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Table Games positive or negative experiences while playing craps

Discussion in 'Table Games' started by Jiunntai, Jun 27, 2015.

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  1. Jiunntai

    Jiunntai Tourist

    Sep 24, 2014
    I would like to discuss the some good and bad experiences while playing craps , anyone feel free to share . I know everyone wanted to win when they go to casino , Did you feel sometimes some people just don't care what other players or casino staffs think of them ? They always ask you if you are going to shoot the dice , they are hoping you say no , so they can shoot. If you have a quick seven out , even made one or two points , they always said to other players what a shitty roll . When they seven out without making any points . they just kept quiet . I guessed they don't understand the odds of making one point is less than 50 percents . Sometimes they just gave you dirty looks for two minutes like you did something wrong .
  2. Brick

    Brick Low-Roller

    May 28, 2015
    SF Bay Area
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I've had both good and bad experiences with craps. I have the most fun when I am able to maintain the mind state that I am doing this for entertainment, the house always has the edge, and if I can't handle the outcomes, then to do something else with my money. I agree that other people's offhand remarks can briefly annoy -- but I try to remember that not everyone at the table understands the mathematics or rules or etiquette of the game. I have also had awesome times at the table when losing more than winning and the other players help keep it fun with jokes, stories, and drunken behavior. That being said, I love the game and will switch tables/casinos/darkside/lightside to make it more fun.
  3. Jiunntai

    Jiunntai Tourist

    Sep 24, 2014
    About two months ago , two players almost got into fight while I was shooting dice . Player A was betting every numbers but like asking dealers to take down his bets every two or three rolls , this slow old lady dealer mixed my 24 dollars 6 and 8 bets into Player A bets and gave to him . When I see my bets disappered I asked the dealers where is my bets politely . Now the player B said the dealer gave my bets to player A . Now the Player A is getting mad and told Player B to mind his business and going face to face Player B . Player A backed down , when he saw Player B grab a ashtray and prepared to use it . I have no problems if dealer made a mistake , casino always corrected the mistake if they knew how you played .
  4. Brick

    Brick Low-Roller

    May 28, 2015
    SF Bay Area
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I've had situations similar to that and like you, I ask for the dealer and pit boss to handle any issues. Player vs. Player Drama always ruins a good table. I was playing at around 3am at Mirage in March and the shooter at the head of the table was drunk but happy. Every time he rolled, he said a drunken rhyme about his grandma telling him the secret in life was "money, cash, h*es" and since he was hitting numbers and making money for us, all the other players starting chanting it too. The pit boss had a pained grin on his face -- probably didn't like a table full of players yelling "h*es" -- but there was lots of money on the felt so he probably didn't care. All of a sudden, the player standing to the shooter's left (SR 3) interrupts the chant to tell the shooter to "just throw the damned dice." The shooter dropped the dice and took a fighting stance -- pit boss told everyone to chill out. Shooter rolls -- 7 out.
  5. Gamesman

    Gamesman VIP Whale

    Jul 21, 2014
    San Diego
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Only negative experience I had is at a casino in Palm Springs.

    When I ran to the bathroom between shooters. I came back and dropped my money on the pass line, with odds (same bet as always, and I'd been there an hour+) and a dealer called no bet. The dice hadn't left the shooters hand, and the number hit. I tried talking to the dealer and pit boss, but didn't get my way.

    Next day at the same casino the table was packed and everyone was doing well. During one of the rolls the Pit Boss calls out, "This is the last Shooter". Apparently they close their craps tables at 1 in the morning, all of them. I've never seen that before. The shooter crapped out on the next roll.
  6. Gamesman

    Gamesman VIP Whale

    Jul 21, 2014
    San Diego
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Oh, and let's not miss the positives. I sometimes play World and Turning red on the come out roll, along with all the hard ways. I often forget what the pay out should be for these, especially when I'm drinking.

    An 11 hit and they paid me and the pit boss corrected their payment. I said that's the amount they'd been paying me all night. He confirmed with the dealers that they had underpaid me previously. He said that he couldn't give all my money back but he the dealers give pay me an extra $50.
  7. Jiunntai

    Jiunntai Tourist

    Sep 24, 2014
    My positive experiences is when I made about 8 or 9 points while made 5 different points for the fire bet which paid 250 -1 . I never made the fire bet so I made the money from the points and numbers . Two guys tip me 100 dollars each after I seven out . They have 5 dollars fire bets and made a ton of money on the numbers and points.
  8. hail2skins

    hail2skins VIP Whale

    Mar 10, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Chances of having a fun, positive experience being about 100 percent: playing in Las Vegas, as long as you are hitting the back wall while shooting (to avoid the wrath of an anal boxman) and getting your bets down in time to avoid the dice hitting your hands if they are coming from the other side of the table

    Chances of seeing conflict between players or between players and table crew: rise dramatically if playing in Atlantic City
  9. Electroguy563

    Electroguy563 Vegas Joker

    Apr 26, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Sometimes players blame the shooter for their bad luck, not realizing that nobody on that table is forcing you or anyone else to bet. The only time you are required to bet is when you are the shooter.

    Lots of times these are the players who really shouldn't be playing anymore. They are playing with scared money and are getting desperate. They are quick to blame others so as not to face the reality of their stupidness.

    I usually have fun when I play. I'll leave if the atmosphere at the table is crappy. There are always other tables and fun players/dealers to play with. The only time I will grin and bear a crappy table is when the table is hot, but when that streak ends I'm outta there.

    I believe the box should shut down any player that grumbles or complains about the shooting or numbers outcome. After several warnings they should have the authority to kick that player off the table.

    Again, nobody is forcing anyone to bet, unless you are the shooter. Just don't cry if the shooter you just chastised goes on a heater after you left and now you can't get back on the table because it's full. :Þ
  10. Electroguy563

    Electroguy563 Vegas Joker

    Apr 26, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Damn....I bet everyone at that table wanted to fight player SR3 after that!
  11. zing

    zing Low-Roller

    Jun 24, 2015
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I agree with this. In Las Vegas everyone is on vacation, pretty laid back and having a good time. In Atlantic City that isn't always the case. I've played with some pretty interesting characters in AC before, including some who could have been homeless. You might see those types of players at the shadier off strip Vegas casinos, but those are pretty easy to avoid.
  12. Bo333

    Bo333 VIP Whale

    Aug 20, 2010
    Austin, TX
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Anytime there is a bad vibe at the table, run away.
  13. FullBoat

    FullBoat VIP Whale

    Oct 19, 2013
    Austin, TX
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I've got a good and bad one.

    The bad one I've talked about in one of my trip reports. REALLY drunk guy early in the morning. Just me him, and 1 other guy. He's playing dark side. I don't have anything against that. I know the odds are a "bit" better, but whatever makes you happy right? I might kid someone about it, but I always let them know I'm kidding. Well, this drunk SoB keeps yelling for the 7 to come after I hit a point. And, keeps yelling "Come on big boy, 7 out. I'll buy you a burger". Well, after my next 7, I leave. Only to run into him about 20 min later at Golden Gate...CRAP

    Good one was this past trip. I had been rolling like crud all trip long. Pont-7 almost every time. Well, My first roll Wednesday it was like I couldn't lose. I hit a point, and then just about every number multiple times. I was at The D, and was doing $10 come bets starting out with 2x odds. I pressed $5 after every time I hit a number. At one point I had max odds on 2 or 3 numbers. Went from a $400 buyin to over $1000 sitting in front of me before I 7ed out. That was about 30 min. Almost my best roll ever. Everyone was laughing, yelling, clapping. Even the dealers were getting into it since I was betting for them as well. And, they knew me from the other times I played, and knew I was down a good bit. Funny thing is, I went down before my flight the next morning, and 1 of the guys came up to the table that was there for that roll, and just yelled "Do it again". I didn't. :(
    2015-06-17 03.19.25.jpg

    So, you have to make it the best you can. You just have to keep reminding yourself that you're there to have fun, and not win your retirement. And, if you're betting your retirement...run away.
  14. Jiunntai

    Jiunntai Tourist

    Sep 24, 2014
    Another interesting incidents I witnessed recently , two players got into arguments , the casino will always take the side of the players who is betting bigger by telling the smaller player to stop . If they are betting about the same , the casino will take the side of regular player .
  15. Jer

    Jer “The Walrus has spoken”

    Jan 20, 2002
    Southern California
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Best craps experiences will always be a T2V/VMB dominated table. Good times...

    The worst will always be the rudest dealers at Casino Royale. Just plain arrogant and not afraid to verbally assault customers. Complaints to the pit did no good , they basically said you can play somewhere else. I got the whole table to leave with me, which completely stunned them...
  16. FullBoat

    FullBoat VIP Whale

    Oct 19, 2013
    Austin, TX
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    So that September meetup should be epic. :beer: Maybe we should say no cameras...don't want blackmail pics.
  17. LV_Bound

    LV_Bound VIP Whale

    Nov 17, 2010
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    The only negative is what I bring on myself when I Point/7 out.
    Its a tough feeling to roll the point and see everyone toss out money only to have it cleaned off the table the next roll. :thumbsdown:
    Even though its not my fault I still feel bad but getting better understanding that its the caveat of the game.
  18. Electroguy563

    Electroguy563 Vegas Joker

    Apr 26, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    One of the positive experiences of the game is that the dealers and box people are usually very polite, inviting, and friendly. I've found that if the player is classy, they are treated well by them.

    I've never had a craps experience where the drink service doesn't come fast and furious. If you like to drink this is the place to play. Don't forget to tip a buck or two.

    Placing a bet for the dealers once in a while is always appreciated and adds to the friendly banter amongst the players and dealers.

    I take positive experiences while gambling seriously. I will watch a table for a while, noting if the players are having a good time (of course also noting if the table is promising). If I see some negative nellies I usually use caution before deciding to jump in.
  19. MrsFuri

    MrsFuri Low-Roller

    Mar 11, 2015
    37,000 Feet, Usually
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I love craps and I have had my fair share of "fun" tables and tables that irritate me and so I leave.

    To me, craps is a social game... we all want to win, obviously and many of us are betting on the same numbers to win, it's sort of an "us" (gamblers) against the house (casino). Of course, those betting against "us" would be the exception, but they are few and far between.

    My husband is a great shooter... almost 100% of the time. He can roll w/o hitting the "bad" number (we won't say it, but you know what it is... between 6 and 8) for 20-30+ times and will hit 5-6 points on average. I love it and the table does too, usually.

    What irritates me is the "cooler" that comes up... so often. A grumpy dude who lays down a G, bets Any 7 and immediately I know to turn off all the action possible, my hubs will 7 out on the next roll... like clockwork this happens.

    What also irritates me is when my husband rolls and he goes on a streak, and then eventually, 7's out... it's a "crap shoot" on how the table reacts. The fun players who've seen the good, are high fiving and saying "good shooting" and the bummer players act like they didn't just make a lot of cash (and if they didn't it's their own damn fault)... and that's annoying.

    I guess what I am saying is, I love craps and I particularly love the sociability of it... if you don't want to play with other people, reserve a table (if your bankroll permits)... otherwise, bring the fun and lets take the house :)

  20. Brick

    Brick Low-Roller

    May 28, 2015
    SF Bay Area
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I've felt that way too. I guess I only want to see the casinos lose money. :peace:
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