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Best way to utilize my BR????

Discussion in 'Comps' started by himmelsin9, Jan 7, 2016.

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  1. himmelsin9

    himmelsin9 Tourist

    Jun 9, 2014
    South Texas
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    First and foremost, thanks for taking the time to read and chime in. I am 30 year old, middle class, and love Vegas. I constantly read on these reports of people receiving comps, comps and more comps. In the 9-10 years I have been visiting vegas, I have been mainly loyal to MGM Grand and Mlife properties, but recently, Mlife comps have really fell off. (For my trip this January, i'm giving CET a shot and staying comped at Flamingo. Big drop off from Bellagio this past August and my usual homebase of MGM, but free is free)In 2012-2014 years, I was able to receive 3 nights comped and around 100 resort credit at MGM. However, now, I only receive the discounted rates. As for gambling, I've basically stayed consistent. I gamble around 5 hours a day and take a thousand per day to gamble. I stick 40% craps, 40%blackjack and 20%vp/slots. Craps, play $15-25 min, Pass max odds, come with max odds, and place 6/8 at rough equivalent to my overall pass line + odds bet. BJ, 25-100$ Min and play ONLY 3/2 and good rules. My question to you: what is the best way to maximize possible comps? Am I doing something wrong? I understand that I am not the High Roller most casinos thirst for, but what advise could you give me? I generally visit 3 times yearly and stay 3-4 days and take 1k per day for gambling budget. FWIW I am not one to play above my means, the money I take, is money I already consider GONE!!! Any advise would help!!

    P.S. Totally separate subject, but does anyone ever accidentally type "milf" in to the address bar when meaning to open 'Mlife"?? Happens to me all the time and wife gets mad cause accidental porn shows up on our computer. hahah Good times, just curious.

  2. bjpcyclone

    bjpcyclone High-Roller

    Apr 20, 2013
    NE Oklahoma
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    My bankroll is about 25% less than yours and I'll get mid level room comps with very small FP (like $50-$75) at both Mlife and CET properties. Might get a 1-2 midweek nights at upper hotels.

    If you play at that level at CET properties, you'll likely get 5 night room offers at everything PH and below. You should get mid-week room comps at all of their places.

    You aren't doing anything wrong. Play the games you want and don't let comps dictate your play.
  3. Hobofrank

    Hobofrank Prime Minister of Idiocracy

    Jul 29, 2014
    Porter Ranch,CA
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    No i type milf all the time logging on! LoL
    Do you have a host at milf yet?...get one
  4. nostresshere

    nostresshere Mr. Anti Debit Card

    May 4, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    For the lower to mid level, and even higher - folks have seen casinos tighten up on comps over time. After all, if they feel you are going to visit and leave xx amount of dollars anyway.. why waste their money?
    The comments from the poster above are good.
  5. shifter

    shifter Degenerate Gambler

    Sep 15, 2010
    At the tables
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    The offers will ebb and flow over time based on the stock numbers the big wigs need to hit to make their bonuses.
  6. Gamesman

    Gamesman VIP Whale

    Jul 21, 2014
    San Diego
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Based on what you wrote, you'll likely see better comps with craps since you're risking more per roll and the HA between the two games.
  7. BayouBengal

    BayouBengal VIP Whale

    Jan 1, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Blackjack and craps are pretty low edge games so a lot of time or high bets are needed to move the needle. What you can do is remember to ask the pit boss what he has you rated at as you're getting ready to color up. This is to make sure you're not getting shorted.
  8. stackinchips

    stackinchips VIP Whale

    Jul 13, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    You're not doing anything wrong. You just have two things working against you:

    You play two of the lowest HA games in the casino. The good news on that is that you're getting the most bang for you buck in the casino and are likely to lose less than if you were playing other games. Of course that means that you're also going to get less in comps playing those games than if you used your whole BR for slots.

    The other thing working against you is simply that casinos are tightening comps. As the economy improves and more people come to Vegas, the casinos don't need to do as much to entice people to come fill their rooms and gamble.

    At the end of the day, play where and when you want and let the comps fall where they may. Personally I'd pay to stay at a mid level MGM property before I took a free CET room outside of Caesars. Especially since you're going to get charged the resort fee on your free room. If you're just looking for a place to crash, and want to minimize costs, CET may work for you.
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