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The best Dog in the World!!!

Discussion in 'Non-Vegas Chat' started by LVHooked, Jan 15, 2015.

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  1. LVHooked

    LVHooked High-Roller

    Jun 5, 2012
    Fairview, Pa.
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Not really sure why I wrote this but thought I would post it here, if your not a dog person, move on. lol


    That’s what a neighbor’s daughter said about her, after she died, And I’m pretty sure she was right. She knew what I was going to do, before I did most of the time. She knew when to play, and when to chill, she was persistent, three tennis balls in her mouth was easy, four not so much. She could tell time, at three o’clock she would move to the front room to watch for my wife, she knew Wednesdays were garbage day. If someone was sick she laid beside them, till they were better. She would crawl on her belly, for one sniff of a baby. She was great at visual commands, click my finger and point and she knew what I wanted.

    She was loved by many people, not just our family. Almost every time we were out side, someone would come over to see Callie and pet her or play with her. Neighbor kids that didn’t have dogs, considered Callie theirs. Another neighbors son that’s one year in the Air Force, and stationed in Japan sent a message about how much she meant to him, and how sorry he was. An older couple built a house down the street, about the time we got her. They bought treats just for Callie, and loved to come see her. And then when they moved, a family moved in with two disabled boys.(twins) The first time Callie meet them I was amazed, this normally slightly hyper pup slide beside the wheelchair and put her head under the boys hand and let him pet her. The other boy could walk with crutches, but was afraid of dogs, but Callie changed that. I can’t remember how many times their mom would come to the door, to see if Callie could come out.

    Their mom told me how excited the boys got, when they saw Callie outside, on the first nice day in the winter, so they could get out to see her. And that when they got older they would get a service dog, and now that the fear was gone it would be easy.

    She came to us as somewhat of a rescue, my brother knew I wanted a Golden Retriever, so when a lady told him she had a pup to give away he called me. He said she was sick, with constant diarrhea, couldn’t be house broken and wouldn’t learn commands. Turned out she was the complete opposite. Other then submissive piddling, she only pooped inside once, but she had woken me up and I told her to get. But she did it on the vinyl, by the back door. I had walked her around the property a few times, and she knew where to stay. A neighbor lady even asked me if I put invisible fence up, Callie was chasing a squirrel but skidded to a stop at the road. I said no, I had just told Callie to stay in the yard and she did.

    Our last dog got cancer and was gone about six months. My wife wanted a small dog that didn’t shed much, so she didn’t want to go see Callie. I convinced her to at least go see her. When they brought her out, I thought no way my wife would let me have her. She looked like an Ethiopian dog, skin and bones, cowering with her tail between her legs. To scared to let me near her.

    I was surprised when my wife told the lady we would take her, with out asking me. When we got in the car she said were not keeping her, we’ll get her straightened out and find her a home. But she’s not staying here with “those” people. Of course that was the last I ever heard about Callie leaving.

    This dog was smart, she drove home with her head between the seats and on my wife’s lap. Then all night Velcro to my wife. My wife took the next day off work, and took Callie to the vet. Nothing wrong with her, just under weight, 21 lbs at almost seven months, she should have been double that. They paid $850 for her but couldn’t take the time to learn how to train her, and care for her. She was a puppy mill dog, so the vet said we would be lucky to have her ten years. We got twelve, and I wish I could have had a lot more.

    The vet recommend some things to bump her weight up, banana was one, and that turned into her favorite thing, I swear she would have gone thru fire for one. When her nails needed clipped, just set one on the counter, and you could do whatever you had to, time for a bath, set one down, point to the tub and she would hop right in. I ate the last banana yesterday, first whole one in years. Almost couldn’t eat it, but Callie wouldn’t have wanted to see it rot. It’ll be awhile till I can eat another one.

    I should add that I don’t think the lady that gave her to us, intentionally abused her, she just didn’t know any better. But I think her teenage son, or her daughters boy friend did. Because Callie was very leery of men or older boys for a couple years. With the exception of my Canadian neighbor, they became friends in about two minutes, but then everyone likes Canadians eh.

    Callie came at a perfect time, two days before we got her, our daughter and almost two year old grandson moved in with us, so she could finish school. My wife also thought this made it the wrong time to get a dog, but again she was wrong. My favorite pic of her, was from just after we got her, she’s laying on the floor with my grandson across the top of her sound asleep. They became best buds, when they moved my grandson was heartbroken leaving Callie.


    I’m self employed so home a lot in the day time, Callie was my dog till my wife got home, but once my grandson and daughter got home she was theirs till morning, even sleeping in my daughters bed. Till the end whenever my daughter was here Callie was with her, and always trying to get on her lap. Two more grandsons came along later, and they all learned how great dogs can be from Callie. Our grandsons stay here every other weekend or so, hilarious to hear about both younger ones crying and arguing that they didn’t want to go to their other grandparents, they wanted to go to Callie’s house.


    My daughter finally got the boys their own dog last year, Lola was hell for about the first 8-9 months. My SIL wanted her gone, but my daughter knows dogs are yours till the end, and Lola’s great now even sleeping with my oldest grandson.

    Her first few months may have been rough, but she was a pampered princess here. My wife spoiled her more then me.

    I know how truly lucky we are, to have had her, not sure if we’ll get another dog. My wife said no….we’ll see about that.
  2. Joe

    Joe VIP Whale

    Sep 11, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Sorry for your loss!
    It is so hard. We had to put down our first dog 13 years ago and turned around and immediately got another. She is now 12 and you begin to wonder. She is 50# so they don't last as long as the little guys, but she still acts like a puppy some days.
    After the first, I said no way are we getting another, but my wife insisted and I'm glad she did.
  3. Blonde_4_ever

    Blonde_4_ever LasVegas4ever.com

    Jun 12, 2006
    Southern Ontario
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Callie sounds wonderful.
    You were lucky to have her....and she was lucky to have YOU!
  4. JosieCat

    JosieCat VIP Whale

    Dec 10, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Aren't dogs amazing! Your post made me tear up a bit. Putting down an animal is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I am very sorry for your loss, but thank you for providing a wonderful home for a dog who certainly needed it.

    Take care!
  5. LVHooked

    LVHooked High-Roller

    Jun 5, 2012
    Fairview, Pa.
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Thanks guys, it'll most likely be my wife looking for another, sooner than me. It just amazed me how much we both miss her.
  6. breanna61

    breanna61 Super Moderator

    Aug 6, 2008
    Ontario, Canada
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I am in tears.......what a beautiful tribute to your much loved Callie. Every dog deserves to be loved and cherished. The love they give us is unconditional. I am so very sorry for your loss. Our boy will be 9 in March......I don't even want to think about that day in the future.
    When the time is right, I do hope you get another dog because that dog will be well loved. Hugs to you and your family!
  7. abraxis

    abraxis Low-Roller

    Jun 12, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    What a great dog she was, indeed
  8. ken2v

    ken2v This Space For Rent

    Sep 18, 2003
    A nice place
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    We so want dogs but still can't bring ourselves to adopt. We're selfish about our wants and needs and don't see us cutting back, so then it would be unfair to the pooches to be gone so much and always having to find caregivers. But then I don't want to wait until we're too old to take 'em hiking or whatever.

    My hat is off to all of you who love your pups (and cats and whatever else).
  9. jimbondo

    jimbondo Tourist

    Nov 19, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    the more i see of people ,the more i love dogs...
  10. pleepleus

    pleepleus 2016 - The monkey is back

    Jul 17, 2014
    Hanging around
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Sorry for your loss. Mine passed away about a year ago from old age. Dogs are awesome. I don't know if you're heard the story of Hachiko, but that dog was probably better than half the humans out there (myself included).

  11. marcianofan

    marcianofan High-Roller

    Mar 24, 2009
    portland, or
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Losing your dog is like losing a part of your family, it really is.
  12. ExVegasLocal

    ExVegasLocal Low-Roller

    Mar 29, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Thanks for sharing Callie's story. What a sweet soul!

    All of my dogs have been rescues. Every time I lose a dog, I remind myself that I gave that dog a good life. And rather than feel sorry for my loss, I reflect on the happiness and comfort I was able to give to an animal that might otherwise not have it.

    Sounds to me like Callie was lucky dog.
  13. Breeze147

    Breeze147 Button Man

    Aug 15, 2013
    Southern Maryland by way of Philadelphia
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    My best friend from when I was 8 years old until I was 24 was my Shetland Sheepdog/Collie, Sandy. She knew when it was Saturday. It was the only day she would sit in front of the door to my bedroom and wait for me to get up and take her for a long walk through Fairmount Park.

    Just one example of many. We played a game where I would put a yard stick across a doorway. As soon as I said the word yardstick, she would take up her position about 6 or 7 feet away. She would cock her head and would not move until I said GO. Then she would run and jump over the yardstick. I would start out low and gradually raise it until she couldn't get any higher. She would never stop trying until I put it away, petted her, told her she was a good girl and gave her a treat. Yeah, I know it was all about getting the treat, but still, she always wanted to play.

    In the end, I was the one who had to take her away to the SPCA to be put to sleep because no one else could do it. I remember her said eyes looking at me as if to say, "What's going on, Bobby?" while I sobbed uncontrollably.

    I am so lucky to have had her in my life.

    I am very sorry for your loss.
  14. LVHooked

    LVHooked High-Roller

    Jun 5, 2012
    Fairview, Pa.
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Thanks again everyone, it took my wife three tries and a few tears to read it. So I must have done a good job
  15. NandJfrmNJ

    NandJfrmNJ VIP Whale

    Jul 11, 2003
    Oh, what wonderful memories you have of Callie. Thank you for sharing. There are many animal lovers on this board and we all share in your loss. When I think back about all the sad times in my life, besides losing my family, the saddest and most difficult was losing my dogs. We lost the last one over 20 years ago and I can't bring myself to get another. Losing them is just too painful. She'll be waiting for you at the rainbow bridge with lots of kisses.
  16. LV_Bound

    LV_Bound VIP Whale

    Nov 17, 2010
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Damn, I couldn't read it all. Will have to come back later to finish it. :cry:
  17. Electroguy563

    Electroguy563 Vegas Joker

    Apr 26, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    We had to put our dog down about 2 years ago. I never thought I would miss him so much. I do. Talk about unconditional love. That was our dog.
  18. LolaDoggie

    LolaDoggie VIP Whale

    Jul 6, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    That unconditional love bond between us and dogs is so powerful. It's a tremendous loss. I'm very sorry that your family is suffering right now. Be proud you had such a wonderful dog.
  19. Valgal

    Valgal VIP Whale

    Aug 10, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I was trying to find something I had seen a couple of years ago on facebook about a dog that had died and written on a dog's perspective encouraging the owner to again adopt another dog. Couldn't find what I wanted but this also seemed like a good one. I truly believe that you can tell alot about a person by the way they treat animals. Unto the least of these.

    The Best Dog of All -- author unknown

    Loving and loyal,
    A friend through and through,
    How in the world can I
    live life without you?

    I've known you since you
    Were just a scrappy little pup.
    Fighting to survive,
    And you never gave up.

    I watched you grow into a
    beautiful canine friend.
    Back in those days,
    I could not imagine this end.

    But now it is all over,
    And you're truly gone.
    Somehow I'll find a way
    To try to carry on.

    Perhaps one day I'll find
    A new puppy who,
    Will become my dear friend,
    But she'll never replace you.

    I'll keep your little photo
    hung up on my wall,
    And I'll always remember you
    As the very best dog of all.
  20. MUFC

    MUFC Low-Roller

    Aug 17, 2012
    Manchester UK
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Sounds like Callie was a great dog, and you gave her a fantastic life so you should be proud of that! Thanks for sharing the story.
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