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Goodbye, Vegas: a 5 Day Farewell from the Cosmopolitan

Discussion in 'Vegas Trip Reports' started by rezmike, Jun 22, 2015.

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  1. rezmike

    rezmike Tourist

    Sep 21, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:

    My Trip Report

    I’m typing this from a hotel room in New Orleans. My wife has just left on a plane back home, leaving me here for two days. From there, I’m headed straight to Vegas to meet three Canadians, two Australians, and hopefully a sea otter. None of this was planned.

    I’ve been to Vegas 7 times now. As I get older (now well into my mid-twenties), I’ve noticed myself having to re-focus my financial priorities onto more important areas; specifically, my beautiful wife of 6 months. While she has gone with me on more than a few Vegas trips and is herself an avid slot player, I know that she (and I) would rather us focus our vacation time and money towards places we haven’t yet seen. She would never say this and is always extremely supportive of my Vegas addiction, but I also find myself having trouble justifying the costs in my head to keep going. I can’t in good conscience keep spending money to fly out there when we’re looking to start a family, buy a house, and other more responsible, less fun things.

    Maybe if things change in the future, a buddy’s bachelor party, or if I end up being a long lost illegitimate son of Beejay, I’ll make my way back. But for all intents and purposes, I’m planning this trip as a goodbye to Vegas.

    So, I blew the dust off my Sterling Identity card and made a quick reservation for 3 nights. Right after, I contacted five college buddies to help me. If I was going out, I was going to need some pallbearers. Three of them had never been before and two had only low-rolled it a couple times. I was able to use an offer to cover Thursday and my Sterling night for Saturday, leaving only Friday to be paid for. All six of us met through college and were in the same fraternity, so we’ve no problem sleeping asses to elbows in a room. I got us a 2 queen studio terrace that should easily sleep two to a bed, one on the couch, and one on a cot.

    The plan was simple: Bottle service at Drai’s Thursday night, Cabana at Marquee Friday, followed by Omnia that night, finishing up with a Saturday night at Marquee. Between those events would be scattered bouts of heavy gambling, drinking, and debauchery. We’d all wake up Sunday morning (hopefully), and never speak of it again.

    Slowly, the plan started to change. Now with two days until I’m set to touch down, I’m still scrambling to finalize and re-arrange events to salvage what was supposed to be one last send-off.
  2. Royal Flusher

    Royal Flusher Savvy Gambler

    Feb 18, 2008
    Flusherville, Canada
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I love your setup.

    But I have to say, I would rather be V-whipped than P-whipped. Vegas is my mistress!!!!!

    ;) :beer:

    (Just bustin' yer balls a bit, when you have family priorities, you have to take care of them first, I get that.)
  3. rezmike

    rezmike Tourist

    Sep 21, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    My mistake is introducing my mistress to my wife! I was hoping they'd meet each other, maybe a spark between them pops up, next thing you know... :wink2:

    I guess with all mistresses, my guilty conscious just won't let me keep visiting her. In reality, I should've just chosen a cheaper mistress. Maybe Laughlin? haha
  4. billyinpg

    billyinpg Low-Roller

    Mar 7, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    And then comes C-whipped, I am so happy my kids are grown now. The Children whipped phase is long enough to be torture. LOL
  5. rezmike

    rezmike Tourist

    Sep 21, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    By March, the trip was all set. The flight was booked. The room was locked. The hosts had been contacted and after some surprisingly anxiety-inducing negotiations, the tables had been reserved. Apparently, clubs aren’t chomping at the bit to get six dudes into the club. Who knew?

    My wife has taught me to be more of a planner, so I broke down the costs per person on a google sheet, started a facebook group, and began posting regularly to make sure everyone was up to speed on logistics and costs. Naturally, I received zero feedback. Short of a couple “likes”, the facebook page was quiet, which was good. I don’t need a bunch of opinions on where we should go and suggestions that go against the plan. We’re not going to Dick’s Last Resort instead of Wicked Spoon. We’re not moving to the Airport Las Vegas La Quinta. The only input I need from the guys is their crumpled money to cover their end of the split. Since a lot of the expenses will be on my card, I’m anticipating using the guys’ money to act as my bankroll. This helps me avoid ATM fees and keep my checking account from going on tilt with withdrawals.

    Now March, April, and May go by without a word of protest. The first week of June, everything falls apart. The first guy bows out, saying he didn’t realize how expensive it would be. Another, because of work. One by one, they’re dropping like flies and all I can do is watch the per person costs rise and rise. By the time it’s all said and done, it’s me and two other guys- the ones who have already been. Our costs have now doubled and I’m worried the two would soon drop without some major adjustments. I’m going to need to cut costs in a big way, fast.

    The room price can’t be lowered, since two of the three are already comped. And really, this is the cheapest of the expenses. After a fair amount of talk with the hosts, I’m able to negotiate the minimums down to be easier to swallow between three guys. The cabana becomes a daybed, and with 3 open spots for the club and pool, our hope is to try and recruit some people from the general admission line to jump in last minute and help chip in.

    If everything goes right, these changes should still allow us to live it up between the three of us and still have a decent bankroll to gamble one last time in sin city.

    That was the hope, until my boss asked to speak with me.
  6. ecanem

    ecanem Tourist

    Mar 29, 2012
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Loving the story. We're headed out on Thursday and some people complained about the costs considering 8 guys and 2 nights of bottle service but anyone who wanted to come was told up front how much they would be on the hook for.
  7. BayouBengal

    BayouBengal VIP Whale

    Jan 1, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    In the same boat as you with the GF. She loves her some Vegas now. She's the one always throwing out the idea to drive a few hours over the border to the casinos in Louisiana. She's found a new love for downtown Vegas too. Maybe soon we will mix it up with a combo downtown and strip stay.
  8. tringlomane

    tringlomane STP Addicted Beer Snob

    Jan 21, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Great start keep it up!
  9. Jameezy

    Jameezy RIP Riviera

    Jul 6, 2012
    San Diego, California
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Very good start
  10. NYNYGirl

    NYNYGirl VIP Whale

    Jun 21, 2007
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Can't wait to hear the rest...
  11. rezmike

    rezmike Tourist

    Sep 21, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Budgeting is a big part of my trips to Vegas. I try to sock away some cash pretty regularly and let it build up over time. A couple twenties here and there, plus the occasional hundo starts to add up by the time I get serious on going back to Vegas. Part of that comes from my dad, who always keeps a wad of hundreds in his drawer. He’s not one of those armageddon survivalists who believes banks are run by lizard people, he just likes having some walking around money.

    The other part is really trying to run Vegas as a cash only vacation. I’ve had friends get their cards lost or run up while they’re blacked out. If all I’m worth is what I’ve got in the billfold, the more comfortable I am getting around Vegas.

    It had been a year since I’d last been to Vegas, so my bankroll had slowly grown to a comfortable amount. After budgeting for tips, food, cabs, and the club-side of the trip, I was still left with a comfortable daily gambling stash.

    “What are you doing the last week of June?”
    My boss is extremely good about keeping me up to date on conferences and professional events. So, when the opportunity to go to New Orleans comes up, I can’t pass it up. Even though that means a big hit on my bankroll, and a bigger hit on my liver. I quickly switch my flight to go straight to Vegas from New Orleans a day earlier than planned, which works out better because my beloved Blackhawks have secured the Stanley Cup and will be in town for the NHL Awards on Wednesday.

    The wife is able to come down for the weekend to New Orleans with me and we have a great time strolling through Bourbon Street, checking out the WW2 museum, and doing an airboat swamp tour. However, she soon leaves Monday, and I’m now here trying to avoid the temptation of blowing my entire trip’s bankroll on the hand grenades and other attractions, namely the Harrah’s right down the street.

    I had sworn I wouldn’t play at all before Vegas, but $250 down later, this time I mean it for sure. $100 through various slots that the lady and I like to play for the bonuses and $100 through a bitch of a blackjack table. I should’ve known when I pushed three times in a row with 20’s that the table was no good. If I was playing solo, I might’ve gotten up sooner just out of a bad feeling from the dealer, but when I’m with people I feel compelled not to be as ADD and flighty when I get superstitious. Does anyone else feel like this? I’m almost always right when I get that feeling, but I don’t want to seem flaky, I guess.

    The last $50 was slowly dropped at the craps table, where the only good shooter was a heavily tatted man with a Chicago Bulls shirt on. He bought in for $801 and had this weird finger snap ritual before rolling the dice. If only he had hit his hardways, that blackjack table wouldn’t be haunting me now.

    Taking into account the New Orleans detour, I had to try and reduce the cost of the trip. Another vegas forum, more geared towards night clubs, has a pretty active group and I was able to find some people around the same time that would share on the table and daybed. If that ends up falling through, we have plans to rescue a couple ladies from the general admission line and see if they want to chip in.

    This will most likely be the last big post before I land in Vegas, aside from a PPhold-style list of goals. I don’t anticipate being able to have the fine motor skills to type as much as I have thus far. I know that the trip reports I enjoy the most are very heavy with pictures, so I’m going to download the Tap-a-talk app and get it going. Anyone know how to blur faces on that thing?
  12. rezmike

    rezmike Tourist

    Sep 21, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:

    Testing this tapatalk app
  13. Jordan

    Jordan Caveman

    Sep 20, 2013
    Halifax, Canada
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Awesome start so far fella...looks like we are going to have opposite trips....I can't fucking wait to land and get as much cash in play as possible....I have 13 hours of missed gambling to make up for!!!!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Check that last post....Actually, I can't wait to take off!!!


    Dec 17, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Wife...house...kids...... Welcome to the world of being a responsible adult. Seriously, with a little bit of savvy, and an understanding wife, you can have both worlds...don't write off Vegas just yet. Have a great trip.
  15. Royal Flusher

    Royal Flusher Savvy Gambler

    Feb 18, 2008
    Flusherville, Canada
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Just squint.


    Really looking forward to your report! :beer:
  16. rezmike

    rezmike Tourist

    Sep 21, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Alright, at the terminal in New Orleans- weather looks dreary, but hopefully nothing to cause delays. TSA Pre got me past gen. pop. real quick.

    In other news, I am struggling today. Don't know if it was the beignets, the smell of Bourbon Street, or what, but I feel like death. Worked through a Monster rehab, a cup of coffee, 4 waters, and a small fry to hopefully hold me over. It's a good thing the guys don't come in until tomorrow, I should be able to get away with a low-key night tonight to recharge. I also need to do laundry, so I'll post a detailed review of the Cosmo's laundry service. Much anticipated, I'm sure.

    Goals for the Trip
    1. Gold Status at Cosmo
    2. Try a Verbena
    3. Use my 2for1 Wicked Spoon
    4. Turn $25 freeplay into a handpay
    5. Group picture with popeye at the Wynn
    6. Check out the SLS, snag a chip
    7. Hit a firebet
    8. Find as many NHL'ers in Vegas as possible, bonus points for goalies, triple points for Blackhawks.
  17. kittyglitter_mm

    kittyglitter_mm Low-Roller

    May 30, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    For goal no. 8 hang out at the Wynn. I was in town during this time last year and there were a bunch there. I didn't know one from the other, but there were a lot.
  18. rezmike

    rezmike Tourist

    Sep 21, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:

    Let's do this!
  19. tringlomane

    tringlomane STP Addicted Beer Snob

    Jan 21, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Nhl awards downgraded to MGM Grand this year. I'd look there.

    Good luck!
  20. rezmike

    rezmike Tourist

    Sep 21, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:

    My flight pretty much summed up- slept most of the way, woke up to a pack of ritz crackers on my crotch. Flight attendant's got my back lol
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