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Vegas Movie (and TV) Collection

Discussion in 'Misc. Vegas Chat' started by Todd_Royce_XXL, Nov 7, 2013.

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  1. Busyman

    Busyman VIP Whale

    Jan 31, 2013
    Washington DC
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I'd like yo know was the show REALLY good or was it just the fact it was set in Vegas.

    Did the show stand up to some of the best shows you've ever seen or even approach it?

    Also networks do find success by being quick to pull the trigger. As I've stated, failing shows they've "stuck with" ended up fairing no better.

    Failing shows tend to keep failing.
  2. Todd_Royce_XXL

    Todd_Royce_XXL Low-Roller

    Aug 22, 2011
    Tacoma, Wa
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    For the part in bold: this is why I suggested an alternate solution. Something that might work in today's environment.

    And for the second part, not to be nitpicky, but Chappelle Show wasn't cancelled, in fact Dave quit, walked away from the show and Comedy Central publicly pleaded with him to return.

    This whole discussion is pointless, because we are both talking in hypotheticals. Hypothetically speaking I believe that if a show is artistically good it would be quite easy for the network to put it on one of their cable sister stations and attempt to build an audience. Hypothetically speaking, you don't agree.

    Listing a bunch of shows that networks kept on vs. shows that were highly rated doesn't really add much to the overall discussion.

    A discussion, by the way that has gone way off topic.

    So bringing it back around to Vegas:

    As I said in an earlier post, I believe what happened was Vegas debuted and had high ratings, the show in the beginning was not very well done. The first few episodes were not too good. Of course this is subjective, it's just my opinion, however the fact that the high ratings went down shows that probably a lot of people felt that way.
    I stuck with it because, as I said before, it was a period I was interested in, it was Vegas, and it was a mob story.
    I suffered through a few episodes that I didn't think were good.
    Then creatively the show started to catch fire, and by the end of the season it had gone from being a good show about Vegas to a good show, period.

    Looking at who was involved in the show; Nicholas Pileggi was the author of Casino and Wiseguy which spawned the big movie hits Casino and Goodfellas. The acting, especially by Michael Chiklis was engaging. The show, I believe, could have picked up an audience.

    But we'll never know.
  3. Busyman

    Busyman VIP Whale

    Jan 31, 2013
    Washington DC
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I don't see how without a major marketing effort or major cable station like HBO giving it exposure.

    Failing shows usually continue to fail until cancellation.
    You may have some aberrations but Cheers is not a good example since cable wasn't as popular, TV wasn't 24 hours, and there weren't a million channels to choose from.

    Show runners are not a guarantee of a show's success nor quality either. The aforementioned Shawn Ryan created Chicago Code which crushes many shows of today in quality yet it was canceled and he created The Shield.

    Good shows die early deaths often. Vegas had a full 21 episode season to kick butt and it didn't. 2nd chances in shows don't really work and I can't recall one in this era that did (I've seen many 2nd chances).
  4. SirSwizzlestick

    SirSwizzlestick Low-Roller

    Feb 18, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    What do you do when you've literally run out of Vegas shows/movies to watch because you've seen them ALL, and multiple times? I'm at the point where I think I've actually run out of Vegas based websites to visit because I have them memorized. Depressing.
  5. bardolator

    bardolator Lifelong Low Roller

    Mar 30, 2005
    Gig Harbor, WA
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    ...and the last word is....?
  6. easystreet57

    easystreet57 Low-Roller

    Mar 17, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Could the last word be RADIO?

    Another media source for Vegas in addition to movies and TV. As you know, nowadays most stations are streamed on the internet. Might want to check out KLAS 1250 on the net between movies and TV shows.

    It is a Las Vegas “all talk” format station, in particular the show “Las Vegas Backstage Talk with Michelle LaFong,” which is streamed” live” every Thursday evening 6pm to 9. (Vegas time).


    You can read Michelle LaFong’s bio. on her site, but briefly, she is a standup comic/ventriloquist that has been kicking around Vegas for many years, very chatty and seems to know everyone in the Vegas entertainment circle.

    Her guest are sometimes a headliner ,but more often they are “lounge type” acts, recognizable names, but usually from days past who either live in Vegas or are just in town working a short “gig”. This is good because as the conversation goes along, it sometime becomes fill of tales and events of the “old days” in Vegas. She is quick witted and good at getting guest to reveal things that they didn’t think they would be talking about in public.

    On the “Backstage” site you can download past shows from a list of guest and some of her shows are available via podcast on itunes. Michelle LaFong also pens an interview column in “Casino Player” magazine.
  7. Todd_Royce_XXL

    Todd_Royce_XXL Low-Roller

    Aug 22, 2011
    Tacoma, Wa
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    SirSwizzlestick, I understand what you mean. But still it doesn't seem like too much time goes by before something Vegas related comes out.
    In 2013 we've had Vegas the TV show, Hangover 3, Last Vegas, and in just the past few weeks I've found both the shows Bad Ink and Naked Vegas to be pretty entertaining.
  8. SirSwizzlestick

    SirSwizzlestick Low-Roller

    Feb 18, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Ill have to check those shows out, thanks SCS
  9. Joe

    Joe VIP Whale

    Sep 11, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I didn't go through all the responses, so maybe this was already mentioned? Paradise. Got it yesterday from Netflix. The movie is so-so, but lots of current Vegas shots.
  10. Todd_Royce_XXL

    Todd_Royce_XXL Low-Roller

    Aug 22, 2011
    Tacoma, Wa
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I thought of another Vegas show, it's actually a runner up for my favorite weekly TV show and not because it's filmed in Vegas, but The Ultimate Fighter takes place there. If you are not a fight fan you probably won't want to waste your time watching it just for shots of LV, because there aren't a lot, but if are interested at all in UFC or MMA you will get some cool shots of Vegas as an extra bonus to a really compelling show/competition.
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