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Table Games Craps - Is pressing worth it?

Discussion in 'Table Games' started by Here2Learn, Feb 19, 2020.

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  1. romeocasido

    romeocasido High-Roller

    May 19, 2017
    san francisco, ca
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    My wording is debatable but I like to get my money out of there and only starting pressing when I'm playing with "house" money.

    So if the 6 or 8 hits I collect and that's my money back plus some. The second time it hits I press. I'm not too greedy so i really only keep it to one press and collect after that.

    I've come to the realization that in craps there's no winning strategy, there are just strategies that make you feel good. When someone described playing with house money as "making the casino work to chase it's own money", I instantly adopted the mindset. It's a flawed philosophy but it makes me feel good, and I don't feel as bad about losing it. In reality it's not house money, it's money i rightfully won and belongs to me
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  2. PressThe5n9

    PressThe5n9 Dice, Dice, and more Dice

    Dec 30, 2018
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I like that saying. I try to go in the casino and come back out with my bankroll intact after several hours of table time. Granted I want to win, but it’s not always going to happen. When I am able to use the house’s money against them and increase bets I’m going to do it. If I can leverage my single $6 bet into $24 of their money in an attempt to make more from it, you better believe I’m going to try! At some point I’m going to recoup my initial bet off the table and find a stopping point that lets me collect a return. If I start out with a smaller session bankroll then I will take a lower stopping point as opposed to maybe letting bets press until black chips. What have I lost if I’ve already taken my bet back and using their chips to leverage the potential for more?
  3. jimbondo

    jimbondo Tourist

    Nov 19, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Depends on the shooter I watch them for two or three rolls make my decision and start placing bets always push
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. bubbakitty

    bubbakitty Doing retirement again and happily so....

    Feb 17, 2003
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I usually bet 30$ 6&8. If it hits 2x each that’s 35$ x 4 for 140$ less 60$ invested for 80$ profit if it ends.

    I’ve also pressed after 2 hits (one each or two on either the 6 or 8) up to 60$ on the 6&8 and 10$ profit thus far. 2 more hits gives me 140$ (4 hits total) + 10$ earlier profit less 60$ invested = 90$ profit. Not much different from the first example.

    I often try to just maintain the bankroll for one big run. And i hightail it out—- until the next time.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Electroguy563

    Electroguy563 Vegas Joker

    Apr 26, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Amen to that. As far as the OP question goes, yes. But press responsibly. Always pull back some. That turtle necked sports coat wearing craps expert called it "Up and pull". Press but take some profits back.

    I just got back from Vegas. If you asked me Monday night if pressing is worth it I'd say HELL YESSSS!!!!

    If you asked me last night I will still say yes. But not as enthusiastically, lol!! How much you lose is the key to a savvy player.

    Money management, disciplined pressing, and being keen to trends will help the craps player win at this game. But it's still gambling and variance has a way of sneaking up on you before you know it. Nothing is worse than a choppy table which happenes to be the most common condition at craps. When the variance is in your favor, swing for the fences because these trends are far and few in between.

    Just enjoy the ride and know that at times you will win and most times you will not.

    That's why my signature says "You gotta know when to save your bullets".
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. andyg99

    andyg99 VIP Whale

    Jul 9, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    A while back I was watching someone's craps "strategy" on YouTube - according to him it was a very good strategy "as long as you could avoid rolling a 7 early on"... WTF?

    craps: it's about having fun, it's about making lots of money, it's about making a few small bets and trying to win enough for a "free" buffet... it's basically all of the above, to each their own...
    Vegas Trip #57 Stones!
    Vegas Trip #58
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. jayperiodsmith

    jayperiodsmith Low-Roller

    Jul 27, 2007
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I use to be on the fence with this one, and not press...but after speaking to a bunch of dealers, I am pressing bets usually. After a few rolls, I might take some profit...As someone else stated, I am trying to hang in there until someone goes on a heater and then make a dash to the exits. ;)
  8. Hard6n8

    Hard6n8 MIA

    Feb 13, 2020
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    At times, I let the dealer "run the show". Now, I have to know them, and they need to know me. But, they know the score since they stand there day after day.
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  9. Patman

    Patman VIP Whale

    Apr 24, 2016
    BC Canada
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I'm usually pass line with odds and inside. I always collect a few (how many depends on how it has been going). I will then press a few. I think it should be noted that when I press I press the full bet (as opposed to those who go up a unit. I find this to be my happy medium to being for being able to benefit from a good roll and not lose as much. I've seen too many player just keep pressing and just lose all their money even though there were some moderately good rolls. I think it depends on your risk tolerance. The more you press the more your risk, but the more your potential win (or loss).
  10. Chuck2009x

    Chuck2009x VIP Whale

    Apr 5, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I tend to not press much, because I like to play for at least a few hours per session. But it's the only way to make a killing at craps.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  11. pressitagain

    pressitagain VIP Whale

    Aug 15, 2013
    Toronto, Canada
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I think it’s all about your starting wager (comfort level) and most importantly bankroll that should determine when and how you should press your bets.

    I’m not trying to figure out when the best time to press bets is....so I always press.

    My ‘VMB handle’ says it all....
    • Love Love x 2
  12. FuzzyDiceCraps

    FuzzyDiceCraps VIP Whale

    Jul 6, 2015
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Chuck's right on. You won't make much money (relative to your buy in) if you aren't pressing. At the same time, you're always going to lose your biggest bets and a lot of series you'll find even though there were a bunch of numbers hit you aren't making any $$ because you need repeaters to actually come out ahead.

    Personally, I do the 'take and press' system. First time a number hits, I take the winnings, then I press on the second. Although I do switch it up from time to time, this is the general approach I take.
    Taking the wife to a work conference
  13. woodsie

    woodsie VIP Whale

    Jan 19, 2012
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    There is no universal answer of "worth it" beyond the simple fact that none of the bets are worth it. They are all negative expected return including the odds bets since they don't exist without a pass / don't bet.

    Once you get past that, pressing strategies are all about the kind of action that YOU personally want. Pressing creates the opportunity for big wins on hot rolls with a small initial budget. You'll never flat bet your way to a $5k win at table minimum but I've won that much pressing a $10 and $12 bets all the way up to as high as $1500 (it took 13 rolls of "Six" to get there). Of course, that kind of action comes with a cost as more money in play means a higher expected loss any way you want to slice it and regardless of where those chips came from prior to placing that bet.
  14. woodsie

    woodsie VIP Whale

    Jan 19, 2012
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    It doesn't change the house advantage in % terms but pressing puts more money in play which increases the house advantage in $ terms. In that sense, it absolutely makes a difference in the long run. People who press will spend more money gambling than people who flat bet the same initial wager indefinitely.

    I agree with you on the point regarding variance.
  15. Dr Nostron

    Dr Nostron VIP Whale

    Jul 12, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I treat each shooter individually - once I have my money back on a shooter - I start pressing one taking one
  16. rm22

    rm22 Gym Junkie

    Aug 20, 2018
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Hey I'm one of those $100 or $200 players. I play bec it's fun. If I win or leave with w.what I came in with im content.

    Separately, I press if I know there is a good roller rolling.
  17. rm22

    rm22 Gym Junkie

    Aug 20, 2018
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I've mentioned before that I tend to wait until a roller has made about 4 rolls before I put anything down. I only play the pass line on my roll and will put money on the line below the pass line for the point # if the roller is good. I sometimes forget about my own betting while I'm rolling too but since I was the only roller this morning, I was paying attention to what #s I was hitting and pressed the 8 3x. I don't always play 6 and 8. I watch what #s have come up and follow those.
  18. AyDee

    AyDee is getting too old for this

    Jan 20, 2019
    City Of Angels
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Big fan of take one, press one,
    or if it's a palm sweat moment when it gets up there maybe "press one unit", take one, press more.
    I get shook when I go from my usual favored $5 min to $15 min, double odds, tons of numbers out. Looking at the money out there makes me worried about losing all of them.
    I tend to not press enough IMO, but it depends on the roll. I'm also trying to enjoy the game for hours.

    eg: Last trip I witnessed an epic roll at a cosmo $15 min table, I thought I'd play a few minutes and be busted, but right when I showed up, the shooter killed it for maybe 20+ minutes, and on top of that, his GF rolled almost as hot for maybe another 10.
    I maybe tripled up, but around now, I'm wondering what could have been if I went mad aggro press/parlay.. Though I do feel that I have learned what happens when you do that and it doesn't work out..

    Last edited: Feb 20, 2020
  19. rm22

    rm22 Gym Junkie

    Aug 20, 2018
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Thats what i said i do as well, watch for about 4 rolls and start playing.
  20. Hard6n8

    Hard6n8 MIA

    Feb 13, 2020
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    You're missing out on four opportunities to make money. Dice dont care who is throwing them, how they are thrown, or what time it is. That 7 can be thrown on the 5th roll, as easily as any other.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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