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I’m clueless…can you help me choose and iPad?

Discussion in 'Non-Vegas Chat' started by thecarve, Jun 21, 2012.

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  1. thecarve

    thecarve Misanthrope

    Aug 24, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Okay, I’m not a big gadget guy and I’m pretty clueless about most things tech. But, the iPad looks like it might be fun having around. So, I’m hoping some of the tech savvy amongst you can help me out.

    As far as storage: can I compare the amount I will need with the amount that my iPhone is using? That is, will X number of songs/photos/apps take up the same amount of space on an iPad as they will on an iPhone? Also, I have no video downloaded on my iPhone. I assume that requires much more space than a similar amount of audio. Is there any sort of “rule of thumb” I can figure on when comparing the requirements of a movie vs. music? (Can I just figure that an hour of video will require X times the amount of space as an hour of audio?)

    Also, I can’t really think of a reason that I’d need one with cellular service. Wifi at home…wifi at work…wifi at friends/sister/parents/on the plane/in the hotels etc. Is there some really compelling reason – that for some reason is escaping me – for me to get one with the 4G?

    Many thanks! :thumbsup:
  2. keno

    keno obsessed with countdown timers

    Mar 27, 2005
    Bay Area, CA
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    the iPad has a fixed amount of storage for each device, it's easy enough to see which one works for you by looking at the music/video files you want to put on the device. If you have 32GB of music/video on your computer that you want on your iPad, you'll need at least 32GB available on your iPad. Now, if you get a 32GB ipad, some of that memory is used for iOS and other apps that come on the device (plus any apps that you download on to it), so if you want an actual 32GB of music/video on the device, you'll need to get a bigger unit.

    I have a 32GB iPad with WiFi and 3G. I do need the 3G sometimes, but I also use my iPad for work daily, showing of some applications on it and using it for my corporate email and the like, so I always need to have an internet connection for my iPad. That said, I rarely use the 3G, I can find WiFi most anywhere and the rare times it doesn't work out, I turn on the 3G service. My wife has had an iPad since the day it came out, and she's only had the WiFi one and it's been fine. She now has the new iPad with Retina Display, it's very very nice.

    Also, you can store some of your music/video in the cloud so you don't need to take all the space on your iPad. You can download it from the cloud when you want to listen/watch to content.

    I haven't given you a good rule of thumb, but estimate how much music/video you actually have and want to put on the iPad and go from there. I have over 120GB of music and 500GB of video on my computer, but still only have a 32GB ipad. I just don't need all of that with me all the time. But, with iCloud, I have access to all of it to download at a moments notice if there is some weird song I suddenly have an itch to listen to.
  3. tapakip

    tapakip Low-Roller

    Sep 10, 2007
    South of Boston
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    32GB wifi iPad is what you want. I'm too lazy to rehash all the details, but for your situation, it's exactly what you need/want.
  4. hammie

    hammie VIP Whale

    Sep 18, 2006
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I occasionally use techbargains.com to check prices, Apple is running a sale on refurbished 16 GB iPad II's for $319, wifi. They also have 32 GB's for $399.

    FYI, Tiger direct is also selling a Samsung PC that looks well equipped for $349.
  5. Sonya

    Sonya Queen of VMB

    Nov 28, 1999
    Western Washington
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I'd love an iPad, but not enough people are hitting that donate button. :wink2: I do have a Kindle Fire that has the WiFi and I find that is usually enough. However, when I'm not within WiFi range and want to look up something, it makes me wish I had 3G. It happens enough that we decided we want the 3G when we get a tablet.

    Last time I was able to drive around a bit and find a WiFi I could jump onto, but it would have been nice to just have the 3G connection when I needed it without having to take the time to hunt for WiFi.
  6. Auggie

    Auggie Dovahkiin

    Jan 8, 2009
    Burnaby, BC
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    With this stuff we have to talk averages and "in most cases" because it does depend on things like quality and length... IE: a 20 minute song set at the highest quality settings for an MP3 is going to be massive compared to a 3 minute song converted to MP3 at the lowest possible settings)

    So with that said:

    Typically MP3 files, what most music is stored at although there are other formats, are around 3.5 to 4 MB in size

    With video it usually works out around 300-400 MB in size for each hour of video.

    Apps we can't really say: it all depends on the app as they can run from 1 MB to 100 MB. Just depends what you use - an app for "Farkle" might use up 2 MB worth of space, where an app for a graphic intensive game with lots of features might be 90+ MB.

    With all that said, iPads list their memory in terms of GB (Gigabytes) and how it works is 1,000 MB (Megabytes) equals 1 GB (its actually 1024 MB = 1 GB but we don't need to be 100% accurate here).

    So if you have a 32 GB iPad you can figure you should have at least 30 GB of free space on the thing when you buy it so with that much room you could store a lot of stuff. You could have:
    - 15 movies
    - 100 apps and games
    - 10 episodes of your favorite TV series
    - 2000 songs
    - 1000 photos

    So if you had all that on your iPad you would still only be using up about two thirds of the storage space available.
  7. thecarve

    thecarve Misanthrope

    Aug 24, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Great stuff, guys. Very much appreciated.

    Keno/Auggie – thanks for the details. I very much appreciate you both spelling it out for me.

    Sonya – thanks for making me doubt the one thing I thought I knew. :poke: Of course, if I do go that route, I’ll be back with a whole new batch of data plan related questions.:rolleyes2:

    Slow day at work and I’ve been trying to do a little research here and there. I’ll probably check in later with more questions. Thanks again!
  8. travelfiend

    travelfiend High-Roller

    Jan 28, 2012
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Hey Carve,
    I have had my iPad 2 for about a year and absolutely love it. And that is coming from a dedicated PC guy. I suspect my next home computer will be a MAC of some kind. Here are details on mine, might help you. Oh yeah, my company bought this for me in lieu of pay raise last year.
    16 GB model
    14 GB available
    448 songs
    4 videos
    30 pictures
    89 applications
    7.8 GB memory free

    One of my coworkers pays $20 month for the 3G but I am to cheap for that. Plus in last year, I can only recall 4-5 times needing it because a wifi hotspot was nearby.

    I also use iPad as eReader, love downloading Ebooks for free from my local library and of course visiting VMB and reading and posting as I am doing right now. :D
  9. jr7110

    jr7110 VIP Whale

    Jan 13, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Just as an FYI the data plan is about $25 a month but there is no contract as there is with an iphone - you can turn on the data when you need it (the months you are traveling) and just use the ipad with wifi the rest of the time.

    If you think you might need it, it is good to go for that option because you cannot upgrade an ipad's memory or 3G capability.
  10. numeno

    numeno VIP Whale

    Feb 18, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I'll assume your phone is a 16GB model or at least you only use about that much. In which case I would suggest doubling that to the 32GB model.

    I actually don't think you NEED 32GB, it just allows for a lot more flexibility and some insurance. People do deal with whatever space they have, so 16GB will work. You just may end up a few times where you really wished to have a little more.

    On 3G. If you have a smartphone, don't get the 3g option. If there ever comes a time where you end up wanting mobile data, simply call up your phone company and enable tethering for a month. The ONLY downside of this is you use your phone battery. Just be sure to cancel the tethering before the next month.

    If it ends up that you really use a lot of 3G data, then you know your next device should have one built in.
  11. JillyFromPhilly

    JillyFromPhilly Tourist

    Oct 14, 2011
    Gwynedd Valley, PA
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Love Love Love my iPad!!!

    It all just boils down to how much music, movies & apps you use [Hell, I've got more than 16G of apps on mine, not even counting my music & movies] - so I'd recommend going with the largest size storage you can afford - If you're anything like me, you'll wind up using more space than you'd imagined - and then, given that you don't appear to anticipate using it places that don't have wifi, possibly make up a bit for the cost of the extra storage space by going for the wifi-only version if you have to.
  12. wigwam_salesman

    wigwam_salesman VIP Whale

    Aug 30, 2011
    Manchester, United Kingdom
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    iPad 3 hd apps are a lot larger than non retina apps. I have several games that take up 1.5 gigabytes each. The size increase depends on the number of images used but all retina apps are affected. I would definitely not get a 16gb iPad 3 and I sometimes wish I had more than 64gb.
  13. chess

    chess VIP Whale

    Feb 22, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    dont waste your money on the 3g one.....
  14. Sonya

    Sonya Queen of VMB

    Nov 28, 1999
    Western Washington
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I didn't mean to add to the confusion. I was just sharing why we decided we wanted 3G on the tablet we buy. If you're around good WiFi 99% of the time, you won't need it.
  15. smartone

    smartone VIP Whale

    Jul 17, 2011
    Northern Nevada
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I ALWAYS get the "biggest & baddest", so I've now upgraded to the "3" and have the 64gb with wi/fi and 4G, but ONLY because work pays for it. I'm a pretty solid user , but still have like 52gb available! I almost NEVER use the 4G as we have wi/fi at work, home, hotel and airport. The 4G has rarely been used, but it's been nice on the couple occasions when I couldn't figure out how to connect to wi/fi (Denver Airport).

    I agree with the poster that stated... 32gb wi/fi is what you need.
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