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Will restaurants split the bill for 6 people?

Discussion in 'Restaurants & Buffets' started by mdm4sfest, Oct 29, 2013.

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  1. hammie

    hammie VIP Whale

    Sep 18, 2006
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Can I guess that you guys are not even close to age 30? This is a major pain in the ass for a server. You guys should just go to a buffet and pay for your drinks in advance.

    The following observation is not directed to you, and I realize I have become my father.

    I observed this in a hotel restaurant in Atlantic City, an adjacent table of 5 and one and all were having late lunch and the waiter brings over separate checks, they all whip out a credit card, then there was a mistake on one bill, and it was long and drawn out. Thankfully, it was not busy, but damn! You gotta collect 5 tips, run 5 cards, get 5 signatures, put in 5 orders. Does it really matter over the course of a guys trip to maybe pay an extra $20 for an unforgettable weekend? I am a fossil, have done many bachelor parties, guys weekends, fishing trips, we would just throw money in a pot and when it was gone, throw more in. The point of going out to dinner is to share a great meal, tell an embarrassing story about each other, break chops, have some drinks and have a good time, not worry if someone had an extra beer or a dessert. Pass the check, throw in some money for what you ordered, add 25% (or divide by 4 for those math challenged) for tax and tip, when it gets to the last guy, figure it out.

    What is it about going out with no f*ckin' folding money! As in pictures of dead presidents!!! Why does everything have to be paid with a credit card? My nephew never has cash, only his Amex, has deep pockets and short arms, always is going to the bathroom when its time to buck up. Are you just trying to get cash back or points? Is it a points envy thing as the last guy decides to keep the cash and put the tab on his credit card? SO WHAT! Let someone else be the last one the next time. Is it a generational thing? I ask my children in their early 20's when going out, "do you have any money"? They will both say yes, but I have to be specific "folding money, as in green stuff". "Oh, no Dad, I have my debit card".

    Sorry, this is not directed to any board member specifically, but is an observation that I've made and this thread just put me on tilt, it is something that has been bugging me for awhile. And I feel better now. Next year, my daughter will be in off campus housing, during the tour of her 6 bedroom house, the current tennants pointed out that there were 7 cabinets in the kitchen, one for each roommate to store her food. I said, don't you ever cook for each other? I am a fossil, born in another time.

    Have a good time in Vegas, maybe when you have 20 year old children, folding money will be extinct.
  2. ken2v

    ken2v This Space For Rent

    Sep 18, 2003
    A nice place
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    That's some funny stuff right there.:beer:

    Couple thoughts. I put everything on a card for kickback. Paying cash is simply leaving money on the table. However, I always have cash on hand, too.

    The buffet is a rock solid idea. Sounds like food quality isn't going to be a huge deal and it is absolutely turnkey.

    It's always hard to travel with a group that doesn't normally travel together, for the very big reasons stated that someone is going to try to count down every penny and another is going to order a hot dog and another is going for the surf/turf, or whatever. I'm of the persuasion that excluding alcohol, if it's a group event and there are x number of participants, then when the bill comes it is total+tax/x. Our circle of friends all are on board with that. If we bring wine, someone grabs the corkage, etc. It's exactly about the time together and if someone's gonna sweat being shortchanged 20 bucks then over time they'll just work their way out of the circle because at some point, it always comes back around. It's amazing how folks can take turns just volunteering to grab the check how at the end of it all the number is pretty close, too.
  3. mdm4sfest

    mdm4sfest VIP Whale

    Jun 5, 2012
    Cleveland, OH
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Good story hammie, makes sense. We are between the ages of 29-35 but I def get your point. If possible, I would just want to avoid dishing over the cash I bring for gambling or having an extra $200 plus in my pocket which I would def throw away. Maybe at worst we can just pair up and get 3 checks.

    Appreciate all the feedback and opinions.
  4. thecarve

    thecarve Misanthrope

    Aug 24, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    This infuriates me too. Seriously, how freaking hard is it to keep a couple twenties in your wallet so when I buy you dinner you can at least leave the goddamn tip?! :grrr:
  5. uli_1515

    uli_1515 Low-Roller

    Mar 28, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I'm 26 and I was raised with the father who picked up every tab. When I was younger I used to buy rounds at the bar and also dinner. I thought it would come full circle but it rarely does anymore. My dad raised me to live in the wrong era. I have stopped buying for most anything in my group of extended friends. Close friends we do ok but there is always the cheapskates. Will do the round of shots then grab you a Coors light.
  6. Funkhouser

    Funkhouser In Charge of the Big Door

    Aug 20, 2011
    Cincinnatti, OH
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    What, didn't you ever play credit card roulette. This is a classic game I play with my golf buddies on trips.

    Everyone lays credit card face down on table, which ever one the server picks up gets the tab. :evillaugh However this could really suck for someone since I have see your Aria pool side checks.:grrr:
  7. hammie

    hammie VIP Whale

    Sep 18, 2006
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    One of the things we used to do was each throw a twenty on the top of the bar and run a "kitty". Tip the bartender from each round. When the kitty was low, time to throw in another one. If you leave, one guy grabs the kitty and throws it on the next bar. This is a good reason to get to the bar early since new entrants must kick in a twenty. Did this kitty on a driving trip to Florida, three or four guys, we would pay for gas, hotels, meals, suitcases of Pabst in cans, and so on.
  8. Kickin

    Kickin Flea

    Aug 10, 2012
    Don't kid yourself. Some of those salads are heavier than most of the entrees. It's funny when people want to eat light and they order a salad that's covered in dressing, cheese, and crispy fried whatevers. They'd be better off with a steak.

    My friends and I do the same thing without the latter part. One of us just picks up the check, it informally rotates, and we figure it's all a wash at the end. Sure it may not be, but its simple and comfortable.
  9. mdm4sfest

    mdm4sfest VIP Whale

    Jun 5, 2012
    Cleveland, OH
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    That be kinda cool on a bar crawl. throw 6 credit cards in, have the bartender choose, and then remove the chosen card each bar thereafter.
  10. ken2v

    ken2v This Space For Rent

    Sep 18, 2003
    A nice place
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Good way to operate, kick. We have circles where that's exactly how it works.

    All this reminds me of a story I think I've told here before. During the annual trip, this time to Scottsdale, one of the guys was getting his MBA, remodeling the house and just generally bleeding money like USC losing scholarships. So we're at Roaring Fork and one of the specials is cut-to-order ribeye. He orders an 8-ouncer -- only because they couldn't shave it down any finer even if using a peeler -- another guy orders 24 or something. Meat comes out, Mr. Thrift gets the big un placed in front of him and he's getting ready to dig into it. Now his steak was sitting over there, well done I might add, looking thinner than a piece of notebook paper, and Ed's looking down at it like some kid who Santa forgot on Xmas morn.
  11. justmare

    justmare High-Roller

    Apr 16, 2009
    Southern California
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    How did that work out?!
  12. nostresshere

    nostresshere Mr. Anti Debit Card

    May 4, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    How does this solve any problem. The check is still split into 6 checks (evenly or per actual charges).

    To expect 5 other guys to figure out how to do the paypal thing vs just pulling out cash or charge card is... and how many have paypal. and how many can deal with mobile apps?

    Don't forget, a table of 6 guys, a few rounds of drinks....
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