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Big Brother 2013!

Discussion in 'Non-Vegas Chat' started by Happily, Jun 20, 2013.

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  1. Nevyn

    Nevyn VIP Whale

    Apr 13, 2007
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    The silver text is easier to read if you drag your mouse over it and highlight it, or hit the quote button to read it.

    If thats not good enough than unless I get an objection Ill mark them but put them in plain text.

    Hopefully west coast people know to stay off the internet 3 hours before if they don't want spoilers.

    Anyway, yes, Nick was evicted.

    Basically, it was going to be 6-5 one way or the other (McCrae as swing vote), and Spencer freaked out because then voting Elissa exposes the alliance, so he decided he was safer on a side with more people and the MVP. Interesting that he completely whiped out his trust on that side before making that move.

    Howard knew about it, so he knew his vote would change nothing. Im guessing he split the vote so Jeremy won't know who flipped, or just because Nick was a friend and it didn't matter.

    Helen won HoH in a true false quiz. GinaMarie was balling her eyes out. Nick gave a classy exit interview. Jeremy looked like he was ready to go on a rage. Aaryn just sort of looked annoyed and resigned.

    Shame to see Nick go. He was no Dan, but he had potential (he was smart, and had good strategic instincts, but did not do the little things well). Still have high hopes for Helen, Amanda, and McCrae. Maybe even Howard. The feeds should be dynamite tonight, then I expect the show to get boring for a couple weeks as the 'bullies' get steamrolled out with none of the comps mattering much. Hopefully after that lull, the remaining cast will make for a strong closing. Elissa is now pretty much a lock for jury. Hope they dump her once Jeremy and Aaryn are out. If they keep her too long, it will be too easy for production to help her along like they did her sister. And she's had enough help already.
  2. LucyR.

    LucyR. VIP Whale

    Feb 17, 2012
    Los Angeles,CA.
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Tonights spoilers

    I saw the show in the west coast.

    Nick was voted out by: Candice, Jessie, Andy, Amanda, Judd, Spencer and McCrea.

    I am guessing that Spencer is going to say that it was Howard who voted Nick out so he gets off the hook with the Moving Company. But it looks like Amanda talked McCrea to vote Nick out. She really wanted Nick out.

    Helen did master mind Nick's eviction. She had a private talk with Spencer and scared him to vote out Nick.
    Helen is showing off her politician skills. I noticed she was comforting J. Marie who must have surprised Nick and us viewers at how much she truly liked Nick. She cried her heart out as if Nick had died forever.

    Helen won HOH. I am guessing she will put Aaryn and Jeremy in the HAVE NOT ROOM.
    I am guessing that Jeremy will start acting out like the jerk that he really is like.
    I had a better word for naming Jeremy but I have to keep it clean so I don't get kicked out of this thread.lol. LucyR.
  3. Nevyn

    Nevyn VIP Whale

    Apr 13, 2007
    Trips to Las Vegas:

    Its a bit more complicated than the edits showed (as usual).

    Helen did good work, but it was really the McCrae/Amanda thing that freaked Spencer out. He knew the vote was 6-5 at best which would have exposed the alliance even if McCrae sided with him.

    Helen does not get to pick have nots. They let Aaryn do it last week because it was an endurance comp (that takes a third of the sunday show ... no time for have not competition). There will be a comp for it. And Jeremy can't be a have not.

    As for what is going on now (SPOILERS if you don't want to know past the broadcast)

    Howard and Spencer seem to have colluded on splitting their votes, and are both trying to blame Jessie for flipping. That is pissing McCrae off and he is talking of wanting them out.

    Jeremy has actually taken the whole thing amazingly well. Haven't seen him yell at anyone, and he's already gone to McCrae and Judd hat in hand trying to mend fences.

    The girls are taking it less well. GM still crying. Aaryn being aaryn. All 3 mean girls talking about self evicting because the game is not fair. Doubt they'll do it, just makes for a good whine.
  4. Happily

    Happily High-Roller

    Mar 10, 2006
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    The feeds have been awesome this week! I've been up until 4am most nights watching them. I'm so happy Nick got kicked out--cocky jerk with no game. I can't believe how he treated Elissa each time she tried to talk to him about the veto and the replacement nominee--like he didn't need to give her the time of day. Well, look where that got him. I'm also happy to see Jeremy freak out. I'm also glad we won't have a Brigade repeat-so boring.

    I don't like or dislike Elissa. I do think the MVP twist is way too powerful. Jeremy won HOH (sorta) and POV and his right-hand man left the house? Come on! I don't like Jeremy or Nick but, in a regular season, they'd be sitting pretty this week.

    Helen's getting a great edit on the show. She's not as crafty as they make her out to be. She has almost blown some hard work done by her alliance by oversharing. I do like her, though. I'm happy she'll have a bed for the first time. Judd and Andy are my favorites. Judd is playing great, but you wouldn't know it from watching the show--which is sad when MVP is on the line.

    Spencer and Howard blew up their game so badly this week. Spencer trying to get out Amanda was a huge error and way too soon. He's scrambling now. No one in the big alliance trusts him, but Jeremy's looking for friends.
  5. Nevyn

    Nevyn VIP Whale

    Apr 13, 2007
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I really think the whole moving company blew up their game week 1 to be honest. Think they loved the idea of such a big move, but it was way too conspicuous for a secret alliance. If they just go with the flow and steer things where they should week 1, Elissa is gone, MVP is up for grabs, and no one suspects an alliance.
  6. LucyR.

    LucyR. VIP Whale

    Feb 17, 2012
    Los Angeles,CA.
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Today's spoilers

    I am happy to see that Helen who is my favorite player knows who are on her side PRESENTLY. It will change in the future. But for now she knows who to trust.

    The BB Show is losing lots of viewers who only want to see a Fantasy show with no racism in the show. It is a reality that lots of people are racist. The BB producers are just showing the truth about racism that it still is alive in America.

    I read on a spoiler website that Aaryn was still being mean to Candice just because she is African-American. Aaryn made some more incriminating racist comments to Candice. Poor Candice feels really shocked and bad on how she is being picked on because of her race. Howard went and picked up Candice to get her away from Aaryn and the mean girls. He took her to another room to tell her not to blow up.
    To stay cool. He tried to calm her down and he did.

    Aaryn is just plain stupid. She must have a low level of intelligence to not realize how much damage she is doing to herself. She acts like a kid who was never taught
    how to act like an adult. Plus, I am sure she learned to be a racist from her family and friends. She thinks it is okay to be a racist and hurt Candice feelings.

    The BB Show may be losing a lot of viewers but us hard core BB WATCHERS will still be watching this show. The people who bought the feeds see everything that
    is going on in the BB House. They get to see all of the reality of the BB Show.

    I prefer just to read the hi-lites of the BB show from other BB websites. I do enjoy coming here to discuss the real BB Show which includes spoilers.
    We only have a few writers here and a bunch of Looky Loos which is okay with me
    because I truly enjoy writing about what is going on the BB House eventhough sometimes I may be seeing things differently than some of the other writers here.
    For many years people have asked me, "Lucy, are we seeing the same BB Show"?
    It is true that I see what I perceive to be true in my way of thinking. It could be distorted thinking. But at least I am thinking.lol. LucyR.
  7. Nevyn

    Nevyn VIP Whale

    Apr 13, 2007
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    A basic summary of the Candice and Aaryn fight since it was on BBAD.

    Aaryn, Kaitlyn, and GM (and Jeremy who was in and out but not saying much) were in one of the bedrooms sulking. Kaitlyn was on Jessie's bed, and Jessie thought she was taking it over, so they started a bit of a fight until Judd came in and took Jessie away.

    While that was going on Aaryn was on what had been Candace and Howard's bed. Candace (who I gather may have had an earlier fight I didn't see) was talking in another room to the other HGs about how there was no way Aaryn was going to take her bed, etc etc, and they were all laughing about it. Aaryn heard it, and basically tilted over the mattress beside the bedframe, and went and sat on another bed.

    When Candace came in later and was asking people what happened, it got into a nasty argument with Aaryn and Kaitlyn making racial comments and Aaryn doing a mock "black" voice. Howard came in and carried Candace out (still yelling at the others). He basically talked her down, and said if it keeps happening he's going to lose his temper and end up kicked out. And basically asked Candace to avoid confrontations with them and ignore it since it was clear production was not going to step in.
  8. Nevyn

    Nevyn VIP Whale

    Apr 13, 2007
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    A lot of the viewers talking like they'll stop watching will just watch more anyway. They may be angry while they watch, but they want to watch the racists suffer and get voted out.
  9. Lhammer28

    Lhammer28 High-Roller

    Aug 29, 2007
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I am such a huge fan of this show, I just think its a great concept. Yes, you get people from all over the country, there are going to be people who are sheltered/naïve or just racists. Its what makes the show interesting. But it does show that they act different when they are auditioning for the show, I don't think that they would be cast if they even hinted at racism.

    I really hope that Aaryn goes home this week. I would LOVE to be there when she finds out that America HATES her!! ahhh and the interview with Julie would be EPIC!
  10. sarah9nascar

    sarah9nascar VIP Whale

    Sep 14, 2008
    Mesquite, Texas
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I want Aaryn to go home this week too. I'm just truly sorry that she represents Texas. All us Texans aren't like her. Can't wait to see her interview with Julie Chen. You could tell Julie Chen wanted to say so much more on the last show but didn't.
    Sema Show
  11. Nevyn

    Nevyn VIP Whale

    Apr 13, 2007
    Trips to Las Vegas:

    Aaryn and Kaitlyn are the nominees. The plan is to put up Howard with MVP and possibly scare him into thinking he is the target. Plan A is to backdoor Jeremy, plan B is to evict Aaryn.

    But Helen is also playing it cool and hinting to the targets that she'd rather get out Howard and Spencer.

    Helen met with everyone to figure out the "moles". Her conversation with Howard reads a bit like Michael interrogating Carlo in the Godfather. With the MVP to play the role of Clamenza in the car ...

    Howard's last chance at getting trust back is blown, because he confessed to the stray vote and promised Helen to never lie again, and then lied about the Moving Company, which she knew about and has since confirmed with McCrae.
  12. LucyR.

    LucyR. VIP Whale

    Feb 17, 2012
    Los Angeles,CA.
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Regarding Howard- SPOILER

    I think Howard was hoping that the Moving Company members would stick
    together when he voted against Elissa for eviction. Then he finds out that Spenser and McCrea didn't vote against Nick. So he had to lie to save his hinney.

    Helen was told by BB Producers not to put Howard on the chopping block.
    Amanda wanted to see his head roll out of the house. But Helen has to
    follow orders.

    I think the BB Producers want Howard in the house to help keep Candice calm.
    Plus, I think she would be super lonely without him.

    The mean racists girls are still being mean to Candice every chance they get.
    Howard protects Candice from them.
  13. Happily

    Happily High-Roller

    Mar 10, 2006
    Trips to Las Vegas:

    Feeds GOLD tonight! Elissa got MVP but said she felt uncomfortable nominating Howard. McCrae told Howard he was MVP to take the heat off Elissa. Elissa went to the diary room & came back and said she didn't get MVP. Her crew could tell she was lying and they got her to admit she in fact is MVP & that she nominated Spencer. Everyone is still pretending McCrae is MVP. Many know he is not (Helen, Amanda, Judd...). Amanda & McCrae are upset. Crazy. I wanted to get one night to sleep, but it wasn't to be!
  14. Nevyn

    Nevyn VIP Whale

    Apr 13, 2007
    Trips to Las Vegas:

    Also worth noting (just extending what Happily said) that both Helen and Elissa have dropped some hints that the DR was trying to talk them out of nominating Howard.

    Looks to me like production is stepping in and trying to make sure Howard doesn't go home before Aaryn. Or at least that he isn't targetted in the same week where they have the giant racial fight.

    Also, updating my earlier posts, everyone has now come clean about the moving company. Spencer and Howard did a joint confession to the "rebel alliance". They put off framing Jessie as Spencer really thinking it was Jessie, and Howard trying to frame Amanda.
  15. Happily

    Happily High-Roller

    Mar 10, 2006
    Trips to Las Vegas:

    Kaitlin won the veto. She is planning on using it on herself (Helen has told her Jeremy will be put up in her place and will likely be voted out). Kaitlin tried to get Helen to put up Howard, but Helen said the house will want Helen's head if she doesn't put Jeremy up. Jeremy's being pretty cool about it, actually. On a side note, Helen needs to learn when to keep her mouth shut. She is talking nonstop and sharing everyone's "secrets" with everyone else.

    Also worth mentioning, Kaitlin believes McCrae was MVP last week also (she believes the lie that he is MVP this week), and thus believes McCrae put up Jeremy and then Nick last week.

    Judd, Andy, Amanda are my favorites at this point.
  16. 44inarow

    44inarow VIP Whale

    Sep 8, 2012
    Las Vegas, NV
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    They've added a new disclaimer:

    BIG BROTHER is a reality show about a group of people who have no privacy 24/7. At times, the Houseguests may reveal prejudices and other beliefs that CBS does not condone. Views or opinions expressed by a Houseguest are those of the individual speaking and do not represent the views or opinions of CBS. Viewer discretion is advised.​
  17. LucyR.

    LucyR. VIP Whale

    Feb 17, 2012
    Los Angeles,CA.
    Trips to Las Vegas:

    I just wrote spoilers in case I write about some spoilers.

    In Sunday's BB Show I noticed that Aarian told Candice she was sorry for the mean things she has said to her. I could tell by looking at her face that she really didn't mean it. Aarian is just a stupid mean girl and I just don't understand how she can make public how she feels about African-Americans.
    When David was interviewed by some T.V. Hollywood commentators they told David to watch out for Aarian's white hood cap hidden under her bed. They
    laughed about it.

    I think that CBS is super worried about the racism in the house.
    I think some of the players are now walking on egg shells trying not to say
    anything racist or politically uncorrect things.

    I notice Amanda is really fighting with the racist mean girls. But at the same time she thinks she can control the game. She has a controlling personality.
    Just because she lived in the HOH with the pizza guy she thinks she still has
    some power.lol.

    Helen who is the HOH also has a controlling personality. She acts like nobody should lie to her. She gets really upset if people lie to her. Meanwhile she is being a phony acting like she cares about the players she talks to. She is only trying to win the game. Some players are afraid of Helen's present power.

    I like to watch Helen on how she handles herself in the BB House. She put herself in a fish bowl and her political friends are watching her every move
    honest or not. She is my favorite fish to watch.lol. LucyR.
  18. DeMoN2318

    DeMoN2318 The DERS

    Aug 6, 2012
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    My favorite part of last nights episode was when Aaryn said "I never said anything racist" blahahahah

    I hope when she gets eliminated Julie ends the eviction interview with "oh by the way...you were fired from your modelling agency...good luck in life"

    But if I was in the house I would not eliminate Aaryn just yet...she is hated in the house and is not a very good competitor...easy target for later on
  19. Blonde_4_ever

    Blonde_4_ever LasVegas4ever.com

    Jun 12, 2006
    Southern Ontario
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I hope they get rid of Aaryn sooner rather than later. The house in general is so unhappy and full of tension. I think eliminating her might help.
    At least I hope so....
  20. Nevyn

    Nevyn VIP Whale

    Apr 13, 2007
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Julie has been so mad I've been wondering if they'll try to find an excuse to "not have time" for the exit interview.

    Its so funny ... so many people think Aaryn is a bad person, but she could still last awhile. A bunch of different HGs (Helen, Amanda and McCrae at least) have sort of been cultivating her, and I'm sure to production's chagrin Howard and maybe Spencer have moved higher on the target list.
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