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Dreams: Does this happen to anyone else?

Discussion in 'Non-Vegas Chat' started by Happygirl21, Jan 5, 2020.

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  1. Chuck2009x

    Chuck2009x VIP Whale

    Apr 5, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Ha! I used to have that one a lot, but it was a long time ago.

    My final semester, the only reason I ever showed up was to take exams or hand in papers, cause I was sick of school. I only needed to not flunk anything in order to graduate. I was taking filler low-level courses at that point, so everything I needed was in textbooks.

    I put my final paper in a teaching assistant's mailbox, but never got an invite to graduation. He said he never got it. I hadn't made a copy. So i had to go get all the same books out of the library and re-write it from memory, and graduated 6 months late.

    The recurring dream I had was I show up for my final, final exam and the room it's scheduled for doesn't exist, so I'm just wandering the halls looking for the room, until I wake up. At least I wasn't in my underwear though.

    Vivid dreams tend to end with me saying (in the dream) "This is ridiculous." and waking up.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2020
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  2. TableToddyy

    TableToddyy VIP Whale

    Jun 4, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    The wife on 2 different occasions. Has had dreams where she has talked to relatives who just passed away that night. One was with my stepmother. She told my wife that she was disappointed we did not go down to see her one last time. But everything will be alright and she had to go now. Then about 10:00 in the morning we get a phone call from dad. That she had passed way during her sleep.

    She also had a similar dream with one if her Aunts.

    One other time my stepmother called my wife and had asked if there was something she had to tell her. We had just found out we where expecting our first child. The fucking lady already knew it.

    Her and dad lived in N.C. we in Ohio, she had passed away from lung cancer. Some how the wife and her had a strong dream connection .
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2020
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  3. HeatherC

    HeatherC Low-Roller

    Feb 19, 2019
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    My husband had this happen to him when he was taking Chantix. He would wake not being able to tell if it was a dream or real. And he would dream about the most terrible things. Evil, Evil drug!!!
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  4. TrewBrew

    TrewBrew I may be right, I may be Crazy.

    Mar 9, 2015
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    More a recurring theme. An alarm going off and waking me up. Twice it was so vivid that I got out of bed, turned on coffee, showered and got into the car before I noticed it was four hours before I had to get up.

    I am a be on time freak so it serves me right.
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  5. Happygirl21

    Happygirl21 VIP Whale

    Sep 17, 2013
    New Jersey
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I'm glad to see it's not just a " me thing". As a side note, I'm not taking any sleep aids, Chantix, eating odd food before bed etc.

    Taking it a step further, I can say I've also experienced dreams that were extremely satisfying:wink2: :whistle:.

    Sadly, the awful ones out number the "good" ones. Go figure.

    Either way, I'd like to start having uneventful sleeps again, sometime soon. Working the off-shift, my sleep is screwed up enough, I would like the few hours I have to be peaceful ones.
  6. Breeze147

    Breeze147 Button Man

    Aug 15, 2013
    Southern Maryland by way of Philadelphia
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Just last night I had one where I was trapped in Dodger Stadium and I had to go through the seats to get to the exit. The lady usher kept chasing me and asking to see my ticket. I kept saying I don't have one, I'm lost, I just want to get out of here.

    A recurring one is that I'm driving on an unfamiliar expressway, going about 90 MPH, and I have no control over the steering or the brakes. This one seems very real.

    I buy tickets to a big game, but the seats are facing a concrete wall. I can hear the crowd cheering, but I can't see a thing.

    I'm on a very high bridge, I mean about 5,000 feet high and it is bitter cold. I have to walk across the bridge to get to Camden. There is no walkway, so I'm dodging cars and semis left and right.

    There are few other ongoing themes, but I would get a reprimand, for sure.
  7. dmr

    dmr Registered Abuser

    Feb 18, 2011
    Somewhere in Middle America
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Okay, figure out the meaning of this one, gang!

    Last night's dream was not the usual sitcom type, and definitely not a nightmare, but more of a "romantic thriller" type of thing.

    It involved me in kind of a "triangle" situation, being, uh, "caught" {blush} with the husband of a cow-orker in our media room at work as he was supposed to be repairing a copy machine. (That is not his line of work.) I was trying to hide, trying to escape into an adjacent office (which has windows into the media room) and hiding under the desk, under a table, and finally just trying to skrunch up by the wall under the window. For some reason this was on a weekend or a holiday as the three of us were the only ones on the floor at the time.

    Then there was this chase scene, with the three of us all driving Dodge Chargers (not what I drive, and I don't think I could pick one out in a parking lot) all around, barely missing pedestrians, other cars, etc. I really did not know who was chasing whom, but it was a hectic chase. I remember pulling into this cul-de-sac thinking that the others would zoom right by not noticing, and that's about when I woke up.

    Oh well ... :)
    • Wow! Wow! x 1
  8. daveg000

    daveg000 VIP Whale

    Jul 2, 2010
    Southeast, Southeast , Wisconsin
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Google "Night Terrors in Adults"
  9. gmarquez1976

    gmarquez1976 Tourist

    Jan 6, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    My dreams will often come true. So as a result good or bad I dont care for dreaming usually.
  10. donfairplay

    donfairplay VIP Whale

    Feb 12, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Chantix is actually the same thing as Wellbutrin, an anti-depressant. IMO, I don't think people know entirely what they're getting into when prescribed that drug.

    It even has vivid or unusual dreams listed as a side effect.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  11. gmarquez1976

    gmarquez1976 Tourist

    Jan 6, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Many years ago I was prescribed a drug with awful dream side effects. Last dream and the very last time I took the drug I dreamed that there was a really hot muscle guy who got it on with two chicks who were at least 500 pounds. I wanted to throw up lol That was the last time I took the drug and told the Dr to get fucked lol.
  12. MikeOPensacola

    MikeOPensacola El Jefe

    Sep 26, 2012
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I have a variation of that dream. It’s my senior year last semester and I think I’m done with all my finals. I’m at my favorite bar drinking beer straight out of the pitcher when the dean comes in and tells me I’m late for my quantitative analysis final. I didn’t even know I was enrolled in the class and didn’t go to it all semester and I needed those three credits to be able to graduate. I always wake up at the point where I sit down at the desk to take the exam.... Not a pleasant dream.....
    Annual CCA (Casino Collectibles Association) Show at South Point
    Long Overdue Stay At The Golden Nugget
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  13. hotreds

    hotreds Illegitimi non carborundum!

    Jul 31, 2014
    5 miles past "Resume Speed."
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Stop eating Taco Bell before you go to sleep!
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  14. Multifarious5

    Multifarious5 VIP Whale

    Nov 13, 2015
    west coast
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Hi @Happygirl21 now I just have annoying work dreams everynight. BUT as a kid I had AWFUL night terrors. Monsters, attack dogs, you name it. (I used to sneak my parents scary novels even at a young age, so I'm sure that, helped!) the worst was the same exact reoccurring dream of being murdered, the exact same way, the exact dream, over and over, and I could feel it.

    The down side is of your night terrors now being more frequent is, they are more frequent. The plus side with more frequency, it's easier to train yourself to recognize/control them. My mom was great and somehow taught me to "recognize" when it's a dream, and then wake myself up. Start looking for triggers you see as "dream indicators". I don't remember what these were for me as a kid, but as an adult, if I can't read or type in a dream, I know it's a dream. If time flows weird, it's a dream.

    Like with anything it takes practice, but even now if I fall into a nightmare, I'm in water with monsters, I'm falling etc. I can wake myself up asap. Doesn't work for me on work dreams, as I think they're too similar to real life, but on the nightmares, it works, beautifully.

    You can also read up on lucid dreaming. Now, I WISH I could do some of the more extreme stuff lucid dreaming speaks of "create your own dreamscape, etc", but for me, all I could/can do is recognize a nightmare, and then wake myself up... but it still is a BIG plus to be able to do that in an awful dream!

    I know it sounds goofy, but when you wake up, try to remember things that were "off" in your dream that you can start recognizing in future terrors (, not being able to read, time moving weird, whatever). Once your brain starts recognizing "this, is a dream" clues, it's easier and easier to wake yourself up.

    Good luck, and I REALLY hopes this passes quickly, as these definitely sound more like night terrors than bad dreams.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2020
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  15. oghuman

    oghuman VIP Whale

    May 24, 2010
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    You're horny and not getting any.
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  16. weas

    weas Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Vegas Deals

    May 27, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I woke my husband up the other night, yelling Bingo. I was dreaming that I had won the big jackpot of 50k and I couldn't yell Bingo and was trying to get him to yell for me. It woke me up to as I yelled and took my hand out from under the covers and was waving it as I yelled.

    Hope this is a reality in April at the Plaza for Super Bingo.
  17. donfairplay

    donfairplay VIP Whale

    Feb 12, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    You may have already seen this, but one of the biggest kickstarter projects to be funded was the Remee sleep mask for lucid dreaming.

    Unfortunately for Remee they got knocked off by China imitators sold on amazon because the project was so popular that it created a lot of instant competition. They still sell them though.
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  18. bobby jones

    bobby jones VIP Whale

    Oct 5, 2014
    Great white North
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Wow, I have a very similar recurring dream that I didn’t pass high school Algebra of all things and because of it , everything else academically and professionally after that is in jeopardy until I go back to highshool and take the course. I’ve lost track how many times I’ve had that dream but, at least I recognize it as a dream now and tell myself not to worry about while dreaming.

    That reminds me, I have old boxes In the attic with junk that might include old school transcripts I want to check out....
  19. flyguyfl

    flyguyfl MIA

    Apr 11, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    My most recent dream that had me thinking was this.
    Two nights before a October 2019 Biloxi gambling trip I dreamed I won $1000 playing dollar Deuces Wild VP. Then I took $200 of that to the high limit room and played a $10 Pinball slot and got the 4 ball bonus. After that I took $300 of that to a Let It Ride table and was dealt 4 threes.

    On the third day of the trip I was down about $400 when I decided to play dollar Deuces Wild and on the third hand I was dealt garbage and tossed all the cards for the redraw. Yep. I was dealt the 4 twos for $1000. Then I went to eat and the wait was going to be 30 minutes so I made my way to the high limit room and found that Pinball slot. I put in $230 and on the 4th push I got the 4 ball bonus. The payout was not as high as expected but I ended up with $950 so I cashed that out. Then I went to eat.

    Looking back I regret not doing the Let It Ride game. Who knows what may have happened?
    • Wow! Wow! x 2
  20. topcard

    topcard It's not really blackjack unless it pays 3:2!

    Aug 8, 2012
    Fort Worth
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Now THAT is bizarre!
    I have that same dream regularly....and, inevitably, I end up on the 2nd floor of a casino that I know (in the dream) but does not exist in real life... the 2nd floor is where the table games are...and there's always confusion at the UTH table... pit actually asked me to deal in one of the dreams.
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