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Discussion in 'Misc. Vegas Chat' started by imwired, Oct 9, 2013.

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  1. imwired

    imwired High-Roller

    Apr 7, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Do you every get mad at yourself for playing too long? Lately - esp on the last night of a trip - I've been staying up late and trying to get a big win. So I end up going through most of my money instead of taking home a chunk of it. Sorry for the downer question. I'm feeling kind of dumb right now.:eek:
  2. Happygirl21

    Happygirl21 VIP Whale

    Sep 17, 2013
    New Jersey
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Living so close to AC I have made the "ride of shame" home more than once. With the "promise" to myself..next time I'll do this that or the other thing. But then I get over and hope for a better turn out next time :) But yup, it's a lousy feeling:rolleyes2:
  3. Kickin

    Kickin Flea

    Aug 10, 2012
    LOL any gambler who says they never regretted that is full of shit. Don't worry, you are definitely not alone.
  4. imwired

    imwired High-Roller

    Apr 7, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Thanks! It's hard not to look for that big win. And then, after getting it, to hold onto it.
  5. Auggie

    Auggie Dovahkiin

    Jan 8, 2009
    Burnaby, BC
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I don't think you can be a gambler without having at least a few of these every once in a while.

    In the end you really just have to be willing to accept the results and move on - just the way casinos work you are more likely to lose money than win it and you could beat yourself up after every loss, like if you go and lose just $200 you just have to accept it for what it is instead of on the ride home dwelling on it like:
    "Geez if I didn't lose that $200 I could have bought myself a new pair of shoes and some really nice steaks for dinner"
    "Geez if I didn't lose that $200 I could have bought a new LCD TV"
    "Geez if I didn't lose that $200 I could have bought a handful of XBox games and gotten 2-3 months worth of entertainment value for my money instead of just one evening at the casino"

    The other thing is that you just don't know what the future holds, when the winning will stop or if you start losing how bad it'll be... or if you are losing when the winning will start and how good it will be.

    I look at some of my last few trips and I've had recent trips where in one I was up $400 but stuck around and kept on playing and wound up going home up over $2000 at the end of the night... but then there was another where I was up $800 at one point and kept on playing only to go home down $200 for the night.

    For that trip I could have spent the ride home just thinking "Geez, the things I could have bought with $1000..." but in the end it is what it is and whats done is done.

    I think what really helps is if you don't go home a loser every single time... that if you can take some money home once in a while, spend some those winnings on something frivolous and something necessary that it really helps those times when you come home with nothing.
  6. cjohnson202

    cjohnson202 VIP Whale

    Aug 15, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    My trip last October, I was bored in the Airport and blew the last $200 US I had in my wallet. It sucked more because our flight got diverted to Washington (instead of home, Toronto) and we had to spend the night there, leaving me no cash for food.

    However, my last trip (June(, I won $100+ at the airport, which helped balance things out. You win some, you lose some. Might as well try to win, if you can afford it.
  7. Gaggles

    Gaggles VIP Whale

    Nov 28, 2009
    Calgary Area
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    We have all felt the dumbness. Usually I be more dumber on the first night than I am dumber on the last night but my dummness really knows no bounds!

    The problem for an idiot like myself is that I am prone to hitting a "hail mary" about 50% of the time at some point during my trip. This leads to further chasing. When I don't hit big some of those losses can set me back months for my next trip.

    Put me down as a seat for two for Dumb and Dumber....
  8. DeMoN2318

    DeMoN2318 The DERS

    Aug 6, 2012
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I had an ahha moment the other day about this very thing...I use to have the mindset, "I dont want to only win $100, I want a big win" but I was missing the fact that the $100 win is $100 + the daily bankroll...

    I only take money to Vegas that I can afford to lose (Duh right?) so when I leave my house with my Vegas bankroll that money is already written off in my annual budget...now lets say I take $1000/day bankroll and at the end of the first day I am sitting up $100, the old me would say "it's only $100, go big or go home" and then I would chase a big win and blow it all (since you can always win bigger)...wouldn't really bother me since I expected to lose the $1000 I allocated for the day so I'm not really "out" any money. but it just hit me the other day, that if I take that "measly" $100 win and stop for the night it is virtually a $1100 win!!

    It seems so obvious and I feel really dumb that it took 12 trips to Vegas for it to hit me...now the real test is to see if I can stick to it...
  9. AlwaysVegas

    AlwaysVegas Now it's mostly Reno.

    Apr 7, 2011
    Dallas, TX
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I've never gone over budget, but I have put a nice little jackpot back in the same machine I won it on more times than I can count. It's not a great feeling. Now when I get an appreciable jackpot, I always cash out my ticket and 'start over' on machine with a $20 bill. I'd rather spread around my winnings than lose it all back in the same machine. It's just a psychological thing for me.
  10. Aftermath

    Aftermath Low-Roller

    Jan 24, 2013
    Los Angeles
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I recently almost had a "regretful" trip, but the degenerate in me saved my ass for once.

    I brought a bankroll of 7k and by the 3rd day I was literally down to my last 2 black chips. I was about to pocket it and cut my losses so that I would atleast have money for gas and food while I kicked myself all the way home but something inside me said, BET IT!

    So on my way out of the casino, I found an empty BJ table and slapped the $200 down... BLACKJACK! I said well, I was going to go home broke anyways, all or nothing right? So I let it ride.... BLACKJACK! The dealer commented on how lucky I was and that I should let it ride again. Was I bold enough to? Sure why not... 17 vs dealers 10... AH!!!!!!!!! Why didn't I leave! Dealer flips over 6, then 9... BUST! :thumbsup:

    After 3 shoes of headsup with the dealer, I left with $10k! Talk about miracle recovery! $200 to $10k in a matter of 1 hour. Now why can't I have that kind luck starting a fresh trip and winning from the get go instead of losing my ass off and having to play to try to break even. :rolleyes2:

    And to think, I almost just walked away with $200.
  11. Max2589

    Max2589 Low-Roller

    Aug 8, 2012
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I had a similar situation his past weekend, just no comecomeback.
    Too many regrets...
  12. Happygirl21

    Happygirl21 VIP Whale

    Sep 17, 2013
    New Jersey
    Trips to Las Vegas:

    Very nice:thumbsup: This is the sort of thing that inspires the degenerate in most of us! Again congrats.
  13. flysrb

    flysrb Hey Now!

    Oct 4, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Hey Now!!!!

    Last May I was playing .25 Multi-Strike at Orleans. It's $5 a play. I was literally down to .25 and clawed my way back to playing at $5. A few hands later I hit a Royal at 2x and while I was waiting for my hand pay I called Sweet Ti (my wife) and gave her all but $200 - which was my original stake- to put back in the safe.
  14. SW

    SW Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2012
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Yep. Been there, done that.


    Aug 8, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    My main regret is ever having learned to play craps...
    If I never learned to play, I'd probably be UP lifetime...
    Everytime I've had a win (be it from video poker, slots, etc) for some damn reason I go to the crap table and lose the whole thing...
    I've given it up, sans for playing at very low stakes for pure entertainment...
  16. kel3420

    kel3420 VIP Whale

    Jun 13, 2010
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    One of my biggest regrets that I can remember (way too many Coronas!) was when I was playing some machine that when you won, you could do a double or nothing. I kept winning and kept doubled my win to $1200, hesitated and pushed it, and of course lost. That hurt. And this was a nickel machine years ago. Now, I only will double or nothing to a certain amount lol
  17. jackincols

    jackincols Guest

    One thing it took me years to learn is there was a direct correlation between me going out there, getting drunker than Cootie Brown, and coming home flat broke. Once I learned that, Vegas was a lot more fun. Then I learned it's just as important to know when to walk away when you're ahead as it is when you're getting your head handed to you.

    All that being said, like Gaggles and others have said, we've all been there at one time or another. It's just naturally better if you can keep the regrets down to a minimum.
  18. johnvic

    johnvic VIP Whale

    Nov 13, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I've played poker too long but the regret is playing while tilting instead of walking away and calming down. I also regret the times I've tilted and acted like a jerk.
  19. Joe

    Joe VIP Whale

    Sep 11, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    From Sinatra and My Way:

    Regrets, I've had a few
    But then again, too few to mention
  20. weluvvegas

    weluvvegas Casino Countess

    Dec 31, 2003
    Northern CA
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I haven't read all the posts here yet but don't feel bad OP!

    My husband “loves” to leave his winnings in Vegas. We’ve never hit it big but $50-$100 here and there will sure add up after a few days. He just can’t resist walking by a slot machine with money in his pocket. The other night he was watching his videos from last month’s trip. He was saying “wow, I won like $45 on that one…cool, I won like $35 on that bonus…”etc. I said “yeah, and where is it??” He put it all back before he came home, including losing another $60 at the airport before takeoff!

    Regrets? No, just fun memories. Of course everyone would like to come home a winner but that’s just not the reality of Vegas for most of the population!
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