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Best way to book for business/pleasure

Discussion in 'Comps' started by pwdump, Apr 7, 2014.

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  1. pwdump

    pwdump Tourist

    Sep 2, 2007
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I have 2 days of meetings at Mandalay that my company is will to pay for 2 nights @ 180/nt. They are also willing to just pay me the $360 and let me book my own. I have no comps/history with Mlife. I have 2 free nights available to me at Caesars and Hard Rock at that time.

    I will also be staying 2 more nights on my own. I am mainly a $25 blackjack player.

    Right now, I am leaning towards taking the money and staying at the Hard Rock for the 2 meeting days on comps and then moving up to Caesars for the last 2 nights on comps.

    Any better suggestions? Is it worth just staying at Mandalay since the company is paying for it? At my level, I'm guessing I wont be getting any offers from Mlife though.
  2. NYPoker

    NYPoker Tourist

    Feb 27, 2012
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Take the money and enjoy it. Free room and extra fun money is better than just free room.
  3. smartone

    smartone VIP Whale

    Jul 17, 2011
    Northern Nevada
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I would tend to agree with NYPoker, but since I do the Vegas meeting "thing" frequently... would ask you to honestly assess your ability to shut things down at night. Morning rolls around in Vegas awfully early compared to most towns due to the "pressure" to enjoy things at night. Perhaps your meetings are large conference style deals where you can sit in the back and wander in and out of... but if they're a more intimate type where your participation and energy is a must, there's nothing like staying at the host hotel for minimizing things in the morning.

    If you do stay at the Hard Rock, which is my home hotel in Vegas, you can quickly and easily get to Mandalay Bay by taking Harmon west to Koval, then Koval south and it changes into Reno Ave, after you pass Tropicana... stay to the left as it then turns into Giles and it will wind around and become Mandalay Place as it intersects Las Vegas Blvd.! If this sounds complicated, just follow the cabs, and shuttle buses as they all take this shortcut. Essentially, you're skirting the north-west corner of the airport, but are avoiding all the traffic in front of Cosmo, Aria, etc. on Las Vegas Blvd. Hard Rock's an easy place to get in and out of compared to the larger Strip properties, which is one big reason I stay there.

    Whatever you choose I hope you have productive meetings and lots of fun in the evenings!!!
  4. pwdump

    pwdump Tourist

    Sep 2, 2007
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I won't have an issue with being able to shut it down. I basically have a full day of presentations one day followed by a breakfast the next.

    The main reason I was thinking of the Hard Rock for the 2 meeting days was because those are the only comps I have available besides CET properties and it is easy to drive from/to vs. a strip property.

    I prefer to be closer to decent $25 BJ games. I used to play the 2 deck game at the Hard Rock before they changed the rules up a couple years ago. Now I pretty much stay on the shoe games unless something changed.
  5. nostresshere

    nostresshere Mr. Anti Debit Card

    May 4, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I have a rule almost 100% of the time.

    Stay at the same hotel as the meeting. Do not worry about transportation. Do not worry about where to leave your "stuff". Have a safe haven if there is a lull in the meeting and you want to go lay down, or use the "potty".
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