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A week at the Palazzo

Discussion in 'Misc. Vegas Chat' started by warpdrvr, Apr 24, 2024.

  1. warpdrvr

    warpdrvr Low-Roller

    Nov 13, 2012
    Corona, CA
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    We just got back this week from a week in Vegas. First time in many years. My wife has 40 years at her company and they gave us an all expenses paid week at Palazzo. Even gave us $6k cash. I played a lot of VP at the Luca Bar at the $1 level and had no issues getting drinks at all. Every now and again the machine spit out a drink ticket I just kept putting them in the cup and when we needed a drink the bartender took a couple. We played mostly at South Point as they seem to still cater to players. We made a trip around the valley over the days and I never found a JoB game at any bartop machine. Is it not a thing anymore? We played mostly DDB and between us hit over $4k. She hit a $2k handpay at SP 4 aces w/kicker. First handpay ever for us. I hit a quarter royal progressive at Santa Fe Station for $1199.xx and a few other assorted hits along the way. I wasn't surprised to see $1 minimums at the bar at Palazzo but was surprised to not see JoB most anywhere... We played a lot of Pai-Gow but nothing to write home about, but I made about $400 on a $10 BJ table at SP. As for Palazzo, very nice but I wouldn't pay that for a room and $40 a day for valet? Nope. Our next trip will definitely be at SP.
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