't think that's snobby. you just want different things form your vacation than what other folks want. Some people like the comfort and ease of food and menus they already know. The kids working the snack bar at the Bellagio usually drop their chins to the counter and wonder why I'm eating dinner there when they see my available express comps. Different things for different people
    Loooong layover on our way to Lake Tahoe
  4. gongoman

    gongoman MIA

    Apr 21, 2012
    Long Beach,In
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Well snobby no...To the point yes..And I love it:beer:
  5. smartone

    smartone VIP Whale

    Jul 17, 2011
    Northern Nevada
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Regarding the chains, many share your sentiments... I don't really because some of the "chains", as you point out, aren't widely available. I LOVE Maggiano's, we don't have one and so going there is still a treat for me. I also eat at lot's of locally recommended places too though... sometimes I love it and other times I don't "get it". Consistency is something people, especially traveling people appreciate. Nobody thinks McDonald's has the best burgers, yet look at the business they do... inexpensive and you know a Big Mac in Vegas will taste just like the one in Seattle.

    On your other point, "snobbishness", I guess I have exposed myself via my posts to be a bit in that category if I'm being honest. I don't want to be, but I don't understand how someone who purports to gamble hundreds or even thousands of dollars during a visit will stand at the bus-stop, instead of jumping in a cab. The whole "frugal vs. cheap" issue has been widely debated on the forum and it brings out the worst in me, so I'll not go there. I'm fortunate that most of my Vegas visits are covered by an association I work for and I often forget the importance of room, food, travel related dollars and how much they can suck away from a visit for most travelers. Every dollar they save on that side is a dollar they can spend on something fun.
  6. VegasGroove

    VegasGroove VIP Whale

    Jul 27, 2009
    3h 45m Away
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I wouldn't call it snobbery. You are just more adventurous in your dining choices and seek out something new, different and exciting. I am the same way. For weeks leading up to my Vegas trips, I am constantly researching restaurants and eateries that are different. I look forward to Westie's Restaurant Review posts every Friday to see what's on the list. I am constantly on Yelp to see what dining places people are posting about.

    On the other hand, some folks like the standards or chains. I like some chains too, but I'd rather try a Nora's or a DW Bistro because they are independent Vegas eateries and are most often hidden gems. I live in Chicago, so chains restaurants are aplenty here. Wherever I travel, I look for the stand-alone places.

    That's the beauty of Vegas, it has something for every palate!
  7. Hogman

    Hogman VIP Whale

    Nov 5, 2008
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    CET 5x Promotion at PH
  8. thecarve

    thecarve Misanthrope

    Aug 24, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Saying, “I won’t eat at a chain restaurant while I’m in a city with some of the best food in the country”, to me, is far from snobbery. Hell, I feel the same way.

    Saying, “How can you people eat at these terrible places and then rave about them?” Well…that’s getting pretty close, IMO.

    I guess it’s just the difference between saying “I know what’s right for ME” and “I know what’s right for YOU”. Different strokes, right?
  9. ken2v

    ken2v This Space For Rent

    Sep 18, 2003
    A nice place
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    You know, I used to get wrapped up in this same thing and then I just figured why and why bother?

    Whether or not someone has Cheesecake in the 'hood, if that's where he/she wants to eat on vacation, then who cares? And if he/she wants to recommend it, perhaps it's a sincere belief. Now I will of course take it in context and make my judgment about their experience set and draw conclusions accordingly, but if it's how they feel, then who cares? If someone's only steak experience is Outback, then by god Outback is the best steakery in Vegas, to him or her. Probably doesn't given that person the context to engage in a meaningful discussion of Vegas' best steak joint, however.

    What gets me are folks who come here looking for a sincere recommendation, or making a sincere recommendation themselves, as to a standout or particularly notable or whatever dining experience -- that old silly thing about the "best fill-in-the-blank" -- and it turns out they eat chicken fingers and pasta with jarred marinara and nothing else. Well that's just a total waste of everyone's time. Doesn't mean they can't or shouldn't enjoy their meal or offer up recs as to marinara and chicken strips. They just need to stay out of the larger discussion, or if they want to play, then they need to be honest about the limited experience set.

    Information is context-dependent.

    Now I understand the comfort argument. But when it gets to a certain point it is a trap, and nothing more. We personally feel life is not best lived being complacent and doing the same old all the time. Others will experience varying mileage.
  10. LucyR.

    LucyR. VIP Whale

    Feb 17, 2012
    Los Angeles,CA.
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Hello egelston2

    I don't think you are a snob. I think you are jaded ..... that means you have been there done that over and over. You don't see nothing special about the chain restaurants because you have been lucky enough to eat at those places many times.

    I live in a small town in California. I have to drive far to get to some of those chain restaurants. So instead I go to eat at the simple places in my town. I don't even
    have a Denny's in my community. So when I go to Vegas I truly enjoy eating at
    Denny's because it reminds me of HOME. I don't go there to save money... I go there to enjoy all of their breakfast goodies for dinner time.

    My favorite Vegas place to eat lunch at is at the Fashion Mall.... The Red Velvet Café
    that has great capuchinos, and all kinds of great salads, grilled sandwiches, and all
    kinds of baked goods.

    Do you have a RED VELVET CAFE in your CITY? If not.... then you are not jaded.lol.
  11. bardolator

    bardolator Lifelong Low Roller

    Mar 30, 2005
    Gig Harbor, WA
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I read about all sorts of activities and dining experiences in trip reports and say to myself, "Think I'll skip that one on my next trip to Vegas." So what? If others enjoy doing those things, good for them.

    As was pointed out in another post, many chains are new to those of us who do not live in Metropolis. And just being a chain does not make a place bad. For most occasions I would eat at Mon Ami Gabi or McCormick & Schmick's before I ate at Nora's. With certain friends and with a great bottle of wine to open, it would be Nora's.

    Nobody except an American Idol candidate goes to Las Vegas to be judged.
  12. Turtleman

    Turtleman VIP Whale

    Apr 8, 2005
    Bradenton, FL
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Snobish? I think that would only apply if you make a big deal out of your preferences, while putting down those with different preferences.

    I know I'm not a food snob; as when home, I much prefer preparing my own meals. After all, I know what I like, the ingredients, how I want it prepared, can drink, since I'm not driving, don't have to fight traffic, put up with stuffy waiters, and of course, avoid the often extravagant bill and tip. The main exceptions are Chinese and the occasional carryout from Arby's or Captain D's. Therefore, eating some meals at chains in Vegas, such as Friday's, is a real treat. And being the basic meat and potatoes type, I can appreciate (and easily afford) nearly everything on their menu. Eating at fancy fru-fru places gives me the creeps, haute cuisine gives me hives, and paying for the whole cow when I only want a steak ... well, that's nuts! Hell, I don't even enjoy "dining" or "cuisine." I like "eating food."

    Sorry, I'm in a rare mood having gotten back from a week in Vegas last night to learn I was excused from jury duty this morning. Whoopee!
  13. ken2v

    ken2v This Space For Rent

    Sep 18, 2003
    A nice place
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Lucy, what is small about Los Angeles???
  14. ken2v

    ken2v This Space For Rent

    Sep 18, 2003
    A nice place
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Personally, I don't buy the small town argument. That's not saying it's not something that exists. It's just something I don't get, and I do live in a small town. How small? We had a Carrow's. It closed. That's it other than McCrap/KFCrap/etc. Small. (We're also blessed with a ton of mom-and-pops across many nationalities and a couple legit table-cloth joints; I think it's the wine country influence.)

    Anyway, so while a place like -- and I'm not singling anyone/any one place out -- Chili's might be found where we're going, there also are gonna be tons of places that are special to that locale and -- now here's the key -- that I ALSO can't get back home, so they're gonna get my business.
  15. egelston2

    egelston2 Low-Roller

    Aug 24, 2007
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I think the question I asked is a reaction to sometimes how I feel after checking out the board. I appreciate that people are sharing there opinions and experiences but sometimes I have a negative reaction (restaurants, extreme couponing etc.). I was wondering if others felt the same way about issues raised on the board.

    My goal is not to dissuade anyone eating at CPK or any other chain but to use it an example of when sometimes I have an adverse reaction to a post. Although one could probably reasonably argue that this post is an attempt to dissuade people from eating at chain restaurants. :nworthy:
  16. Joe

    Joe VIP Whale

    Sep 11, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    By the way, what is CPK?
  17. egelston2

    egelston2 Low-Roller

    Aug 24, 2007
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    California Pizza Kitchen.
  18. Ronoh

    Ronoh Tourist

    Apr 15, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Have to ask if you also roll your eyes when people mention In-n-Out :licklips:
  19. Joe

    Joe VIP Whale

    Sep 11, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    So many family owned, delicious, pizza places here, even if we had one, I wouldn't think about going there for pizza. Unlike Vegas, we have an abundance of mom & pop restaurants in our area.
  20. Ronoh

    Ronoh Tourist

    Apr 15, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Same out here but if you want pizza while in Vegas it's not a terrible option... in the seven years I lived there I never found a "go to" pizza joint. But at least once a year I did have my hometown pizza packed in a cooler and shipped next day ;)
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