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Michael Jackson One Seats

Discussion in 'Shows & Entertainment' started by Tahoejoe2, Jun 19, 2016.

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  1. Tahoejoe2

    Tahoejoe2 VIP Whale

    Dec 8, 2010
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I don't see much difference "view wise" between the E seats and the D seats?
    Price difference is big. $75 to $108. These prices are from the MB web site.
    Any cheaper place to get tickets?
  2. tringlomane

    tringlomane STP Addicted Beer Snob

    Jan 21, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    We took the Es. They are definitely not great seats, but we still had an okay view of the show. Moving up a few rows the Ds won't be worth it. If you can move half-way closer to the stage with the $108 tickets then maybe. As for big discounts, I think we got 15% off for going to the late show which makes the E $75. This show is still hot! And silly me thought it would become a myVegas reward...

    I personally enjoyed the show in April 2015 from this view with 20/20 corrected vision.


    Won a Package in the PENN Play Millionaire Social Drawing!
  3. IM ALL IN

    IM ALL IN High-Roller

    Aug 3, 2015
    Vancouver BC
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    MBay is my home base so have been lucky enough to get comped seats in the golden circle the last 6 times I've seen the show. (different people come down and I happen to REALLY ENJOY THE AERIALIST, who does his thing to Stranger in Moscow close to the beginning of the show). I like an aisle if I can request it (a little claustro) and you also get to see the "Thriller costumes up close in the aisle."..When I go to a show at a NON-comped venue, I spend the money and buy usually first or second best seats. I tell myself,,,I can throw an extra HUNDRED in a slot machine in a minute or two, so buck up Mamma and enjoy the show!
  4. chantellevegas

    chantellevegas Low-Roller

    Dec 22, 2015
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    With most cirque show, there isn't really a "bad" seat in the house, but I found for MJ One, the seats in the back, or off to the sides were not great. If it's a difference of $20 a ticket to move to the next category, I would do it. You can also pick your own seats on their website so that's a plus. Try to get centre row for this show.
  5. dbueler

    dbueler High-Roller

    Jul 31, 2007
    Hannibal Mo
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I agree that center is very important for this show. I've sat very close (3rd/4th row) and also mid-way back and I GREATLY preferred the mid-way back. This isn't nearly as great a show up close, although true the costume details are amazing. I had a very difficult time "taking it all in" sitting very close, I was looking up all the time, felt like I missed a lot even tho it was the third time I'd seen it. If I were paying for seats and wanted the best possible view, it would definitely be mid-way back (and I would prefer further back over closer) center.

    This one is hands-down my favorite show in Vegas. Enjoy!
  6. IM ALL IN

    IM ALL IN High-Roller

    Aug 3, 2015
    Vancouver BC
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Yah I wouldn't sit 3.4 row for MJ. (6 times) There's so much to take in..I'm an 8 or 9 or 11 row person, but if I can get my host to put me an aisle seat..good. I brought down (well I actually got their suites but they paid the rest) I also comped 6 sons/boys bros to the show couple years back on their way to EDC. When I picked up the tix for them I noticed they were like on the wall...I panicked, freaked out at my host, (THE ONE TIME or two I BRING THE GANG AND I HAVE TIX ON THE WALL?????? he said it was a mistake)...Got center basically I remember row 11? or 8? And then, host basically had an extra ticket, so I had to go see it AGAIN Damn. Anything to see the Aerialist do Stranger in Moscow. If you are a woman, watching the aerialist do his thing...omg. and you've got flakes flying down...ok I'll shut up.
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