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Coronavirus / COVID-19 Information

Discussion in 'Coronavirus in Las Vegas' started by Sonya, Feb 27, 2020.

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  1. Sonya

    Sonya Queen of VMB

    Nov 28, 1999
    Western Washington
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Nevada COVID-19 updates for 9/3:

    Test positivity (note, w/ 7-day lag) is slightly up: 12.26% (+0.04%)
    Hospitalizations are fluctuating but up: 1,133 (+7)
    Cases are fluctuating but up: 1,148 (+17)

    Clark County cases are slightly up: 634 (+7)
    Washoe County cases are slightly down: 295 (-2)


    Coronavirus Contextualized, 56th Edition:

    Southern Nevada Health District Has Breakthrough Case Data:

    The SNHD has put together a web page for Breakthrough Case Data.

    You can find the information here - https://covid.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/cases/breakthrough/


    This graphic shows the percentage of cases that are breakthrough cases by month:

    June: 11.59%
    July: 15.71%
    August: 17.43%
    Sep. (so far): 0%

    From the link above, you can also look at individual reports. They breakdown the demographics of vaccinated and unvaccinated cases, hospitalizations and deaths. They also have information on the underlying medical conditions of those who were hospitalized or died.



    It's a lot of data and information on a topic we haven't seen a lot of data on so far. This is a great thing. Please go take a look around if you're a data nerd like myself. :)

    Bottom line, you're a lot better off being vaccinated in Nevada than you are to be unvaccinated.

    Experts Asking People Traveling for Labor Day Weekend to "Mitigate Your Risk"

    The Share Of U.S. Adults Willing To Get Vaccinated Ticks Up

    Study of Long Term Effects of COVID-19 Infection:

    There is a new study out that takes an interesting look at the long term effects people infected with COVID-19 are reporting.

    You can find the study here - https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-95565-8

    And this graphic is loaded with information from the study:


    You may need to click on the link to see the full sized image to read all the "fine print".

    That's it for me this week. Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend, whatever you're doing. I am not sure if we'll get numbers for Nevada on Monday or not, but if we do, I'll post them here.
    • Like Like x 2
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  2. Sonya

    Sonya Queen of VMB

    Nov 28, 1999
    Western Washington
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Nevada COVID-19 updates for 9/7:

    Test positivity (note, w/ 7-day lag) is slightly down: 12.26% (-0.04%)
    Hospitalizations are fluctuating but up: 1,133 (+48)
    Cases are fluctuating but down: 1,027 (-121)

    Clark County cases are down: 589 (-45)
    Washoe County cases are down: 273 (-20)

    *(+XX) reflects change since Friday



    Pediatric COVID-19 Cases Are Surging, Pushing Hospitals—and Health Care Workers—to Their Breaking Points

    None of this needed to happen. We have science and data that show we know how to control this virus. We need to be getting as many people vaccinated as possible. We need to wear masks when indoors around other people. We may need to mask up outdoors as well, when in a large crowd.

    Vegas Valley Doctors Urge Their Patients: Get Your Children Vaccinated:

    Long time Vegas reporter and author John L Smith did a piece this weekend for NVIndy about the Ivermectin/Horse Dewormer "cure". He says it so much better than I ever could.

    Amid COVID Confusion, Horse Dewormer Isn't All That's In Short Supply:

    One in 5,000: The Real Chances of a Breakthrough Infection:

    Why I Trust the Data:

    • Informative Informative x 3
  3. Sonya

    Sonya Queen of VMB

    Nov 28, 1999
    Western Washington
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Nevada COVID-19 updates for 9/8:

    Test positivity (note, w/ 7-day lag) is slightly down: 12.30% (+0.05%)
    Hospitalizations are fluctuating but down: 1,137 (-44)
    Cases are fluctuating but down: 1,026 (-1)

    Clark County cases are down: 589 (-34)
    Washoe County cases are down: 256 (-17)


    And checking in with the CDC County Data for this past week to see the status of the mask mandate:


    Clark County is still listed as High.



    As you can see, the case rate per 100k population is now down to 182.03. Clark County needs that number down below 50 for two consecutive weeks, before the mask mandate is lifted.

    Children Make Up More Than 25% of Weekly COVID Cases, Pediatricians Say:

    • Informative Informative x 2
  4. Sonya

    Sonya Queen of VMB

    Nov 28, 1999
    Western Washington
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Nevada COVID-19 updates for 9/9:

    Test positivity (note, w/ 7-day lag) is fluctuating but down: 12.19% (-0.11%)
    Hospitalizations are fluctuating but down: 1,137 (-22)
    Cases are fluctuating but down: 1,023 (-3)

    Clark County cases are down: 539 (-16)
    Washoe County cases are back up: 274 (+18)


    I'm happy to see Clark County's numbers continue their downward trend. We'll have to see if they continue to go down, because 539 cases per day is still pretty high.

    How Delta's Remarkable Ability to Spread Threw New Twists Into the Pandemic:

    LVRJ has an article about the Mu Variant:

    I didn't put the headline on here because it's not really representative of the story. It makes it sound like the variant is growing in Nevada, but a few paragraphs in, they stay it hasn't been detected in 30 days in a Reno Lab.

    It's still worth a read because there is a lot of good information about the different variants.

    Please reread (or read) this kicker. This is our problem in the US right now. The solution is to get everyone who can get a vaccine to get them.

    “We’ve got a bad situation here, because we’ve got a lot of unvaccinated people that can serve as replication entities for the virus, which drives mutation,” he said. ”Yes, vaccinated people can do the same thing, but they do it slower and for a shorter amount of time.”

    With many people unvaccinated, the virus continues to rapidly evolve and the pandemic to linger, Pandori said. Constraints on normal living remain.

    “There’s a lot of variants because we’re creating them,” he said “And as long as we continue to create these variants, we’re going to continue to live the lives that we currently live.”

    It's shameful that this is a problem and the reality is in the end of this article. As long as people remain unvaccinated and continue to create new variants, we are going to continue to have mask mandates and all the other restrictions, along with needless illness and death. We have surpassed 40 million cases and 650,000 deaths in the US from this virus. At some point, we need to start taking this seriously, and I mean ALL of us. This is not a political issue, it's a public health issue.

    And related,

    White House Releases Vaccination Mandate Plan:

    You can read the plan here - https://www.whitehouse.gov/covidplan/

    Basically it requires vaccines or weekly testing for employees in healthcare at facilities that accept Medicare/Medicaid, as well as employers with over 100 employees. Federal Executive Branch employees and contractors that do business with the Federal Government will be required to be vaccinated, with no testing option. It was also moved to double fines for not wearing a mask on airplanes or on federal property. The new OSH Act rule will also require employers give time off for employees to get vaccinated.

    Here's an Associated Press article if you don't want to wade through the actual guidance.

    And one more...

    Vaccination Mandates are an American Tradition:

    Last edited: Sep 9, 2021
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  5. Sonya

    Sonya Queen of VMB

    Nov 28, 1999
    Western Washington
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Nevada COVID-19 updates for 9/10:

    Test positivity (note, w/ 7-day lag) is fluctuating but up: 12.19% (+0.05%)
    Hospitalizations are fluctuating but down: 1,105 (-10)
    Cases are fluctuating but up: 1,044 (+21)

    Clark County cases are up slightly: 547 (+8)
    Washoe County cases are up: 279 (+5)


    Coronavirus Contextualized, 58th Edition:

    Doctors Explain the Persistent Loss of Taste and Smell some COVID Patients are Experiencing:

    Please take care of yourself this weekend if you're feeling some trauma fatigue around COVID and the 9/11 Annniversary.

    COVID-19 Trauma Complicates the 9/11 'Anniversary Effect':

    If you need help, please reach out. You can call the Suicide Hotline at 800-273-8255, or go to their website - https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/

    This isn't exactly COVID related, but it is extremely exciting news for mRNA technology. 19 of 20 mice in this study treated with "the four-component mixture had complete tumor regression."

    BioNTech Reports Promising Data on mRNA Cocktail in Mouse Models of Colon Cancer and Melanoma

    You can find the study here - https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/scitranslmed.abc7804

    And the Human Trial can be found here - https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03871348

    I want to end this week by talking about a piece of hate mail I got last night.

    The whole email was mostly a rant about the new vaccine mandate plan and something about tyranny and freedom and what an awful bitch I am for posting about it. I would like to address a few of the issues brought up, partially because this isn't the first email I've received like this, but also because I think this is an important issue.

    Vaccine mandates are not new. We have had them for centuries in this country, in fact a Supreme Court case on their constitutionality was decided in 1905 (Jacobson v. Massachusetts).

    In 2019, my state (and as far as I know. all the other states) required vaccines for children to enroll in school - MMR, Polio, Chickenpox, TDap and Hepatitis B. To serve in the military, you are mandated to get 17 different vaccinations. George Washington mandated vaccines for troops when smallpox was spreading. It's not authoritarianism or a violation of the constitution. It's public health.

    In addition, if you really don't want to get the vaccine, nobody is forcing you. There are options. If your employer requires them, you can find another job that doesn't. And under the guidelines provided by the White House yesterday, you have the option to provide a weekly negative COVID test. So much unnecessary pearl clutching is going on.

    The person who sent the email asked: "Why do you care if I get the vaccine or not?"

    I don't want anyone to get sick with this virus and I really don't want anyone to die, especially when we have highly effective and safe vaccines available for free.

    I understand the argument that you should be able to make decisions about your health for yourself. But your decision not to take the vaccine doesn't stop with you. Your decision affects all of us.

    Not getting vaccinated keeps you at risk of getting and spreading the virus. When the virus spreads, it mutates, creating more transmissible and more dangerous versions of the virus that gets spread to others, creating more mutations and more illness.

    When we have spikes like the one we are seeing right now, hospitals are full of unvaccinated people with COVID. This means that there isn't availability of staff and resources for things like cancer surgery, car accidents, heart attacks, etc.

    When we have spikes like the one we are having now, things get shut down, or capacity limits are put in place. Mask mandates crop up in places like casinos because unvaccinated people didn't follow the CDC guidance to wear masks in public places. Schools are forced to close when outbreaks occur and that's not good for children, education or parents.

    And high levels of transmission put people like myself, with immune system issues, at a much higher risk. Cancer patients, organ transplant patients, people with lowered immune systems due to medications, etc. are all at risk because of the unvaccinated. I did everything that was asked of me. I did the right thing, but I'm back to curbside pickup at the grocery store and staying home as much as I can because you can't be bothered to do what is best for public health.

    Pandemics sicken and kill a lot of people. According to the NYT, 657,770 have died so far in the United States, 1,579 yesterday alone. As we look back at 9/11, when the world mourned the loss of 3.000 people, it's kind of ironic that nobody seems to care that we're losing that many people every two days in this country. Over 550 deaths from COVID in Florida and Texas yesterday alone.

    Our country is only 54% fully vaccinated, despite the wide availability of a free vaccine. Nobody under 12 is eligible, leaving all children at risk. But even among eligible people, only 63% are fully vaccinated.

    Public health doesn't exist in a vacuum. Your decision makes things harder for all of us. Get your vaccine and we can end this stupid pandemic and get back to living our lives and bickering about stupid things like resort fees and 6:5 blackjack. The longer we remain at these terrible rates of vaccination, the longer this pandemic continues, and the more likely we are to create a variant that evades the vaccine and puts us all back to square one.

    Some people saw a political advantage to make this a culture war issue, sending people to fish tank cleaner and animal dewormer instead of the proven and effective vaccines. Stop it. We could be like Denmark right now if we weren't so stupid in this country. Denmark has reached 80% vaccination rates and have dropped their COVID restrictions and are returning to normal again. We could too if that 30% or so of the country would just get vaccinated.


    Oh, and also, don't send me hate mail. I haven't done anything to deserve your abuse.

    Have a good weekend everyone! Enjoy the last of summer weather if you still have it.
    • Agree Agree x 14
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  6. Sonya

    Sonya Queen of VMB

    Nov 28, 1999
    Western Washington
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Nevada COVID-19 updates for 9/13:

    Test positivity (note, w/ 7-day lag) is fluctuating but up: 11.28% (+0.01%)
    Hospitalizations are fluctuating but up: 1,120 (+15)
    Cases are fluctuating but up: 1,225 (+181)

    Clark County cases are up: 583 (+36)
    Washoe County cases are up: 279 (+100)

    *(+XX) reflects change since Friday

    A caveat with these numbers: Whenever there is a holiday (Labor Day, in this case) it messes up the seven-day averages for a bit, so that may be playing into the case number increase a bit here. Tomorrow will give us a better sense of where things are at.

    There are also other reasons the numbers are weird around holidays, including lab delays, people just not voluntarily seeking testing because they're off doing things, etc. etc. So always best to look at numbers around a holiday with a bit of caution.


    Vaccine Mandates Crash Into America's 'Don't Tell Me What To Do' State:

    And on a related note, Megan Messerly had a piece this weekend about small businesses wondering about mandates:

    To Mandate or Not to Mandate:

    Kernels of Truth Mixed with Misinformation Keep Some Away From Vaccinations:

    US Could Authorize Pfizer COVID Vaccine for 5-11 Year Olds in October:

    The US Surpassed 41 Million Cases this weekend:

    Increasing another million in 6 days this time.

    The stories about rationing of healthcare in low vaccination areas of the country continue.

    Idaho Patients in Hospital Halls Amid COVID Rationed Care:

    And people who didn't take the virus seriously continue to die from the virus.

    California Couple Dies of COVID, Leaving Five Kids, Including a Newborn, Behind:

    • Informative Informative x 2
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  7. Sonya

    Sonya Queen of VMB

    Nov 28, 1999
    Western Washington
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Oopsie.. forgot one.

    Westgate and Resorts World Announced Employee Vaccine Mandates:

    • Informative Informative x 3
  8. Sonya

    Sonya Queen of VMB

    Nov 28, 1999
    Western Washington
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Nevada COVID-19 updates for 9/14:

    Test positivity (note, w/ 7-day lag) is fluctuating but up: 11.49% (+0.25%)
    Hospitalizations are fluctuating but down: 1,095 (-25)
    Cases are fluctuating but down: 1,203 (-22)

    Clark County cases are up: 587 (+4)
    Washoe County cases are up: 300 (+29)


    County By County Mask Mandate Data:

    Clark County remains at the High Level. All counties in Nevada are at High or Substantial Risk and all will have a mask mandate.



    Clark County's case numbers per 100k population continues to decline. But it is still way above the limit of 50 cases per 100k to lift the mask mandate.


    Their Crisis is Our Problem: Washington Grapples with Idaho's Problem:

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  9. Sonya

    Sonya Queen of VMB

    Nov 28, 1999
    Western Washington
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Nevada COVID-19 updates for 9/15:

    Test positivity (note, w/ 7-day lag) is fluctuating but down: 11.47% (-0.03%)
    Hospitalizations are fluctuating but down: 1,090 (-5)
    Cases are fluctuating but down: 1,146 (-57)

    Clark County cases are down: 583 (-4)
    Washoe County cases are up: 304 (+4)


    The Nevada Health Association Put Out This Announcement:


    Here are two stories about the booster shots, specifically Pfizer.

    New Pfizer Data Makes Case for Booster Shots:

    FDA Sounds Skeptical Note on Pfizer Booster Ahead of Vote:

    We will know more after the FDA Meeting on Friday.

    COVID-19 Has Killed 1 in 500 Americans:

    A week or two ago there was a tiny article in a Photo journal about how a few vendors, including major ones, had cancelled their participation at NAB. Today we got this article:

    National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) Cancels 2021 Convention:


    This is a big financial loss for Las Vegas. Hopefully they can get COVID under control so there won't be more cancellations.
    • Informative Informative x 4
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  10. Sonya

    Sonya Queen of VMB

    Nov 28, 1999
    Western Washington
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Nevada COVID-19 updates for 9/16:

    Test positivity (note, w/ 7-day lag) is fluctuating but down: 11.40% (-0.07%)
    Hospitalizations are fluctuating but down: 1,073 (-17)
    Cases are fluctuating but up: 1,198 (+52)

    Clark County cases are up: 632 (+49)
    Washoe County cases are down: 292 (-12)


    Have COVID-19 Misinformation Reached Crisis Levels in Clark County?

    You can find the proposed resolution here - https://clark.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=9811967&GUID=87D8B173-3775-406C-86F1-9A62EBCF7432

    The Nevada Department of Agriculture Wants You To Not Take Animal Dewormer to Treat a Virus:


    Just use common sense and logic with these "cures". Why would any kind of medication for parasites do anything for a viral infection? SPOILER: It won't.

    Rapid Tests Should Play a Larger Role in the COVID-19 Plan:

    This has been a personal beef of mine for the last 18 months. I have no idea why testing isn't easier and more readily available.

    James Hamblin is a physician and public health lecturer at Yale and has written this wonderful and thoughtful piece. Although it's on his Facebook blog thingie, I have to share it here.

    The Two Ways COVID Ends:

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  11. Sonya

    Sonya Queen of VMB

    Nov 28, 1999
    Western Washington
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Nevada COVID-19 updates for 9/17:

    Test positivity (note, w/ 7-day lag) is fluctuating but down: 11.31% (-0.10%)
    Hospitalizations are fluctuating but down: 1,037 (-36)
    Cases are fluctuating but down: 1,172 (-26)

    Clark County cases are down: 615 (-17)
    Washoe County cases are down: 280 (-12)


    Coronavirus Contextualized, 59th Edition:

    Case numbers are fluctuating, but remain high.
    Nevada ranks 30th among the 50 states for percentage of its population fully vaccinated at just under 50%.
    140 new deaths this week, up from 116 last week. One in 452 Nevadans has died from COVID-19.

    FDA Advisory Panel Met Today To Vote on Booster Shots for Americans:

    They do not recommend boosters for all people over 16 years old. They did unanimously recommend them for those over age 65 or at high-risk due to comorbidities. Not included in this article, but in coverage elsewhere, they also suggested that people who have high exposure in their jobs get a booster. I assume this will be healthcare workers, but not sure if grocery store or restaurant workers will be included. This article indicates that those guidelines will probably come from the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.

    Here is a little more info from a different article:

    Speaking of vaccines, you all are going to get your Flu Shot right? It's time. Typically it is recommended that you get the flu vaccine in September or October. Certainly by the end of October. I usually get one for my birthday. :)

    CDC Study On Vaccine Efficacy:

    Moderna was the "winner" at 93%, but Pfizer at 88% and Johnson & Johnson at 71% are also highly effective.

    Vaccine Mandates are working to increase vaccination rates:

    Here are some places that implemented a vaccine mandate and the resulting changes:

    United Airlines went from 59% to 90% vaccinated in 6 weeks

    Department of Defense went from 76% to 89% in 3 weeks

    Louisiana State University went from 63% to 81% with a month left to get vaccinated under their mandate

    Fox News, Rutgers University and Kaiser Permanente are all at 90% or above.

    Vaccine mandates work.
    • Like Like x 5
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  12. Sonya

    Sonya Queen of VMB

    Nov 28, 1999
    Western Washington
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Nevada COVID-19 updates for 9/20:

    Test positivity (note, w/ 7-day lag) is fluctuating but down: 11.25% (-0.06%)
    Hospitalizations are down: 1,004 (-33)
    Cases are fluctuating but down: 1,065 (-107)

    Clark County cases are down: 522 (-93)
    Washoe County cases are slightly down: 279 (-1)

    *(+XX) reflects change since Friday


    And HUGE Congratulations to Megan Messerly who won the Nevada Press Association award, First Place for Health News Story.

    Pfizer Reports Robust Response and No Serious Safety Issues for Vaccine for 5-11 Year Old Children:

    Now we wait for a FDA Emergency Use Authorization for this age group.

    Winter is Coming Again, What to Expect From COVID Season:

    • Like Like x 6
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  13. Sonya

    Sonya Queen of VMB

    Nov 28, 1999
    Western Washington
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Nevada COVID-19 updates for 9/21:

    Test positivity (note, w/ 7-day lag) is fluctuating but slightly up: 11.29% (+0.07%)
    Hospitalizations are slightly up: 1,007 (+3)
    Cases are fluctuating but down: 1,048 (-17)

    Clark County cases are slightly up: 530 (+8)
    Washoe County cases are down: 260 (-19)


    Clark County remains at High Risk.

    All counties in Nevada are currently at High Risk, per the CDC and all will maintain their indoor mask mandates.



    Last week, Clark County was at 168.88 cases per 100k population. This week they are at 161.20, which is somewhat down, but not close to being under 50, which is required for the end of mask mandates indoors.

    Johnson & Johnson Says Additional Dose Boosts COVID Vaccine Efficacy:

    Plans to Ease International Travel Restrictions Welcome News in Las Vegas:

    Vaccine Mandates Work

    Few Health Workers Actually Quit over Vaccine Mandate:

    Only 65 out of 33,000 healthcare workers (0.19%) in Maine have quit their jobs over a statewide vaccine mandate announced for healthcare workers last month.

    Ed Yong, so worth a read. :)

    Six Rules that Will Define Our Second Pandemic Winter:

    I thought this part was important to highlight. It answers those questions I was discussing recently about the reports about huge numbers of breakthrough cases. I was looking for a quick way to sum it up, but I like theirs - Denominators matter. :)

    In July, after a COVID-19 outbreak in Provincetown, Massachusetts, a Washington Post headline noted that three-quarters of the people infected were vaccinated. Throughout the summer, many stories have reported similar figures, always with the same alarming undercurrent: If vaccines are working, how could vaccinated people make up such a large proportion of an outbreak?

    The answer is simple: They can if they make up a large proportion of a population. Even though vaccinated people have much lower odds of getting sick than unvaccinated people, they’ll make up a sizable fraction of infections, hospitalizations, and deaths if there are more of them around.

    Let’s work through some numbers. Assume, first, that vaccines are 60 percent effective at preventing symptomatic infections. (There’s a lot of conflicting information about this, but the exact number doesn’t affect this exercise much.) Vaccinated people are still less likely to get infected, but as their proportion of the community rises, so does the percentage of infections occurring among them. If 20 percent of people are fully vaccinated, they’ll account for 9 percent of infections; meanwhile, the 80 percent of the population that’s unvaccinated will account for 91 percent. Now flip that. If only 20 percent of people are unvaccinated, there will be fewer infections overall. But vaccinated people, who are now in the majority, will account for most of those infections—62 percent.

    That is why this particular statistic—the proportion of vaccinated people in a given outbreak—is so deeply misleading. “The better the vaccine uptake, the scarier this number will seem,” wrote Lucy D’Agostino McGowan, a statistician at Wake Forest University. By extension, the safer communities become, the more it will seem like the sky is falling—if we continue focusing on the wrong statistics.

    “If you’re trying to decide on getting vaccinated, you don’t want to look at the percentage of sick people who were vaccinated,” McGowan wrote. “You want to look at the percentage of people who were vaccinated and got sick.”

    Note percentage. In July, an NBC News article stated that “At Least 125,000 Fully Vaccinated Americans Have Tested Positive” for the coronavirus. In isolation, that’s an alarming number. But it represented just 0.08 percent of the 165 million people who were fully vaccinated at the time. More recently, Duke University reported that 349 students had tested positive in a single week—a figure that represents just 2.5 percent of the more than 14,000 students who were tested. The denominator matters.

    The denominators in these calculations also change, dragging the numerators higher along with them. As surges grow, so too will the number of infected people, which means the number of breakthrough infections will also grow.
    • Informative Informative x 4
  14. Sonya

    Sonya Queen of VMB

    Nov 28, 1999
    Western Washington
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Nevada COVID-19 updates for 9/22:

    Test positivity (note, w/ 7-day lag) is fluctuating but down: 11.12% (-0.15%)
    Hospitalizations are down: 986 (-21)
    Cases are down: 1,016 (-32)

    Clark County cases are down: 511 (-19)
    Washoe County cases are down: 249 (-11)

    And this finally happened...


    Nevada has reached 50% of the population fully vaccinated.


    That's it for me today. Short on time.
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  15. Sonya

    Sonya Queen of VMB

    Nov 28, 1999
    Western Washington
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Nevada COVID-19 updates for 9/23:

    Test positivity (note, w/ 7-day lag) is down: 11.09% (-0.03%)
    Hospitalizations are down: 961 (-25)
    Cases are down: 956 (-60)

    Clark County cases are down: 479 (-32)
    Washoe County cases are down: 235 (-14)


    The downward trend continues. *knocks on wood* *rubs rabbit foot*

    FDA Authorizes Pfizer Booster for Older and At-Risk Groups:

    Nothing is finalized yet though. We're going to have to wait a bit longer for the plan and full approval by the CDC. Hopefully soon. Maybe today.

    Here's another article on the same topic...

    Advisory Committee Recommends Wide Swath of Americans Be Offered COVID Boosters:

    So, it sounds like anyone over 65 will be eligible. People over 50 with high-risk factors will be eligible. It does not sound like people in jobs that put them at a high exposure risk (healthcare workers, retail, grocery workers, etc) will be eligible, based on this particular recommendation, but we'll have to wait for the final plan to be released.

    No, Vaccinated People Are Not ‘Just as Likely’ to Spread the Coronavirus as Unvaccinated People

    Clark County Declares COVID Misinformation a Public Health Crisis:

    You can view the resolution here: https://clark.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=9811967&GUID=87D8B173-3775-406C-86F1-9A62EBCF7432


    Please note that there's no violation of First Amendment rights here. There's no punishment or infringement of the ability to spread misinformation. It just declares that there is a problem with misinformation, highlighting some of the false claims, and says they should do what is necessary to combat that misinformation as it is a threat to the health and safety of county residents.
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  16. Sonya

    Sonya Queen of VMB

    Nov 28, 1999
    Western Washington
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Nevada COVID-19 updates for 9/24:

    Test positivity (note, w/ 7-day lag) is down: 10.95% (-0.16%)
    Hospitalizations are down: 922 (-39)
    Cases are down: 913 (-43)

    Clark County cases are down: 463 (-16)
    Washoe County cases are barely up: 236 (+1)


    Coronavirus Contextualized, 60th Edition:

    Flight Attendants Beg for Help to Deal with "Air Rage"

    Please don't be one of these people. Do what is required of you and don't make trouble for employees trying to make your trip to Vegas safe.

    The Idaho Capital Sun has an interesting piece on COVID Misinformation. Worth a read by everyone so you're aware of how this misinformation works. Nobody is immune from it. It's easy to fall into the confirmation bias trap.

    Idaho Needs Media Literacy to Combat COVID Misinformation:

    Who Will Get a Booster Shot:


    That's it for me this week. Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the fall colors if they are happening in your area.
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  17. Sonya

    Sonya Queen of VMB

    Nov 28, 1999
    Western Washington
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Nevada COVID-19 updates for 9/27:

    Test positivity (note, w/ 7-day lag) is down: 10.61% (-0.34%)
    Hospitalizations are down: 899 (-23)
    Cases are down: 880 (-33)

    Clark County cases are down: 442 (-21)
    Washoe County cases are down: 216 (-20)
    (+XX) reflects change since Friday


    These numbers are continuing in the right direction. I am looking forward to seeing the CDC County numbers tomorrow to see how they are doing against the mask mandate criteria.

    COVID Booster Shot Campaign Launches in Nevada:

    On Friday, Southern Nevada Health District issued this statement:


    Today, they released this one, as they are starting to offer boosters tomorrow in Clark County:


    This doesn't answer the question of Should I Get a Booster Shot? Ultimately what will get us out of this pandemic is everyone getting the first round of vaccines. Please do your part. However, there are certain segments of the population at higher risk of the Delta and other variants.

    If you look at that CDC verbiage in the bullet list in the statement above, you'll see that the second two groups "MAY" get the vacccine, but whether or not it's medically necessary is undecided.

    James Hamblin has a good post about this.

    Should You Boost?

    TL;DR - The short story is that there are 4 categories of people here:
    • People 65 and older, and residents in long-term care settings
    • 50–64 with underlying medical conditions
    This group "should" get the Pfizer vaccine booster. They are the groups that data shows are at higher risk than others and could use the extra antibodies. It is widely agreed upon that these groups should be getting a booster.
    • 18–49 with underlying medical conditions (same expansive list) may receive a booster shot
    • 18-64 who are at increased risk for COVID-19 exposure and transmission because of occupational or institutional setting may receive a booster
    This group "may" get the Pfizer vaccine booster. There is some evidence that they may benefit from a booster, but there is not enough data to say it's necessary.

    James Hamblin says:

    Ultimately, if you’re in the “may” category, the best advice I can give is not to stress over this decision. And as a community, our focus still belongs on helping unvaccinated people get their first doses.

    If you feel like you are in that second set of groups and you would feel better getting a booster, go ahead. But if you're on the fence or not inclined to do it, it's totally fine to wait a while or see what the next set of recommendations are that come out when we have more data.

    In today's No Duh news...

    Schools With Mask Mandates See Fewer Outbreaks:

    How America Fell to 36th - We are falling behind on vaccines:

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  18. Sonya

    Sonya Queen of VMB

    Nov 28, 1999
    Western Washington
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Nevada COVID-19 updates for 9/28:

    Test positivity (note, w/ 7-day lag) is down: 10.48% (-0.13%)
    Hospitalizations are down: 897 (-2)
    Cases are down: 833 (-47)

    Clark County cases are down: 434 (-8)
    Washoe County cases are down: 214 (-2)


    September 28, 2021 CDC Update:

    Clark County Remains at High Risk:


    Last Week Clark County was at 161.20 cases per 100k population, this week it is at 142.85, which is down, but not close to being under 50, which is required for the end of mask mandates indoors.


    Making progress, but the mask mandate remains in effect.

    Side Effects from Third Pfizer Shot, Same to Second Dose:

    Early data suggests the 3rd Pfizer dose has similar side effects to the second.

    If you're curious about whether or not you are eligible for getting a booster now, my state's Health Department posted this today:

    65 years and older?
    50-64 and at high risk of severe illness from COVID-19?
    Live in a long-term care facility?

    If you answered yes to any of the above, AND you got your second dose of the Pfizer vaccine in January, February, or March, you are now eligible for a booster shot.


    And to end today, a bit of optimistic news.

    Don't Bet Against Vegas:

    • Informative Informative x 2
  19. Sonya

    Sonya Queen of VMB

    Nov 28, 1999
    Western Washington
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Nevada COVID-19 updates for 9/29:

    Test positivity (note, w/ 7-day lag) is down: 10.37% (-0.1%)
    Hospitalizations are down: 889 (-8)
    Cases are down: 830 (-3)

    Clark County cases are slightly up (amid what appears to be a downward trend): 450 (+16)
    Washoe County cases are down: 202 (-12)

    • Informative Informative x 3
  20. Sonya

    Sonya Queen of VMB

    Nov 28, 1999
    Western Washington
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Nevada COVID-19 updates for 9/30:

    Test positivity (note, w/ 7-day lag) is down: 10.26% (-0.11%)
    Hospitalizations are up amid a downward trend: 922 (+33)
    Cases are slightly up amid a downward trend: 830 (+12)

    Clark County cases are slightly up again: 468 (+18)
    Washoe County cases are down: 188 (-14)


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