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Worst trip ever!

Discussion in 'Vegas Trip Reports' started by Turtleman, Dec 28, 2009.

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  1. Turtleman

    Turtleman VIP Whale

    Apr 8, 2005
    Bradenton, FL
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I again thank everyone for the encouraging comments. After finally recovering from the flu (the financial pain still remains), a January trip sure as hell wasn't on my to-do list. In fact, I didn't think I'd be going back until around St. Patrick's Day the earliest. Then darn if Ms Gecko didn't find a work-related convention to attend the end of this month, which just happens to be at the Rio. It must be fate! I can't promise I'll win, of course, but doing better than last time should be a certainty. (Jan. 25-30 probably staying at Rio and Orleans.)
  2. AliGee

    AliGee Low-Roller

    May 19, 2009
    South Carolina
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I am so sorry you had the flu in Vegas - I got mine about a week after I got back, and it was "please let me die" miserable. And ignore those germiphobes who posted negatively about you spreading it - people are most contagious in the few days before they even know they have it, so there were plenty of people on that same floor sharing the bug.
  3. Carol1113

    Carol1113 VIP Whale

    Jan 10, 2010
    Sylva NC-in the Smoky Mts
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Terrible to be sick in Vegas

    I really do understand as the last 3 times I went to Vegas either myself or my daugter ended up with a virus and it is just miserable.
    But I have found out a few things that might help.
    A lot of viruses are caused by the air in the planes--so try to avoid using the overhead air vent as that is recycled air and may still have someone elses germs from a past flight. Also be sure to have a small bottle of saline with you and use it before-during and after the flight to keep your nasal passages moist.
    And one other idea--try using one of the immune system boosters--they are a tablet you drop in water and they get all fizzy-and there are quite a few brands on the market. No they will not cure anything but seem to help as they are full of different vitamins as in A-B AND C.
    You take 1 tablet twice the day before the flight-one before leaving for the airport-one while in flight ,and one after you get there.

    Hope you have a wonderful time on your next trip and win big
  4. Dean Martin

    Dean Martin VIP Whale

    Jan 16, 2003
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Carol, I agree 100%... I've gotten into the habit of drinking one of those the morning of every flight I take and also drink them whenever I "first" feel a cold might be coming on. There's a lot of info re; whether these really work or not but all I can say is I've had that early scratchy throat a few times and drank one in the AM and another in the PM and it's gone the next day. I also drink them in the AM just like having an OJ when I'm in Vegas too:thumbsup:
  5. zerofan

    zerofan VIP Whale

    Mar 26, 2009
    New York
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    When I am gambling I never touch my nose, eyes or mouth with my hands unless I just washed them.

    You dont know how many times I see people at the poker table rubbing their eyes relentlessly, hands on the mouth, etc. It is truly disgusting but not any more disgusting than someone eating a sandwich at the poker table. I mean everyone is touching the same cards and chips then they take a bite of a sandwich.... :vomit:

    I am a big believer in saline nasal spray, I use it 3x a day when in Vegas and on the plane once or twice.
  6. Jinx

    Jinx VIP Whale

    Aug 7, 2007
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Sorry to hear about the bad trip, Turtleman, at least you had a good one in November, I guess?
  7. dwood443

    dwood443 Low-Roller

    Sep 4, 2008
    akron, OH
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I got a seat next to someone with a terrible cold on a airplane once. The flight attendant gave me two packs of emergenC (vitamin boost) powder and said to drink one now and one after my flight. She said they use these all the time to fight off colds, etc... Seemed to work for me as I did not catch a cold. I have used them ever since.
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