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Another RC Anchor Club Promo and Comps Question

Discussion in 'Comps' started by Kbocek1, Aug 12, 2014.

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  1. Kbocek1

    Kbocek1 Tourist

    Jun 1, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    My husband booked 3 nights at the Monte in August with $100 Resort Credit and 2 nights at the Luxor with $60 Credit using this Promo. They did not ask for his mlife # and the rates were within a few dollars of my mlife offer prices minus the Resort Credit. Our mlife accounts are linked. My question is will my future comps be affected by this offer? Am I required to play my customary pattern when using this promo like I would with a marketing email or flyer or is this a separate animal? Just curious. Asked in a different thread but it was buried so I reposted hoping someone out there knows the answer. We plan on gambling more than usual but more distributed between MGM properties and not just the ones we are staying at.
  2. nostresshere

    nostresshere Mr. Anti Debit Card

    May 4, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    So, that I get this clear. You/your husband booked a room using an offer from Royal Carribean Anchor Club. That booking may well have his mlife number linked somewhere. Not sure.

    If they have an indication you are there (playing with card, charging with card,using express comps, link from RC Club,etc), then they will calculate your ADT/Theo. That is the number that generates free rooms and other offers. If that play is less than in the past, then your adt drops, and offers drop.

    On a related note:
    Are you every required to play? No you are not. But, your play, or lack of will change your ADT and that will impact future offers.
  3. heatherlovesvegas

    heatherlovesvegas VIP Whale

    Mar 22, 2012
    Woodland Hills, CA
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    No, these offers aren't reliant on play, this is just a promotional offer... they don't expect anything from you.

    But yes, as said above, if you use your Mlife card, they will start rating you, like normal... I don't see what the problem is? I would give them your Mlife card, so you get your points for the room rate too.

    You playing at different resorts will mess up your patterns, not the RC offer.
  4. Kbocek1

    Kbocek1 Tourist

    Jun 1, 2014
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Thanks - I know play is not technically required - I just don't want my comp offers to be diminished because I am MGM casino hoping this trip. Usually I try to play at least half of my gambling funds at the casino I am staying at to maximize comps at that particular casino and I kepp getting upgrades there but I am hoping that by booking this offer I can MGM hop a bit more on this trip. I really like mllfe. I knpw some don't like it but they have always been nice to me.
  5. heatherlovesvegas

    heatherlovesvegas VIP Whale

    Mar 22, 2012
    Woodland Hills, CA
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Ultimately, enjoy your trip! Don't worry about it. I think as long as you are loyal to Mlife, it should be ok.
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