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Extra CET Reward Credits given

Discussion in 'Comps' started by tyro16jeff, Jan 6, 2020.

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  1. tyro16jeff

    tyro16jeff Tourist

    Jul 13, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    So since I was in Vegas last week I decided I would participate in the crappy Quest for Rewards promo :goofy:. As I'm completing my circle of casinos I enter the Linq and sit a the Cash Wheel machine. As I'm playing I notice the machine has this timer that increases every time I spin. My neighbor got it first, and I noticed he got a chance to spin the wheel on his screen (not the Cash wheel but the Promo wheel on the small screen that displays the Tier score). He got 1,000 Reward credits. So I'm thinking this is a pretty neat promo. Especially since my machine seems to be on a hot streak. I got the wheel 5 times while sitting there, and the highest amount I ever got was 250. I wondered if it is because I am a Diamond (I just want an excuse to feel cheated that I couldn't get more than my neighbor after having all of those spins).

    I went back the next day to the exact same machine thinking that they would still have the Reward Credit Promo, but it didn't happen. So does anyone know if that was just a New Years thing that the Linq did, or do they do something like that sporadically?
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