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Grand Canyon Tour Company

Discussion in 'Shows & Entertainment' started by sweetcanadian, Dec 31, 2013.

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  1. sweetcanadian

    sweetcanadian High-Roller

    Jul 16, 2013
    Manitoba canada
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Originally my plan has been to rent a car and drive down to the grand canyon and skip vegas for the weekend. If we drive it will be an overnight trip, so i had booked a hotel in flagstaff for about $70 a night. When you factor in the car rental and gas it will probably be a 300-400$ trip easily.

    Here is my dilema, i have a hard time settling on something. I have started to feel that if i do it this way my husband wont have much time to relax. With only 5 days in vegas and 1 of those days will be spent changing hotels i know i will want to be on the go a lot. If we stayed in vegas right through and did a tour we would have a full extra day to take this tour.

    Right now it is $79 pp but the sale ends today, not sure what the normal price is but i am sure we would get more relaxing in this way.............but vegas weekends are more expensive.

    Have you taken the tour to the south rim before? I do not want to do west rim. I don't have a lot of problem being on someone else's time.

    The other question i have is would you put it at the beginning of your trip or at the end?

    If it helps, we going in april
  2. BlueBellThunder

    BlueBellThunder VIP Whale

    Jun 2, 2013
    New Jersey
    Trips to Las Vegas:


    This is a great tour company. We've used them a few years ago. The use small van no more than 10 people. We did the south rim and it was spectacular. I think it's $155 per person and we'll worth it if you budget allows. It includes breakfast an lunch. They pick you up at your hotel early morning and have you back before midnight. If you use them you won't be disappointed.
  3. NickyDim

    NickyDim Hockey is life

    Dec 6, 2012
    Lone Mountain
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    We used Scenic Airlines out of Boulder airport. You can do the whole thing in less than a day and be back by dinner. 1 hour flight to south rim, a couple of stops along the rim, food, and hotel transportation. You get to see Hoover dam and a beautiful aerial view of the canyon. We liked it. I found the time spent was just right, not very long. You take a million pictures in the first 10 minutes because everywhere you look is beautiful, but after a 1/2 hour your done, or at least I was and ready to head back to the hotel for gaming action.

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