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Have you ever seen cash removed from machine games?

Discussion in 'Misc. Vegas Chat' started by Kickin, Dec 8, 2012.

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  1. Kickin

    Kickin Flea

    Aug 10, 2012
    Last night I was thinking about it and realized I've never seen security or anyone removing the cash from a machine game like slots or VP. Granted I'm mostly a table player so don't hang out by the slots a whole lot but since they're all over the casino I would imagine I would see that happening. I see security removing the cash boxes from table games all the time.

    Have you ever seen them removing the cash from a slot machine?

    I wonder if they just do it when a machine is giving them an indicator its almost full. With the thousands of machines in each casino I would imagine it would take a long time so I'm surprised I haven't seen it happening ever. And given that there's cash involved I'm assuming it would have to be a couple of security guys with that big cart, not just some single slot attendant removing the money, so it should be pretty visible.
  2. Royal Flusher

    Royal Flusher Savvy Gambler

    Feb 18, 2008
    Flusherville, Canada
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I've seen it many times.

    It is an interesting, nightly ritual. And believe me, they take out shitloads of cash.

    They have big rolling cages with a box for each individual machine. A guy to take the money out. A guy to watch him take the money out. A couple of guards to guard those guys and the cash. And another guy to watch all of that...

    If you are around say at 4:00am or 5:00am you'll see this.
  3. DonD

    DonD VIP Whale

    Nov 5, 2004
    So Cal 91748
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Before Tito, they had the bucket brigade every morning. They blocked off large sections when they did this.
  4. Kickin

    Kickin Flea

    Aug 10, 2012
    Interesting...thanks. So do they actually go machine to machine and empty each one out or do they have some sort of list just showing machines that are close to full and empty just those out? I just imagine it would take forever if they actually go to each individual machine.
  5. dmr

    dmr Registered Abuser

    Feb 18, 2011
    Somewhere in Middle America
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Yes, many times. Lately at a local casino Sunday morning before breakfast.

    They have a whole crew doing it. A couple of techie type people, a security guard with a gun, and a "suit" supervising the whole thing.

    For some areas they block it off with police tape then go machine by machine. Big cart of cash holding things, whatever they call them.

    One morning at the Kansas City Ameristar they had a whole section cordoned off, guards all around the perimeter. They were guiding people to other areas.

    Now I also remember at the old Stardust with coin machines, they had a big collection bucket at the end of a row of machines. They would go row by row and dump the bucket into a large one on a motorized cart. Same security show, guard with a gun and suit supervisor.
  6. kel3420

    kel3420 VIP Whale

    Jun 13, 2010
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I've seen it many times. I HATE it when I am playing on a machine, and I see the crew coming to clear the machines out. They tilt up all the chairs in an area and go to work. They never ask me to leave, and it only takes about two minutes to open my machine and switch out the cash boxes, but it throws my whole mojo off. I never win after they do this if I am on a hot machine. And yes, I know about the whole RNG deal, but still.....

    MTMONGO High-Roller

    Jan 14, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I do it everyday its part of my job. Before the machines were linked to one main server it was a hugh pain. After the cash was pulled you would have to do the meters on each machine. There are 4 meters in a machine; cash in, cash played, cash won, and cash paid. and you would have to enter the numbers in to a hand held device. The machines are pulled in banks of maybe 20 on a set schedule for accounting reasons, but machine may need to be pulled if the cash box becomes full. an error message will come up on the machine "CASH BOX FULL". Its pretty simple here in MT since our casino can only have 20 games per location, so I do up to 5 location a morning.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2012
  8. Auggie

    Auggie Dovahkiin

    Jan 8, 2009
    Burnaby, BC
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    They do all the machines in the casino at the same time: They usually start around 3-4AM and the whole process usually takes about an hour.

    Since my wife and I play a lot until the wee hours of the morning I have seen this quite a number of times. This isn't how it is for every casino, but its what I have usually seen:

    They have a big cage on wheels that holds all the money boxes.

    There are usually three slot technicians, two security guards and two managers. One security guard will guard the big cage while the other will watch the slot technicians as they work.

    The slot technicians wheel the big cage up to a section of the casino. One manager and one technician will go to a row of machines and the manager will tell everybody to get off the machines right away.

    Once the customers have stepped away from the machines and gotten out of the immediate area the slot technician will unlock, but not open, each machine and then place an empty money box on the machine or on the chair of the machine.

    As soon as the section is done the manager and slot tech will move to the next adjacent row of machines and repeat the process.

    With the machines unlocked the other slot techs will go in, open the machines, remove the full money box from the machine and put it in its spot in the big cage and then insert the empty money box before closing and locking the machine.

    Once they are done their section they go to the next section that the manager and slot tech have prepared and repeat the process, all the while the manager and slot tech start preparing the next section.

    As said it usually takes about an hour for them to do the whole casino, but the overall personal impact is pretty low as they'll come by, ask you to exit the machine and then you can either go to another machine in a different section or just wait about 1-2 minutes for them to catch up to and then be done your section and you can go back to playing... and a lot of people who are up playing at that hour are probably regularly up playing at that hour so most of them just stand up and get out of the way once the slot techs are one or two rows away.
  9. blackjacknut

    blackjacknut VIP Whale

    Nov 26, 2008
    Northeast Ohio
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I've seen this at Monte Carlo, two guys opening the machine, two armed security guards, and a two suits watching one facing the machine and the other walking around the bank of machines...the suit was also armed I could see his gun when his suit jacket kind of flapped open.
  10. dfalk

    dfalk VIP Whale

    Mar 7, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I see it just about every night I'm there since I stay up till sunrise. Its a pretty slick process, in and out of one machine and move right on to the next one.
  11. C0usineddie

    C0usineddie VIP Whale

    Jun 7, 2011
    San Diego
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I wonder how much money a slot machine holds. Quite a bit even if its 1's i assume.
  12. dfalk

    dfalk VIP Whale

    Mar 7, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    The cash boxes we use in our machines (almost positive they're the same in Vegas) can hold a stack of bills 4" inches deep. I just looked it up and a bill is 0.0043". Divide that into 4" and it can hold 930 bills. So you're looking at $930 all the way up to $93,000. That's if it just had bills in it, could be way more with TITO.

    Forgot to add this would only happen if every bill was crisp and brand new. Since they get crumpled up and folded they end up being thicker and would probably only hold half as many, or 465
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2012
  13. booker

    booker VIP Whale

    Oct 26, 2009
    Coast of Washington State
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Boy, do I remember this! You must be old, as well. (Sorry) :evillaugh
  14. DonD

    DonD VIP Whale

    Nov 5, 2004
    So Cal 91748
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Old? My grandkids have grandkids. Just kidding.
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