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DV's Live TR (9/23-9/28): Suddenly Solo - Cars, Chips, and Cards

Discussion in 'Vegas Trip Reports' started by dutchvelvet, Sep 22, 2014.

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  1. dutchvelvet

    dutchvelvet VIP Whale

    Mar 5, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:

    My Trip Report

    So I was making final preparations for a guys trip to Vegas. I originally booked everything back in April, with a very good friend from High School and college that I hadn't seen much for 10 years, and another mutual buddy who works for the same company he does. We planned to visit the Barrett-Jackson Auto Auction, ATV in the desert, try to get kicked off Fremont Street, see the UFC fight, and generally engage in debaucherous activities. We had been joking around on face book for weeks.

    Alas, 22 hours and 15 minutes prior to departure I get a facebook message. It's neither a momma joke, or a reference to hookers and blow. "Bad News" the message begins...


    So long story short my friends' company is reorganizing, and being an executive (but not the CEO) their vacations got cancelled. Only good part is their company is giving them a full week expense paid to CES in January to make up for the jerk move...so now I'm at least seeing them then.

    I engaged in deep mediation about what to do. I thought about cancelling and just working. I thought about shortening the trip. I really searched the depths of my soul. I ate some pistachios. 32.5 seconds later I decided "F it I'm going anyway."


    So now I'm going solo. Which frees up a hell of a lot of time. I sincerely hope some of you internet people are in fact real people, and will help entertain me. I also hope other of you internet people will follow along, and help suggest creative ways to pass the time.

    Anyway, the agenda, to the extent it exists.

    Tuesday-Wednesday at the D. Mandalay Bay Thursday-Sunday. I'm still going ATV'ing in the desert and to the Car Show on Friday. Don't feel liking going to a UFC fight solo, so pretty much zero agenda Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. Sunday is of course when the Packers turn around their season so I'll be at the sportsbook.

    Total Bankroll $6100. Looking to drastically increase that via a mix of BJ, Craps, and PGP. I also used to play Poker a lot to pay tuition, and it's a positive EV game for me so given the extra free time I'll be kicking around the poker rooms as well.

    Trip begins tomorrow. Need to get up super early, drive to Milwaukee, get on a train to Chicago for work, then train back to Milwaukee to change clothes in the truck and catch my flight. The good news is tomorrow at this time I'll be on Fremont St.

    Day 1/Travel

    Away we go....

    After a whirlwind morning my business in Chicago is done and the trip towards Vegas officially begins.


    First by train... the Amtrak Hiawatha. If you ever need to travel from SE Wisconsin to Chicago it is the best way. Life is a lot easier when you aren't trying to find a spot to park downtown.

    Now by plane.


    Slammed 4 waters at chili's before the flight. Better get an aisle seat.

    In other news, this is my favorite part of the Milwaukee airport.


    I expect I will need this area to put myself back together after this trip.

    Now by automobile. Check out my hot rod for the rest of the week.


    4 cylinders of heart popping chevy sonic economy sweetness. Jealous?

    Seriously though, whoever here told me to sign up for thrifty blue chip you are my favorite person right now. I just walked past a line that looked to be about an hour and a half long. I went to the counter and the lady said space 9. Took literally 10 seconds.

    Now to figure out how to get downtown and where to stop for booze

    Night 1

    And I've arrived. Checked into my room at the D. It's about as standard a hotel room add I've ever seen.

    The bathroom is bland with a random blackjack picture hanging up.


    I got supplies at a CVS after all the Pedialyte hoopla I had to try myself.


    I then immediately hopped on Fremont street. Never been here at night before and I just soaked in the vibe. Bunch of free bands, bunch of dancing girls, and completely packed on Tuesday.






    Funny story on the last picture. I was snapping the shot and apparently there's a guy there from GG. He wags his finger at me and says "you can't do them from behind" pointing to girl. I pause a second and respond "isn't that the truth" He goes from being mad at me to laughing with me.

    Anyway, I just finished my coney dog. off to the tables!

    First night in the books. The D casino did not disappoint. I started with the Double Deck blackjack in their little high limit area. Right now they have a promotion where you can win this corvette. You get a ticket for every BJ on a $100 bet.


    Played heads up against a friendly dancing dealer and a not friendly dancing dealer. Play was really choppy, with really good shoes immediately followed by bloodbath shoes. I spent about an hour and a half up there and ended up escaping with my buy in and a couple corvette tickets. I then went to the Pai Gow table and bet blacks ended up there $250 ish after tips. The cashier actually had to call up to the pit to change the $1000 banana chip, apparently they track them here.


    So at this point I've been up 22 hours, traveled across the country by plane, train, and automobile, and am up $250 bucks. To complete the night I headed over to Little Darlings to take in some artistic performances and make some college donations. It was amateur night and well worth the investment.

    Rolled back into my room, hit the rack, and am writing this over some eggs and fruit. Planning to hit the pool and some VP. Open to downtown suggestions if anyone is still reading this.

    Day 2

    The D pool. Not much, but perfect for a nap in the sun.


    Pizza Rock had freaking fantastic pizza and a IPA for 12 bucks.


    They cook it in this wood fired stove thing. [​IMG]

    I ate the whole Damn thing. On the way here I used my free play on VP. So I'm 100 up before I even start tonight.


    I also played this machine, which is listed as better than 100% payout double double bonus. Anyone know exactly what it is?


    So, as someone else mentioned the D has "smart " elevators now. All the controls are outside the elevator. You punch in the floor and it tells you what elevator to get in.


    It takes some getting used to but it seems like it speeds things up downstairs.

    In other news, Binion ' s has a craps crew consisting of their dancing cowgirl dealers.

    Night 2

    Night 2 update:

    So after pizza rock I headed back over to Little Darlings. Somehow my belt had fallen off the night before...

    Back downtown a few hours later, Two old fat guys were there at the DD table playing greens. They were spread out across three spots each. I asked if they minded me jumping in, and the response was "Yes we do mind actually... this is high limit room you know. " I quickly decided not to play with a couple pricks and went to the next table. That turned out to be a great decision. Anyway, both those guys busted out and left mad about 30 minutes later. Guess they ran out of greens...

    So the blackjack table I went to was next door, and I was playing heads up against the dealer. Both of the dancing dealers I had were a ton of fun. I like to chat and joke around playing blackjack, and the D did not disappoint. The second dealer Chrissy was particularly fun, she would be a great dealer anywhere, and on top of that since it was the D she's also gorgeous and wearing a tasseled bikini. As for the game, I was spreading 50 -100. About two hours in a host comes up and joins the party. at that point the two other dealers upstairs and the pit were laughing with us. I ended up about $300 only, but I can honestly say it was one of my most enjoyable BJ sessions. Anyway here is a pic of Chrissy giving me money on way too many cards.


    So after her shift the host sent me up to Andiamos steakhouse. Nice place, more like a Strip restaurant than downtown, and they had a bar to eat at solo. They had a bartender there from Chicago that was big into muscle cars, whisky, ATVS and jet skis. Needless to say we got along. He gave me some tips on affordable rentals and the Shelby museum. Liquor selection was solid up there too. Anyway, I had the beef carpaccio, salmon, and Mac 18. All were excellent.


    Back downstairs and went to pay some black chip Pai Gow. Lost 500 myself, but a guy at the table took home $1180 on a 20 bet bethitting a royal and three aces on the side bets. There had been a dead hand the time before, and the casino was very fair to him returning his 3 card wager from the hand before even though he didn't have money back out. anyway the host came by again, took care of the steakhouse bill, and invited me back. I think I'll take him up on it sometime. I also said hi briefly to Derek the guy who owns the casino. I told him thanks for making his place fun.

    So I'm finishing my breakfast now and about to drive the hot rod to MB.

    Day 3

    So before i left the D i figured out the mystery of the 100% payout VP machine. It is the Double bonus on the opposite side. If you look real close that is where the sign is.


    checked out and drove the hot rod down the strip. Came across what has got to be the worst idea in the world.


    Arrived at Mandalay Bay. Just smelling the smell made me feel like I'm home. The place is absolutely crackling with energy from the Barret Jackson auto auction. Checked in, $20 trick and 40 upgrade charge got me put in Delano.





    Mostly the same as last time I was here. They added a nice chair to the living room and a couch thing under the TV.

    Headed down now to the auction. Car Porn incoming.

    Car Porn as promised:


    Lamborghini Adventor


    2015 Viper ST


    Lincoln Continental with the cool back door.




    Camaro SS convertible


    Cadillac drop top


    Trans Am


    Nice goat

    Walking around the inventory was awesome. Hundreds of shiny cars to gawk at. Stopped in the auction too, it's on Fox live right now. Got hungry though so didn't stay long. I'll be going back with my camera, so better pictures to come. Stay tuned.

    I felt like eating a burger at the bar, so I figured burger bar was a good bet. On the way I put money on the Giants with the points and the over.

    Anyway, the burger arrived. Amazing.


    Nothing like a rare bacon cheeseburger to put me in the mood for football. Giants came through for me, but I should have hit the money line instead.

    Night 3 Update:

    So I after watching the football game up in the room I went down to the casino floor. Mandalay Bay is completely energized with the car show people.



    The thing I like is that while it is accommodating all these people, it doesn't get to crowded because the gaming floor is so massive. Apparently the auction brings 50k attendees, so interested how the weekend turns out.

    I started with $2 3 pay Bonus Poker. Really wanted an 8k royal but not in the cards today. Only one quad, but it was a good one.


    Rest was unkind tough so I'm down 600. Collected my sports bet and hit the craps table. Even for first shooters, then when dice came to my side the table started getting hot. Three shooters to my right hit 2 points, two shooters right 3 points, then immediately right hits an immediate point and is in rhythm. I've pressed. Just then a group of 4 complete drunks barges into the table to the two open spots to my left. All middle aged, barely coherent, 3 women and a guy. Women are all wearing these stupid fuzzy hats. They throw random money on the table while the point is on, wads of random bills, which the dealers have to unwad and count. The closest fuzzy hat is basically leaning on me trying to squeeze in and asks me to move over a rack, which I do. it takes like 10 minutes for them to get settled as they don't understand the bets. Now what I should have done is picked up my odds and bailed. I didn't listen to my gut for he second time that night. Sure enough. 7 out, then my dice and PSO. Turned a winning session into even.

    I went over to BJ and decided to try switch at 50 a hand. Fun game. it's been a while since I had to think while playing BJ. Ended even after 1.5 hours.

    Since i was still sober. I then decided to go grab K cups, toothpaste, and restock the Pedialyte. So I drive to Walgreens and get the stuff. On the way back from the selfpark, I decide, why not pai gow?

    So I sit down at the table in the Lotus Room still carrying my Walgreens bag. Great CW comes by and brings a big cold glass of JD single barrel. Pai Gow is hot and I'm having a blast. Turns out the pit boss was a kicker at Missouri back in the 70s, so we talk about college football. After my first whisky I'm worried about dehydration because I'm going to the desert atv ing the next day. I look to the pharmacy bag to my side and see the Pedialyte. CW comes back and I ask for another whiskey and an empty glass. She brings a wine glass, and I Crack open the Pedialyte. So here I am at 3 am playing black chip Pai gow, drinking straight Jack in my left hand, and Pedialyte out of a wine glass in my right. I'm winning too. Another drunk guy comes up. He wants some Pedialyte too, so CW brings him a wine glass and I fill him up. Three hands after he starts he hits a straight flush bonus. I play until the dealer and pit leave at 4. Great times. Don't judge me.


    Day 4:

    Woke up this morning with absolutely no hangover despite six glasses of Jack. Figured out my coffee maker, like everything else in Vegas requires a tip to work.


    Went down to RI Ra for lunch and had the corned beef. Okay but not amazing.


    ATV ing is awesome. I don't know why anyone needs Prozac, ever seen a sad person on a 4 wheeler?




    Had an awesome time. Did dunes, donuts, fishtails, and short tracks. Name of the company was detour Vegas. Highly recommended.

    Night 4

    For dinner, I went to Charlie Palmer for cut of the week. Awesome food, great wine, and they have a bar to eat at solo.

    The local Vegas high school team is playing on ESPN. Watched the game with the bartender (a Packers fan ) and the chef. Crazy how many people you meet when solo in Vegas.

    Went back up to play pai gow poker. Didn't bring the Pedialyte with me. Big mistake, apparently without it I'm powerless. I ended up donating 2 grand to Mandalay. Table was fun though. Other players were from San Jose and liked sipping Hennessey with me. We were taking turns banking and pulling back. Probably will see them again tonight. Moral of the story Pedialyte > Hennessey.

    Day 5

    I'm sitting in my room now watching the badgers' struggle against S Florida. 35 point favorite and they can't pull away. Had room service breakfast sandwich. Then beach, cars, and BBQ.

    Went to Mandalay Bay pool.



    Excellent as always. I appreciate that my phone is water resistant. Was able to take it in the lagoon pool. Checked out daylight as well. No cover but got bored. Border Grill for lunch. Excellent tuna ceviche.


    Went to the cars.


    Shelby replica.


    Tricked out BMW


    I almost bought one of these. Beautiful.


    Modified pony.


    Jack Daniels semi.


    Learned that jack Daniels was only 5'2".



    Here is your Porsche Bronco


    First Dodge post


    Tricked out Shelby raptor f 150


    Lamborghini next to a Fox reporter clearly chosen for the job due to her encyclopedic knowledge of cars.

    In all Barret Jackson was great, will repeat. Went to the book and took Packers (bet with heart ) and steelers (bet with head) to cover. Then I played the poker tournament and landed 2 out of the money.
    Final table of poker tourney at MB.


    Tournament chip Porn. Only way I can compete with UK and Packer

    Night 5

    Met up with Frank for craps at Aria. Fun guy. His titanium arm started alright with two points-had full odds on both. Wheels came off after that though. My heater shirt was completely ineffective. PSO, PSO, PSO. Next time I wear it I'll go dark side. In an hour frank was tapped and I had lost 500. Only reason I had anything left was those first two rolls. Had to reload at Frank's room in cosmo.

    View was okay. For dinner we had sushi at yellowtail in Bellagio. Food was above average but not excellent. The location was prime for people watching, right on the floor of the casino. On top of that, every waitress looked like a model in a tight black dress. Overall great place for the view but not as good as rice & Co for sushi.

    Grabbed a cab downtown to see if we could find Chrissy. She wasn't working, so ended up at the Pai gow table trying to teach frank. Donated another 500 to the D. Did say hi to my host and the owner again.

    From there we went back to cosmo and met Pleepus and his buddy. Fun guys as well. Played pai gow at Bellagio and made back 500. Table there had the dragon bet, which is a nice side bet.

    While cashing out we ran into a very interesting guy named Sam. Young guy, and claimed to be a High Roller with Aspergers that could remember every card in a session. Showed us the craziest chip Porn picture I've seen. More than two poker racks filled with chocolates at flamingo from a baccarat run- said it was a 1.5M win or something like that. He was carrying a backpack (mind you we are in Bellagio HL )-makes you wonder what exactly was in it.

    By this point Frank had wandered off-we decided that he was either winning or in the gutter somewhere. (Turns out he was winning 3k at BJ). Headed back to cosmo and tried a cold secret pizza (thanks Pleepus) and then back to Delano.

    Day 6

    Final day I woke up and hit the sports book for the Packers game. My heart bet on the Packers easily covered while my head bet on Pittsburgh managed to lose to Tampa. Shows what I know. For lunch I went to house of blues.


    Fried chicken was off the hook good. They brine it so it is very moist on the inside and crispy on the outside. Best southern style chicken I've had since u lived in NC. Highly recommended, as most the other food I've had there was mediocre.

    After the noon games I took my sports winnings and bought a 13 to 1 futures ticket on GB for the super bowl. Decided then to go big or go home and tried a $5 Triple Double Bonus machine. This happened:


    I decided to go for gusto and break the aces full. Unfortunately no 20k winner for me. Down 500 VP. Ended up the trip playing pai gow again. Managed to claw back to even for the day. [​IMG]

    At that point it was time to head back. Filled the hot rod with gas and on the plane. Must have won the seating lottery as instead of the typical 300 lb guy a cute blonde football fan sat next to me. Watched Sunday night football on my phone- thanks Southwest!

    An absolutely great trip and it was cool to meet some of you on the last day. Went all out for 6 days, so I'm exhausted. Totally needed this.

    Last edited: Oct 3, 2014
  2. chess

    chess VIP Whale

    Feb 22, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Good LUCK DV...Seems like you have one hell of commute daily !!!
  3. dutchvelvet

    dutchvelvet VIP Whale

    Mar 5, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Thanks man. The commute to my office is about 1.5 minutes, but I travel a fair amount. If you're coming from Wisconsin the train is the definitely the way to go to downtown Chicago.
  4. aaisack

    aaisack VIP Whale

    Apr 20, 2014
    Gig Harbor, WA
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Good luck. Looking forward to following your exploits.

    Since you're looking for suggestions:
    You could try the digital poker table at the Plaza
    I had a good time playing low stakes bubble craps when flying solo. A good mix of socializing, comfortable chairs, free drinks and low risk gambling.
    You could check out a couple off strip properties you've never visited or visit the SLS.
  5. Aces and Eights

    Aces and Eights VIP Whale

    Jul 24, 2014
    Southern California
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Make this a true vacation. Sleep when you want. Eat when you want. Gamble when you want. Go out when you want. Relax and hopefully enjoy your winnings!
  6. pphold

    pphold pp Park Place Degenerate

    Mar 23, 2013
    Dallas Texas
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    DV Lets tear up the craps table. I'll be there by Noon tomorrow.

    Depending on the when I can get away. I'll PM you.

    Lets get a Fire roll at the craps table. I'll be at Caesar's and Cosmo and Aria but will head to MGM or Harrah's or Cromwell if you want to try them.
  7. dutchvelvet

    dutchvelvet VIP Whale

    Mar 5, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    That's the plan. Frankly I need the break.
  8. dutchvelvet

    dutchvelvet VIP Whale

    Mar 5, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I'll try to be as amusing in my exploits as possible. Bubble craps? Why the hell not.
  9. dutchvelvet

    dutchvelvet VIP Whale

    Mar 5, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Sounds good, I brought the lucky heater shirt from my last trip. Hopefully it has another run in it.
  10. RockyBalboa

    RockyBalboa Front Line Winner

    Jan 24, 2010
    Houston by way of Philadelphia
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Good luck and good choice in keeping the trip.

    The two gifs you posted have me crying laughing. I am sitting here in my mom's living room and her cat just popped his head up to look at me like "wtf is your problem dude"
  11. broncofn

    broncofn VIP Whale

    Mar 16, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Have a great trip! Look forward to reading it.
  12. g8rb8k8

    g8rb8k8 Low-Roller

    Jan 15, 2013
    in my house
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Solo trips are great....maybe you will come to prefer solo trips and hope every time that travel buddies back out ;)
  13. chess

    chess VIP Whale

    Feb 22, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Yes sir... I flew into MKE for a wedding over in Grays Lake, IL... alot cheaper and easier to get to then Chitown airports
  14. kevstf

    kevstf Low-Roller

    Mar 13, 2014
    Almere, Holland
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Good luck with the travel over here Dutch!
  15. gmille58

    gmille58 Low-Roller

    Nov 13, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I am going to the UFC fights with my son. It is a late birthday gift for him, as he is a huge UFC fan. We are going to be in the cheapest comp ticket area as we play just enough to get room and ticket comps, but we will be there.
  16. dutchvelvet

    dutchvelvet VIP Whale

    Mar 5, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    After a whirlwind morning my business in Chicago is done and the trip towards Vegas officially begins.


    First by train... the Amtrak Hiawatha. If you ever need to travel from SE Wisconsin to Chicago it is the best way. Life is a lot easier when you aren't trying to find a spot to park downtown.
  17. dutchvelvet

    dutchvelvet VIP Whale

    Mar 5, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Now by plane.


    Slammed 4 waters at chili's before the flight. Better get an aisle seat.

    In other news, this is my favorite part of the Milwaukee airport.


    I expect I will need this area to put myself back together after this trip.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2014
  18. dutchvelvet

    dutchvelvet VIP Whale

    Mar 5, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Now by automobile. Check out my hot rod for the rest of the week.


    4 cylinders of heart popping chevy sonic economy sweetness. Jealous?

    Seriously though, whoever here told me to sign up for thrifty blue chip you are my favorite person right now. I just walked past a line that looked to be about an hour and a half long. I went to the counter and the lady said space 9. Took literally 10 seconds.

    Now to figure out how to get downtown and where to stop for booze
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2014
  19. dutchvelvet

    dutchvelvet VIP Whale

    Mar 5, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    And I've arrived. Checked into my room at the D. It's about as standard a hotel room add I've ever seen.

    The bathroom is bland with a random blackjack picture hanging up.


    I got supplies at a CVS after all the Pedialyte hoopla I had to try myself.


    I then immediately hopped on Fremont street. Never been here at night before and I just soaked in the vibe. Bunch of free bands, bunch of dancing girls, and completely packed on Tuesday.






    Funny story on the last picture. I was snapping the shot and apparently there's a guy there from GG. He wags his finger at me and says "you can't do them from behind" pointing to girl. I pause a second and respond "isn't that the truth" He goes from being mad at me to laughing with me.

    Anyway, I just finished my coney dog. off to the tables!
  20. kevstf

    kevstf Low-Roller

    Mar 13, 2014
    Almere, Holland
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Good luck Dutch! The D looks like fun, I'm going there on Friday!
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