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MyVegas Any experience with sold out rooms when calling?

Discussion in 'MyVegas' started by MisplacedTexan, Apr 15, 2015.

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  1. MisplacedTexan

    MisplacedTexan Low-Roller

    Oct 24, 2007
    Springville, Utah
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    We're toying with the idea of cashing in some LPs for our upcoming stay to extend one night on the Strip. The problem is our traveling companions can't get off the pot on whether or not they can swing it. My fear is I'll spend my non-refundable LPs on a room then wait so long that rooms are sold out on the date we need. I could always book another date down the road, but I'd rather not.

    Any thoughts or advice? I guess I could try calling the number and asking before I cash in the LPs but I'm not sure if their system will let them tell me anything of value.
  2. tringlomane

    tringlomane STP Addicted Beer Snob

    Jan 21, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    If they sell out, they won't use your reward and you can get it refunded. Also in my experience, if the basic room that the award covers is still available for public sale, you will be able to get a myVegas reward for it.

    One time I tried to book a room for Tunica, and the chick thought I wanted Beau Rivage in Biloxi for 2 nights instead. Fortunately only one night was available as on the other night, the basic room was sold out. Price of the basic room the night it wasn't sold out...$459. And they were willing to comp me for it...:eek:

    If it's a weeknight for you, you can probably wait until pretty late. If it's Rock in Rio weekend...that might be tougher, but if you decide soonish, you still probably would be ok.
    Won a Package in the PENN Play Millionaire Social Drawing!
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