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As reality sets in desire builds up

Discussion in 'Misc. Vegas Chat' started by Happygirl21, Dec 27, 2013.

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  1. Happygirl21

    Happygirl21 VIP Whale

    Sep 17, 2013
    New Jersey
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Why is it as I realize it will probably be quite sometime before I can get to Vegas again the desire to go is getting overwhelming. I swear that place is like a drug and I am feeling like an addict.

    I took my first trip in May 2010 and my 6th in October this year, I "should be happy" I have been able to go that many times in such a relatively short period of time but instead I am feeling a void.

    Plus my plat status from cet will expire the end of March and that stinks too. This is the first time, in a few years, that I won't have it so I feel like I want to take advantage of the few perks that I can while they are available which is only adding to my lack of LV depression.

    What do you guys do when you know you really just can't go but feel the need? I have plenty of places to go play bj so it's not the gaming I am sooooo desiring. It's just the whole Vegas vibe. :cry:
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2013
  2. Tree DA

    Tree DA High-Roller

    Dec 12, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    There's not much you can do, depending on the circumstance of why you can't go. Come here and read trip reports, maybe? Though I tend to do that leading up to a trip rather than as a way to get some kind of vicarious satisfaction during long absences. I guess I just kind of put it out of my mind. Longest absence I've had in the past 10 years is 12 months. How long are we talking about for you till your next trip?
  3. Happygirl21

    Happygirl21 VIP Whale

    Sep 17, 2013
    New Jersey
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Basically there are 2 main reasons, 1- single mom, daughter is freshman in college (NYU :) ) second I feel I need to take care of a few things that will be positive for me in the long run, so as much as I hate to say it Vegas is not a "priority" but it is a want,lol.

    Usually I do a lot of reading before a trip, so the more I read and visit LV sites the worse I am making it for myself. But the idea of not going is actually depressing me. I know those of you who are Vegas lovers get it.. My friends and family think I am being ridiculous. Plus when I go, I go solo so it's my me time...
  4. bardolator

    bardolator Lifelong Low Roller

    Mar 30, 2005
    Gig Harbor, WA
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I couldn't interpret what you said about being a single mom and having things to take care of, so it's hard to grasp your situation. If money is an issue, I say get the money under control before doing anything else. Part of the depression one feels from not being able to do something one wants to do could actually emanate from another situation that can be addressed. If not money, perhaps something else.

    "Me" time is available anywhere. You just have to take it.

    We're on a Vegas hiatus because we have an old dog that can't be left alone more than overnight. I miss it a lot. Places we can drive to are not the same. So I get that part of your post.
  5. TomTWI

    TomTWI Custom Title

    Jan 28, 2012
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    For me reading this forum just adds fuel to the fire. The more I read about Vegas the more I miss it.


    LV2GAMBLE Certified LOW Roller

    Oct 20, 2012
    Land of 10,000 Lakes
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I agree with you Tom. As much as I love living vicariously through others, the more I read about it, the more I WANT to go...and sooner. I use the forums to hopefully get a 'taste' of Vegas when I'm not there but I think it just does the opposite...it just makes me want to book. But that doesn't stop me from reading and wanting....LOL :beer:

  7. Happygirl21

    Happygirl21 VIP Whale

    Sep 17, 2013
    New Jersey
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I could not agree with you both more. Like I said previously non Vegas lovers just "don't get it". I knew VMB members would/could sympathize and understand:kiss:
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