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Another Christmas thread - what is the worst present you ever received?

Discussion in 'Non-Vegas Chat' started by vwhiten, Dec 11, 2014.

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  1. Electroguy563

    Electroguy563 Vegas Joker

    Apr 26, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Well, I'm sure your tears were for all the children of the past and present, who for some reason or another suffer from inadequacy. I know I vowed to never let this happen to my children and all children I encounter but of course we are all human and make mistakes, even though not intentional.

    For what it's worth, things are fine with me and my Mom. I didn't turn out a nut case (lol!) and my mom and I have a loving relationship. It was just an isolated incident and the subject of this thread jogged the memory.

    But those feelings I felt back then as a child were so real that I don't wish that feeling to any child, and that we all try our best so it doesn't happen anymore.
  2. Breeze147

    Breeze147 Button Man

    Aug 15, 2013
    Southern Maryland by way of Philadelphia
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Shit, I cried when Rudolph got on the sleigh team. It's okay to cry. Shows you have feelings.
  3. mrbadger12

    mrbadger12 Tourist

    Jun 28, 2005
    On a serious note, I too am a "middle" boy. It seemed at times, my older brother go the better things he "asked" for and my younger brother got double presents to open. As far as crying, I gotta stop watching all these Christmas movies--the tear jerkers--If only we could turn back time. I see people getting together and singing, playing games, having a houseful of company stopping on Christmas Eve and Day---now, we sit here alone. I haven't put a tree up in 8 years. Screw it, I'm going to get one tomorrow. Thanx everyone for cheering me up a bit!! Merry Christmas!!!
  4. Julie888

    Julie888 VIP Whale

    Oct 7, 2008
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Based on recent TV commercials, there'll be a few folks getting bad presents. They're pushing the Clapper and Chia pets.
  5. breanna61

    breanna61 Super Moderator

    Aug 6, 2008
    Ontario, Canada
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Yeah, that always chokes me up too. I hate when the other elves pick on poor Hermie for wanting to be a dentist too :(
  6. ken2v

    ken2v This Space For Rent

    Sep 18, 2003
    A nice place
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I'm just glad that Bumbles bounce! Phew.

    I'd just turned five and went into the dime/craft store with my clutch of nickels and quarters. My great grandmother got a cluster of plastic purple grapes. Someone got a votive. Etc. I remember so vividly how all the elders made me feel like I'd bestowed the world on them. They were great peeps. Simply great peeps.

    Agree with the sentiments that cost means nada and sentiment always will carry the day. If it is from the heart, it is the most precious gift there is. That's why I'm turning into a cranky, get-off-my-lawn-er with our mass consumerism culture having convinced so many -- and so many who really can't afford it -- that if they don't give the hottest trendiest doh-dad they are pre-reformed Scrooges. Hopefully there are kids out there who on Christmas afternoon still are having as much fun with the big cardboard box used as a slide or sled as they are with the amalgam of plastic that was inside.
  7. Kit39

    Kit39 Tourist

    Feb 8, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    My worst Christmas present came from my stepbrother when I had just moved out of the house. He gave me a huge block of cheese because he said when I'm broke I could eat the cheese. We still laugh about that cheese today and he has never given me cheese again.
  8. mdee

    mdee VIP Whale

    Feb 22, 2010
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Worst Christmas Present? Oh that's easy...

    About 30 + years ago my brother gave me a life size wood carving of 2 Pigs hmmm to put it mildly "PORKING"! Yep one was up on top of the other one doing the nasty!
    This was not a flat wood carving. It was done in 3D & weighed a ton! One day my Bro comes over and ask where it was? I said I threw it away. He said he paid $300 for it.
    I seriously doubt that. People say I'm hard to buy for and I say there is nothing I need so please do not buy me anything. Especially if it's going to be a dumb a$$ present.
  9. mdee

    mdee VIP Whale

    Feb 22, 2010
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Whoops! This was supposed to be a response to C0usineddie's post.

    I've used Tin Foil since I was a kid and I still do to this day!
    No tape needed.Just fold down the edges and your good to go!
    I'll even draw a bow on the foil with a magic marker haha!
  10. JosieCat

    JosieCat VIP Whale

    Dec 10, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Wow, love this thread.

    Yes, I misted up too on some of these :( But then I've been known to cry during commercials, and when the misfit toys are singing their song thinking that Santa has forgotten them, I'm a goner.

    My parents always gave me a great Christmas. No complaints there, and some very fond memories. But isn't it funny what you remember. I remember going to an aunt's house on Christmas day and watching my cousins, who were closer to her, get big dolls, while I got an itty bitty one. Must have really bothered me, as I still remember it.

    A few years ago, my niece, who I absolutely love, got me a little stuffed kitty sitting in a basket. Being a big animal lover, the fact that the kitty was made out of dead bunny didn't really trip my trigger, but I knew her heart was in it. I proudly display the dead bunny in my office at work :)
  11. mikenhe

    mikenhe VIP Whale

    Oct 28, 2006
    anglo american in Tampa
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I don't even remember the present.

    let me set the scene - I'd just turned 13 in the summer and my parents had a restaurant - hard work, no time off. Like I had done for the previous couple of years I went off to my grandmothers for a couple of weeks (great!! Just me - no big sister - we never have got on). towards the end of the two weeks my grandmother had to work and dropped me at my great grandmother. still lived life the old way - not long had electric - water from a stand pipe.. but damnit - no chance of a quite afternoon eating her biscuits - she had so many visitors that I was on my feet the whole time!! making tea, refilling the water jug etc etc... all of them just to pop in and say hi to this 93 year old lady.. she'd worked in the local shop and been a baby sitter to most of these people - and they were pensioners now and still checking in on her. that was one well liked lady. the day wore down and I made her dinner - just a sandwich (to be easy on me I suspect) and after about 6 hours I left.

    I'd never spent that long in the house with her before and was glad I did - I actually really enjoyed it.

    fast forward to xmas day - we were up fairly early - but not the parents - it was their first day off for a month in the xmas season. waiting to open the presents when the phone went. My grandmother - turns out my great grandmother was rushed into hospital that morning. My parents got dressed, left a quick note on how to cook the dinner and headed out for a 3 hour drive to hospital. they came back two days later. My great grandmother had passed. That afternoon that I spent with her was the last time I saw her alive. a great memory to have.

    I have no idea what our presents were that xmas. I don't even remember opening them. the day was just spent in a haze.

    We went on holiday the following xmas. couldn't face being in England and celebrating that again.
  12. Aces and Eights

    Aces and Eights VIP Whale

    Jul 24, 2014
    Southern California
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    As far as practicality, I guess gift cards are ideal because you get to choose what you want. But I don't feel any sentiment in people giving me gift cards. As I get older, I appreciate the time and effort someone takes to get me a gift that is meant for me. I know that they are thinking particularly of me, and it warms my heart.

    When I was young, I remember getting gifts, but my Grandmother was the only one who was with me when I opened the gift. The rest of my family aren't very affectionate, but my Grandmother hugged me, tucked me in when I went to sleep, and took care of me. My dad usually went out on Christmas, and my mom didn't live with us. My Grandmother passed away in 1998 when I was in my early thirties, and she is still the person I love most of all. I visit her gravesite and place flowers there every month for the past 15 years.
  13. La$Vega$

    La$Vega$ Fun until cops show up, then we play Hide n' Seek!

    Apr 5, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Apparrel of the rival football team from an in-law.
    I'm sure they thought it was real funny :evillaugh

    It's hard to remember getting anything that was and is not appreciated.

    I can say this though, and I'll venture to say that 99% of the women will agree......

    Guys, don't ever buy your better half a battery charger. While it may be practical, its doesn't go over that well! :thumbsdown:
  14. ruralhipster

    ruralhipster High-Roller

    Aug 5, 2008
    Alberta Canada
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I remember the Christmas I turned 18. I came home from University and me and the folks went to an old family friends house for the holidays. Christmas morning came and I was surprised to find 6 gifts in my pile which was surprising as I was only expecting one or two from the parents. Well I open them: socks, a sweater, underwear, socks, socks and then in the square box I saved for last a toque and scarf. I sat there with the overwhelming sensation that my childhood was over.
  15. Electroguy563

    Electroguy563 Vegas Joker

    Apr 26, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Children gravitate toward the warmth and care of a loving heart. All the material things in this world is surpassed by this most basic human need.

    This story of you and your Grandmother is heartwarming.
  16. Valgal

    Valgal VIP Whale

    Aug 10, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I was never close to either of my Grandmothers. On my mom's side her mother was not in the picture most of the time during her childhood - she was raised by her Grandmother. It was obvious she was uncomfortable around children. I always looked forward to opening one present on Christmas Eve - from her. She would get my sister and I fleece gowns. We only had contact with her once or twice a year on holidays. The rest of my mom's family was and is a hoot (what is left of them). Thanksgiving Day - back in the day when UT played A & M - it was a riot. Those people took their Alma maters seriously - One year someone gave my Aunt who always hosted the Thanksgiving Dinner a Birdhouse for Christmas - Half was Orange/white for UT half Maroon/white for A & M. On the front of the birdhouse was written - A house divided.

    I have only one son who is grown and has a family of his own -- He was one child - my Grandson. I spoil him with affection because I don't want him to grow up thinking his Grandmother was a cold, unloving woman. Our next Las Vegas trip in the spring/summer is probably being replaced with a trip to Disney World -- He is 7 years old and is begging us to come with him to Disney World next year. The local newspaper publishes all the elementary school kids letters to Santa - his was so cute - He didn't even ask Santa for anything - He thanked Santa for being Santa and said he would leave a gift out for him -

    One Christmas (many years ago) at work we did a Secret Santa gift exchange and set a limit of $20 - one of the guys got a box of expired chocolate candy - like 3 years outdated - we had a good laugh on that one. plus it had a price tag of about $3.00 I don't usually participate in the Secret Santas - one year my secret Santa didn't give me anything - I never found out who it was and there were too many people participating to figure it out. On a weird gift for Christmas I have a friend who always gets bubble wrap for Christmas from her family - she loves to pop bubble wrap.
  17. Aces and Eights

    Aces and Eights VIP Whale

    Jul 24, 2014
    Southern California
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    The trip to Disney World with a loving child trumps going to Vegas any day. You will have a great time with family. I hope you can just postpone the adult trip to Vegas at a later time instead of cancelling it altogether.
  18. Aces and Eights

    Aces and Eights VIP Whale

    Jul 24, 2014
    Southern California
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    You are absolutely correct.

    And thanx for the sentiment!
  19. IAlowroller

    IAlowroller Tourist

    Feb 14, 2008
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I grew up in the 70-80's, my mom being a single parent, so anything I got was appreciated and played with until it was worn out. Don't get me started on kids now a days (I have 4 so I can say that! LOL). That said, the worst gift I have received was from my wife several years ago, it was a WHITE Iowa Hawkeye hoodie. I'm not a small man by any means, so the first words out of my mouth were "I'm not gonna wear this f@#*kin' thing, I'll look like the Michelin Man!"
    The worst gift I ever gave was to my wife, I gave her a bathroom toilet brush and ice cube trays. A good laugh was had by all because I made her open them up during our family Christmas get together! We still laugh about it to this day.
  20. jimbondo

    jimbondo Tourist

    Nov 19, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    3 bottles of bq sauce from my banker that we run around 8 mill thru a year ...
    time for a new banker....
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