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Table Games Blackjack Tournaments

Discussion in 'Table Games' started by UKFanatic, Aug 3, 2013.

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  1. Travel Fanatic

    Travel Fanatic The Arbiter of Taste Caviar Kid

    Jul 11, 2010
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I know this a real general question, but how do you play them? My host has convinced me to participate in one next weekend. Any idea how long these take and what are the typical ground rules? Rules on wagering? Single deck, double deck, shoe? I don't know anything about these, so any info on how these tournaments work would be appreciated
    I Need Spa
  2. Carole

    Carole Low-Roller

    Jul 30, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I have played in several but I don't know if all of them are the same. The ones I have played everyone buys in with a set amount..such as 25.00. They try to seat several tables with 5 players each. Each player is given 2500 in free chips. The dealer has 1 deck. I think the round is like 20 hands. You can bet up to 2000 on a hand. Doubling down on anything is allowed and of course splitting pairs also. I think they are alot of fun. Their is alot of strategy with your betting as only the person with the most chips advances to next or final round depending on how large the tournament is. Ultimately the finaly winner takes the pot (everyone's 25.00 buy in)...I like it because it takes a while to play (hour or so) and it does not cost much.
  3. nostresshere

    nostresshere Mr. Anti Debit Card

    May 4, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    They vary.

    Generally, you will get some XX amount of dollars/chips to start. They play a set number of hands. Your total points will then be matched against all other players. Top number of point winners go to semi finals, or finals.

    Sometimes, top player at each table advances. It varies.

    Normal BJ rules apply, with a set min and max bet. You are NOT playing against the dealer per se, but trying to get more chips than the other players.

    And, just like in regular blackjack, the play (good or bad) by another player has EQUAL odds of impacting your outcome, good or bad.

    Best advice, do not bet all your chips trying to double up, etc. When your chips are gone, you are no longer in play. DONE.
  4. shifter

    shifter Degenerate Gambler

    Sep 15, 2010
    At the tables
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    It's always the winner of the table advances not based on chip stack compared with everyone. So it's all about beating your table.
  5. Travel Fanatic

    Travel Fanatic The Arbiter of Taste Caviar Kid

    Jul 11, 2010
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Cool. Thanks everyone for the advice!
    I Need Spa
  6. topcard

    topcard It's not really blackjack unless it pays 3:2!

    Aug 8, 2012
    Fort Worth
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Just wanted to add:
    They have a little puck that rotates to all players after each hand. This determines who gets cards first and who must place their bet first. Placing your wager goes in order. Of course, you can go 'early' anytime you want, but it is to your advantage to wait.
    Often, you will find yourself needing to bet more (or realizing you should bet less) than you would otherwise, depending on who the other players are doing and what they are betting.
    In tournament games, there are many situations where you play counter to basic strategy...splitting tens, doubling when you wouldn't normally, standing on 15 or 16 against a dealer 7+, and so on.

    Be alert to others' chip-stacks and what they bet...and what happens with their hand when it occurs before you have to play yours.
    For example, let's say you have a hard 15 against a dealer 10, but the player representing your closest competition has just busted and lost the hand. You might very well stand in that situation (depending, of course, on how close others are to you in chip-count). Now, let's say he makes a hand (but you don't know what he has in a two deck game). You're going to hit until you reach 17+...perhaps even 18+.

    You should be splitting a lot...and when you normally wouldn't. 6-6 against a dealer 2? Split. A-2 against a dealer 3? Double.

    It is a far-more aggressive style of blackjack, because beating the dealer more often than not is not the primary objective - having the most chips at the end is.
  7. nostresshere

    nostresshere Mr. Anti Debit Card

    May 4, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I have played both ways. Table winner advances.

    Or top players out of entire group. Then table winner in semi-finals advances. Or top 6 players go to finals.

    So, can not say always either way.
  8. travelfiend

    travelfiend High-Roller

    Jan 28, 2012
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I use to play in weekly tournament at my local casino in Bremerton Washington, the big town. LOL

    Lots of fun, $20 buy in, usually only 20 people or so in tourney, prize money had casino added money, believe it was first place 500, 2nd, 250, 3rd 100 so pretty good deal.

    One thing I learned pretty quickly, they were very picky on the rules. For example, you built your bet outside the circle. Once it went in bet circle, you couldn't add to it and couldn't subtract from it. No gimmes. Also, some players would try and disguise their stacks with their hands or having denominations mixed up. Big no no. You were allowed 3 stacks, red, green, black. BJ paid 2-1, easier chip wise.

    I really had fun with them and encourage you to play. Am sure wherever you play, they will have their own house rules, you will just have to learn them, don't sweat it, there will be plenty of other new players.

    My fav memory was I made it to final table, but I had let myself get behind the chip leader, we get to last hand and he gets to bet last. I bet max but I see that even if I win and if he only bets $5, he can still win if he loses. I wonder if he has this figured out. Sure enough he only bets $5 so no matter what happens he wins. EXCEPT if I can double down and win, then the tourney is mine. I get a freaking hard 20 but you know what happens next. I double down and sure enough, get that beautiful Ace of Hearts and win the tourney. Other player was soooo pissed! It was local casino so we all knew each other and I bought him dinner. :D
  9. Llew

    Llew Low-Roller

    Jan 27, 2012
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Wouldn't a split have been better odds? Anyway, sounds like fun!
  10. travelfiend

    travelfiend High-Roller

    Jan 28, 2012
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I do remember thinking about doing a split, but with 3-4 beers in me, I fully admit, I wasn't going to do the math that quick and if memory serves you had about 30 seconds to make bets. Would be a good thing to throw at Wizard if he hasn't already answered that.
  11. topcard

    topcard It's not really blackjack unless it pays 3:2!

    Aug 8, 2012
    Fort Worth
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I would have split the tens... one would have been 21. Then, on the 2nd hand, I would have hit until reaching 13 or better. Then stand.
    As a final hand, you cannot bust and still win, so you have to take the chance that the dealer will bust.
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