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Discussion in 'Misc. Vegas Chat' started by Knucklehead69, Nov 30, 2013.

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  1. Knucklehead69

    Knucklehead69 Low-Roller

    Nov 27, 2013
    Denver, CO
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Just want to share an experience that a friend of mine had in Vegas about a month ago.
    Never thought too much about this but now I'm much more aware.

    Night started like most others. Went to dinner with his group and then headed to the Rio Voodoo lounge. Last thing he remembers is being at the Voodoo lounge then it is a total blank until waking up in his hotel room the next morning. He was not drunk at the time of the blackout.
    Upon waking he notices he is missing about $1500 cash and all his credit cards.
    Also said he felt like he was in a haze all the next day and not the normal hangover feeling.

    I know what everyone is thinking....as was I. He got drunk, spent all his money on craps and hookers and was ashamed to admit it to anyone. But after hearing the details and knowing the kind of guy he is I believe him.

    He said he usually pays for the dinners on his Credit card because he gets airline points so the group all gives him cash at the table (The $1500 mentioned earlier which might have been seen by someone and considered him a mark).
    His group usually splits up thought the evening so him being alone is not out of the ordinary.

    His bank found his credits cards were used at the CVS and Walgreen on the strip along with a Walmart somewhere else in Las Vegas at around 6:00 am the next morning. (My friend did not have a car to get anywhere off the strip)

    One positive was he didn't wake up with a "Jimmy was here" tramp stamp!

    So the moral here is be very careful and watch who sees you with Cash and keep an eye on your drinks.
  2. wigwam_salesman

    wigwam_salesman VIP Whale

    Aug 30, 2011
    Manchester, United Kingdom
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I'm not saying it didn't happen, but how did he get to his room?

    If he went there and was robbed then it is likely he would remember up to the point of leaving the casino and if he was robbed in the casino he must have been too out of it to get to his room.

    Maybe he omitted the part about taking a hooker to his room and then blacking out? ;-)

    I am not judging by the way, I couldn't care less about anyone using a hooker or not.
  3. Knucklehead69

    Knucklehead69 Low-Roller

    Nov 27, 2013
    Denver, CO
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Ha! Yeah that's the same thing I asked him... He said that it was like he was coherent at the time and was able to get back to his room but can't remember anything. I've never been roofed so don't know how it effects you.
    I told him to make sure he checks his Facebook photo tags... Might be some embarrassing things floating around!
  4. DoubleUp

    DoubleUp Low-Roller

    Jan 16, 2008
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    One of the side effects of Rohypnol (and others like GMB) is anterograde amnesia. That is you might have been somewhat coherent at the time, but now you will have no memory. That coupled with the drugs effects on your cognitive abilities turns you into an easy mark for an attractive woman, who your friend will never remember he brought back to his room. Other drugs, including of course alcohol (the worlds first and still most common date rape drug), have this effect..

    What your friend described matches pretty well the descriptions in this article for example:

    So a warning to all people, men and women, keep an eye on your drink! And maybe the bartender ? Ugh i hope not. And drink in moderation, because we know there is one drug in your drink: alcohol :) !
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2013
  5. Joe

    Joe VIP Whale

    Sep 11, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I must admit I was skeptical about the OP. Thanks for posting the interesting article.
    My only knowledge of Roofie is from the movie Hangover.
  6. C0usineddie

    C0usineddie VIP Whale

    Jun 7, 2011
    San Diego
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    If the wallet had all the valuables in it, why not just take the whole thing. Why leave an empty wallet?

    They took everything except his room key?

    Seems rather elaborate to me. If he was that out of it at the club why not just pick his pocket there, he obviously wouldnt remember it.
  7. marcianofan

    marcianofan High-Roller

    Mar 24, 2009
    portland, or
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I thought just woman got roofed, not men. But then this could be like a trick roll..
  8. Jerseyguy

    Jerseyguy MIA

    Sep 6, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Thats why you need a "wingman".

    Or "wingwoman " especially in clubs. Does the Voodoo have surveliance tapes? Did he contact Rio Security to review their tapes? Did he report this to LVPD?
    One way or the other ,it's a life lesson.
  9. Knucklehead69

    Knucklehead69 Low-Roller

    Nov 27, 2013
    Denver, CO
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Thanks for the info... My friend seems to think that he had the coherence to look normal as far as walking around and getting back to his room but was not coherent enough to resist when someone got his wallet from him and cleaned him out.

    He did report it to the police and they basically told him that he could open a report and if they caught the person (which would be unlikely) he would have to come back to Vegas for court appearances, trials and such. He chose not too since he wouldn't get the cash back even if they did catch the person and his bank and Credit card companies reimbursed him for the money stolen from the cards.
  10. dfalk

    dfalk VIP Whale

    Mar 7, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Back in the day I use to pop a lot of benzodiazepines (xanax, valium, etc) and drink at the same time. I could function just fine and act totally normal, but I would wake up the next day and not have a single clue what happened the night before. I guess you could say I was a functioning blackout drunk. My friends would tell me stories of where we went and what we did and I could only remember bit and pieces of it.

    So ya you can get roofied and make it back to your hotel room just fine. You're also in a state of mind where you don't notice anything going on around you. Someone could easily pick pocket you, take your cash, put the wallet back in your pocket and you would have no idea.

    Anyways I totally believe the OP's story.
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