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What kind of Gambler are you?

Discussion in 'Misc. Vegas Chat' started by Electroguy563, Jun 1, 2013.

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  1. Electroguy563

    Electroguy563 Vegas Joker

    Apr 26, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Not really looking to see if you are a High Roller or a low roller. Just interested in how you describe yourself as a gambler.

    I'll go first.

    First of all I am a low roller. Mostly a red chip player and will ocassionally play green chips. I enjoy gambling as entertainment, looking for social inter-action both with players and dealers. I actually will "hunt" for ideal conditions, watching a table as the players and dealers inter-act. I don't normally just jump in to any table just because there is room. I do employ daily bankroll limits upon myself and also do session win-loss limits. I consider myself a conservative gambler, opting to press up from minimum initial bets.

    But... I find myself going balls to the walls sometimes, meaning I'll go all out as far as betting. This usually happens when the table is really fun to play in, the players and dealers are truly having a good time. Sometime the table is just warm, not really hot. Just a good vibe all around. This is when I ocassionally go on tilt, lol!

    So I look as Gambling as entertainment. Naturally losing is no fun but as long as there's a good vibe, intermittant wins, good people, I'm happy. If my bankroll didn't take a major hit and I enjoyed myself, I consider the trip a winning trip, even though my bankroll is in the negative.

    There are many other types of Gamblers. Some are proffessional and serious, seeking only wins and will play with any-one and in any condition.

    Some are happy go- lucky and will blow their whole bankroll in one sitting and leave penni-less and whistling dixie!

    Others are timid and will play $20.00 then pull out at $17.25 because the're afraid to lose it all...

    And so forth. All different types; all good, no bad. Just different!

    How about you? What kind of Gambler are you? Share what makes you different and unique.

    Who knows, we might just pick up a few good pointers...or not,lol!:poke:
  2. UTE

    UTE Plastics

    Sep 27, 2011
    Salt Lake/Las Vegas
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    A non-gambler. It simply does not interest me.

  3. Kickin

    Kickin Flea

    Aug 10, 2012
    Good question Electroguy! I consider my style to be very similar to yours.

    I'm a conservative gambler....if you can actually use the term conservative and gambler in the same sentence. :evillaugh

    I'm very anal about the numbers, nature of my business in a sense. I'm unlikely to even wager a dollar on a bet I don't have a full understanding of. I know it makes no real difference for the most part, but its just the way I am. I regularly pull up my phones calculator or the wizards site on the casino floor to examine a new game or side bet I see.

    As far as bankroll I'm also über conservative. A cowboy style gambler might look to find the max he's willing to lose, I try to find the minimum I'm willing to lose where if I bust out I'm more upset about losing as a "sport" than losing the actual money. But enough so it doesn't feel like I'm just playing arcade games. That's always a hard minimum to find because I've noticed if I do bust out I become more and more desensitized and sometimes when I win, a part of me is disappointed because I feel like I played for penny ante stakes.

    I also think about it in terms of the game I want to play, I'll bet whatever they require for the optimal game. So it means betting at least black for DD BJ which I love and at least $5 max-coin full-pay VP on the strip. If they made DD a purple chip game I would just up my bets to that, as illogical as that may be.

    A lot of this flies out the window though when I go on tilt. So I guess I'm just a conservative gambler until I'm not.
  4. MUFC

    MUFC Low-Roller

    Aug 17, 2012
    Manchester UK
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I am certainly a low roller aswell and generally play $10-25 a hand blackjack depending on how things are going. I also like to put the occasional big bet on every now and then, $500 on red, or $750 a hand on blackjack, just for the thrill!

    I also enjoy the social aspect of blackjack, meeting fun and interesting people. I have no problem playing the minimum stake for 2 or 3 hours if i am having a good time at a fun table, without having any real interest in whether i'm winning or losing.

    On my next trip i am planning to play more VP and texas hold 'em just to broaden my horizons. Craps is a game i want to get into but i've never really taken the time to learn it and pluck up the courage to join a table.
  5. Buddha

    Buddha VIP Whale

    Apr 3, 2012
    Chicago 'burbs
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I started out many years ago strictly playing $3 - $5 Blackjack ... while my wife played the slots. We enjoyed those games, but soon found out that we could earn a lot more player points & comps playing video poker.
    Now, my wife and I only play full-pay VP for quarters, single-line and triple-play at MSS / Cal / 4Q / Rampart / SunCoast / South Point, etc., and occasional 10-line nickels at the Rampart.

    We also play lots of $5 & $10 matchplay coupons around town on the BJ & Roulette tables.

    Our bankroll for a week-long trip is usually between 3K - 4K, and will typically cycle & recycle about 35K to 40K during each trip.
  6. mike_m235

    mike_m235 Tourist

    Aug 22, 2012
    Colorado Springs
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Given my last 3 trips, I think I'd define myself as a bad gambler.
  7. Keyser Soze

    Keyser Soze Low-Roller

    May 2, 2013
    right behind you
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    card counter / advantage player
  8. smartone

    smartone VIP Whale

    Jul 17, 2011
    Northern Nevada
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I simply don't have a gambler's mentality... I hate the feeling of losing, more than I like the feeling of winning, therefore I'm unable/unwilling to really risk much. I peck around on the bar-top VP machines and will drop $200-$300 in a session. Once in awhile, I'll tolerate a $500 spend, but that's about where I draw the line. Sadly, I rarely leave with more than I came with, so I tend to view gambling as "what I'm willing to lose".
  9. Joe

    Joe VIP Whale

    Sep 11, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    :thumbsup: I got a good chuckle out of that post!:thumbsup:
  10. Bamfbowhunter

    Bamfbowhunter Low-Roller

    Apr 27, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I am a degenerate gambler :thumbsup:

    I like playing poker.. When i stick with poker i can have a winning trip over the week normally.. But that dang blackjack and baccarat just call me.. And my last trip i played a little VP and i can tell that will be my new weakness
  11. Viva Las Vegas

    Viva Las Vegas Elvis has left the building

    May 31, 2008
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    1980s and 1990s: Degenerate and reckless gambler, mostly horse racing, sports and blackjack at the local river boats. Did well in Vegas w/ BJ and a few large sports bets. Many nice double deck S17 offerings back in the day. (Vegas Record 5 winning trips -2 losing trips +$7,314).

    2000-2011: Local gambling limited to degenerate and reckless occasional trips to the race track. Vegas gambling expanded due to free flight opportunities, gambling reckless at times and a shift from exclusive blackjack to some VP (mostly poor MILFe paytables) with more losing trips. (Vegas Record 9-18 -$21,681).

    2012-2013: Gambling limited to trips to Vegas. Decided to cut back to 1 or 2 trips per year in 2013. Game choices limited to FP VP (9/6 JOB or better anything from 1 line quarter to 3 line dollar), green chip blackjack (unless shoe very juicy) and live poker (limit and tournament). I am very disciplined in game choice. (Vegas record 2-4 -$65).

    As my income and net worth has increased, my risk tolerance, bet size and amount wagered has decreased proportionately, mostly due to being more mature and treating gambling less as a money making opportunity and more as a way to occasionally unwind and relax while keeping risk, losses and aggravation to a minimum.

    I am still earning comps at nice, mid range and low rolling casinos. I'm unlikely ever to play much of anything at a Vegas CET or MLIFe casino beyond hit and run BJ at a few MILFe properties.
  12. FXT

    FXT VIP Whale

    May 16, 2013
    San Jose, California
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Low roller myself that loves giving away money at poker, craps and roulette tables. My only saving grace is sports betting as I've been lucky enough to have ~60% lifetime wins.

    I did have the tendency to go on tilt and give away a lot of money but over the last year I've recognized it and changed it.
  13. Electroguy563

    Electroguy563 Vegas Joker

    Apr 26, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Hee Hee! I think you just described me, KickinChicken, just not in so many words!:thumbsup:
  14. tringlomane

    tringlomane STP Addicted Beer Snob

    Jan 21, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Before I started posting on this board, I considered myself a low-roller. Now after reading this board, I would call myself an ultra-low roller! Lately my trips have been mostly video poker and playing a 3/6 or 4/8 limit mix game (variety of non-Holdem games) once every trip. Since I am most often on the Strip because my g/f and I like it there, I often play only nickels at their crappy video poker, or a single quarter if I am trying to get a buzz going at the bar. So when I am in that video poker mode, I never lose more than $50 a day. If I venture to an offstrip/downtown casino with better VP games, then I may take a ~$100 stab at quarters because like Kickin' Chicken I get more willing to throw money around when the game approaches or exceeds 100% return. When I play live poker, I'm willing to lose $200-$250 for the night, but never have lost more than $100 in any of the 6 times I've played. Unfortunately, I have yet to win more than $5 at poker...bah.
    Won a Package in the PENN Play Millionaire Social Drawing!
  15. theshaah

    theshaah High-Roller

    Jan 15, 2010
    Las Vegas,NV
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I am hard to describe. I think I would consider myself an "Advantageous Gambler" in that in most cases I will only gamble if it is advantageous for me to do so. I use lots of coupons to gamble, stick to only playing when I have an advantage, or want to get free drinks. When this strikes my fancy I will find a penny machine where I can actually lose only 1 penny at a time (which is getting more and more difficult lately) and plink away 1 single penny at a time ordering up doubles from the cocktail waitress.

    I am meaning to save up a signifigant bankroll to become a "low roller" gambler again but I go to vegas SO much that I'm kind of over it tho I still love going. Heck this month alone I will have 6 overnights in las vegas over the course of the month.
  16. Auggie

    Auggie Dovahkiin

    Jan 8, 2009
    Burnaby, BC
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    For me I might go with:

  17. smartone

    smartone VIP Whale

    Jul 17, 2011
    Northern Nevada
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Ha! I love the little jackpot basket...how cool!!!
  18. 4Eyes

    4Eyes Low-Roller

    Jan 14, 2013
    Northern CA
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Been there, done that. Quit when LV opportunities dried up at Black+ unless you were willing to spread 4:1 and play 1/2 a shoe before being backed off.
  19. C0usineddie

    C0usineddie VIP Whale

    Jun 7, 2011
    San Diego
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    nano- roller checking in.

    $red chips too rich for my blood.

    i usually just fiddle with some slots. If I see the cw then i consider it a win for that session.

    i only put $5 in the machine at a time.
  20. Morpheus7272

    Morpheus7272 Low-Roller

    May 27, 2003
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    2001-2005: The micro-roller years

    $40-60 daily budget for everything. Play was mostly nickel FPVP and 9-liner slots (it seemed to be the heyday of the gameshow slots -- the original Press Your Luck and Hollywood Squares, $25K Pyramid, etc, and I loved those). Took advantage of great couponing opportunities, including tons of matchplays at many casinos. My gambling style was ultra-conservative, looking to preserve bankroll for future trips. My alcohol consumption during trips in this period was epic, as I tried to maintain a constant level of buzz for pretty much the whole trip.

    2005-2007: Transitional period

    Gambling budget approximately $200 per day. Starting in 2007, play on VP was at the quarter level, but still on full-pay machines. Budget for food and other activities separate, and still grinding and couponing hard. Hit only quarter royal in April, 2007. Still drinking quite a bit on trips as well. Learning that VP play improves with sobriety would take longer to learn.

    2008-present: A solid low-roller?

    Gambling budget $400 per day. Play now is quarter VP, about evenly mixed between BP and JoB, and enough to get nights and some food comped downtown at a few places. Coupon opportunities are fewer, but I can still make a couple hundred a year on freeplay and matchplays. Still a grinder, always a grinder, but I now play some craps most days as well.

    I'm less of a gambler, and more of a player -- in the sense that I go to Vegas for the experience I like -- playing VP, couponing, enjoying my comps, drinking, and soaking in the atmosphere, all while preserving the ability to come back next time. I play low-HA games almost exclusively, and I have no problem putting in the hours I need to get the comps I want. For me, playing long-ish sessions of VP is a big part of the reason I am in Vegas. I'm not worried about shooting for the big score (I don't even play DDB), but rather enjoying what I like to do in my favorite town.
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