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MLife vs Open Table

Discussion in 'Restaurants & Buffets' started by StormHawk, Apr 30, 2013.

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  1. StormHawk

    StormHawk Yuma, where I work in software.

    May 13, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I just tried to book Circo through MLife and every time slot I tried came back as "Not enough available seats" or something along those lines. I tried Open Table and got the time slot I wanted. Any experiences similar to this with Circo or other places?
  2. Kickin

    Kickin Flea

    Aug 10, 2012
    I use opentable for every restaurant that's available on it and I booked popular mgm restaurants on weekend nights through it often on the day of, sometimes just hours before and have always gotten my time slot and even specific table if I put it in the notes. With the iPhone app the entire process takes seconds and it updates your calendar as well and you get the points. Absolutely no value I can think of in booking through a host, concierge, or mlife.

    Would be cool if Savored started listing Vegas restaurants too. It uses the opentable reservation system but just automatically discounts your bill based on congestion pricing. No coupon, nothing you need to show, it's all automatic and in NY includes several of the top restaurants.
  3. 44inarow

    44inarow VIP Whale

    Sep 8, 2012
    Las Vegas, NV
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    From what I've been told, the restaurants that are on OpenTable aren't fully integrated with the main MLife reservations system, which might explain why you couldn't book through their online tool. I know that at Picasso, for example, I was able to book a table through the main reservations line, but when I called back to confirm the notes I had left on the reservation (namely my table preference and the fact that my date had a nut allergy), the main line couldn't access that information, and they had to transfer me to the restaurant directly.

    Personally, for nicer places I'd rather call and book directly; even if they're just entering it into OpenTable, I like being able to ask about what's available, see if there are tables they recommend, get my preferences noted, etc.
  4. mike_m235

    mike_m235 Tourist

    Aug 22, 2012
    Colorado Springs
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I used open table this weekend for Julian Serrano -- when I went through MLife it transferred me to open table. When I arrived, I was seated on time at the only open table in the entire restaurant.
  5. heatherlovesvegas

    heatherlovesvegas VIP Whale

    Mar 22, 2012
    Woodland Hills, CA
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I don't think it matters? I've done the Mlife one a few times, but I don't think it warranted me any special treatment or anything.

    The Mlife website is messed up more times than it works anyways.
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