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Video Poker 5c and 10c single line VP on the strip

Discussion in 'Video Poker' started by WHIVGOYTUBE, Aug 24, 2013.

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    Jun 17, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Time to give everyone a good laugh, but we are serious.

    Most of our play happens at night. However, during the day we like a little diversion of micro cheap VP.

    We are talking 5c and 10c single line VP. $50 bankroll is the limit for the day play.

    I checked VPfree2 and the only solution I see is the LVH. We have played there before with the cheap VP in the sports book area, and that is fine.

    What works with the LVH is easy access, no hassle to get to. With a $5 monorail pass each way ($10 roundtrip), it makes for cheap transportation compared to a $50 bankroll playing full coin VP.

    Yet, we like a little variety of location and do not want to do the LVH everyday.


    So the question is, are there any places on the strip that have single line 5c and 10c VP?

    The $50 daytime bankroll will not make it on 25c VP full coin.

    We will have DUCE / SDX buses, so it does not matter where on the strip it is.


    Saw the Tropicana on VPfree2 has 5c VP, but it is on a 50 or 100 play game.
    I know you can play it single line, but we REFUSE TO DO THAT!

    That is a VP crime in itself, to hog a 50/100 play VP game, for single line play while others are waiting to play the game the way it was intended to. :grrr:

    So easy access via Monorail, Duce, or SDX for the strip are please.

    Last we have no desire to go downtown or off strip sites for we do not want to spend a ton of time on the bus to get there, thanks! :thumbsup:
  2. tringlomane

    tringlomane STP Addicted Beer Snob

    Jan 21, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    If you insist on great paytables, then yeah, your choices are somewhat limited. Unfortunately they have had a phase of downgrades since my last visit so I don't know if they still exist (I'll find out in two weeks :beer:), but Casino Royale had 6 Game Kings near the back of the casino that offered 98.91% Deuces and 7/5 Super Aces (98.85%), I think, for either 5 or 10c.

    If you are less concerned about paytables, you can play one line on STP units, or All Star Poker units that offer STP which many casinos offer at the 5c level. Best units I've found are at the Quad and PHo with 7/5 Bonus (98.01%; 98.29% w/STP). The saving of the monorail pass by going to any of these locations is well worth the paytable reduction unless your playing for more than a couple of hours on nickels. A 1% paytable reduction would require 4000 hands of play to have an expected additional loss of that $10 monorail roundtrip. A 2% paytable reduction, 2000 hands, obviously.

    VP PLAYER Tourist

    Jun 24, 2012
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Easy answer

    My partner loves those machines and found the best in town at
    Gold Coast. They have 1 and 5 cent machines with 5 coin one line bets. You can play hours on a twenty spot.

    Have fun
  4. VegasDave

    VegasDave Addicted

    Mar 25, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Definitely a good idea to limit your day play, I may be making more envelopes.
  5. dbueler

    dbueler High-Roller

    Jul 31, 2007
    Hannibal Mo
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    The Flamingo has a bank of single line nickel machines with progressives, however they are 10 coin machines, so a $.50 bet per hand max. They are in a circle near the poker room. They are almost always full.

    I've never played them and don't know the paytables, but am sure they are pretty short pay. but since they are progressives, they are very popular.

    Nearby, there are also several STP machines 3-5-10 play for 1 cent, 2 cent, nickel, and dime. To bet max takes alot of coins, but you can choose your own bet per line. These are also very popular and I see alot of people playing penny STP on them. I've only played them in nickles and the Royal is the full 4000 coins if you only bet 5 per line plus 1 coin for the STP, not sure about pennies.

    While you didn't mention it, the drink waitresses really work this area hard. I usually already have a fountain soda with me and they still stop and ask if I'd like a drink at least 4-5x per hour. I'm playing quarter single or multi-line but they are bringing the drinks just as quickly to those playing penny or nickels!
  6. numeno

    numeno VIP Whale

    Feb 18, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    If you don't care at all about paytables, family members just try and find the multi hand machines 10/50/100 play often have many of the low denominations. Most often they are looking for penny machines so they go to the 100 play and just play 10 lines.
  7. tringlomane

    tringlomane STP Addicted Beer Snob

    Jan 21, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    The penny denomination also requires a 25c bet per line (30c w/STP) for a full 800 for 1 royal payout. So I will play the 50/100 play units instead (if I can get on them).
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