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Vegas archives: Trip report 4/19-21/95

Discussion in 'Vegas Trip Reports' started by abner2xday, Mar 3, 2004.

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  1. abner2xday

    abner2xday High-Roller

    Feb 24, 2004

    My Trip Report

    I am new to the boards and reading these trip reports bring back memories of Vegas trips gone by. Some good, some bad, and some odd. I'll post a few of these memories until I can post a current one in April. (I hope these go over OK)

    This trip has odd memories. Living in LA at the time, my wife and I leave fairly early in the morning by car. Most of the traffic is heading into LA so we make good time (its a Wednesday). When we get to the desert portion of the trip, we start to hear the news reports of the Oklahoma City bombing. Usually when you hear news of this magnitude, the first reaction is to get to a TV to get better coverage. But we're still about 2 hours away from Vegas. It was just creepy listening to the news reports and trying to picture the building with the whole front gone.

    Its still pretty early in the day by the time we get to TI. The check in is empty and its pretty slow so we get in right away. We then head over to one of the lounges that I knew had a big screen. Of course the news was on and people were standing around just watching in silence. In fact, the few people that were gambling looked like they were just going through the motions. Everyone was sort of in a daze.

    This trip happened too long ago to remember the gambling details, but we met my parents in Vegas who came in from SF. They were there to celebrate their 30th Anniversary. We had just celebrated our 1st a few days before. We stay at the TI and they are at the Excalibur. We don't stay at the Ex because I hate having to figure our which way to walk to get to the correct tower your room is located in.

    Here's where the other odd memory of this trip comes in. For their present I get my parents a copy of Honeymoon in Vegas(they honeymooned in Vegas)and (the moron that I was)an unassembled storage unit to hold video casettes. So here I am with my wife going to meet up with my parents for a Anniversay brunch walking through the Excalibur with what looks like a skinny surfboard in a cardboard box. Looking back, I am sure that security was watching me closely. They open the wrapped videotape and thank us. I hand the box to my Dad and explain to him what it is. He then looks at me like I am crazy and says "How I am going to get this home?" I tell him with a straight face that he should check it with his luggage. Only later do I realize what an inconveince it is to travel by plane with that box. He probably complained to my mom that he spent all that money on a college education for me and I'm still an idiot. In my own defense I will say that they must have liked the gift because they still have the storage unit. Like half of America, its filled with video tapes they havn't watched in years.

    I'll post more memories soon if I don't get slammed for this one.
  2. doctor_al

    doctor_al VIP Whale

    Nov 25, 2002
    Twin Cities
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Must have put quite a damper on your trip with that tragedy going on.

    Your gift sounded more like a "Vegas Vacation" moment than Honeymoon in Vegas. I can only imagine the look on your dad's face. Thanks for the chuckle, keep 'em coming.
  3. LV Terry

    LV Terry Captain Flop'N Fold

    Sep 30, 2001
    Santa Barbara, CA, USA
    My wife and I drove home from Vegas the day after the 2000 elections....you're right...listening to important news in that landscape is quite different.
  4. Falcon_Rob

    Falcon_Rob Flying Winnebago

    Jun 29, 2003
    Columbus, OH
    Trips to Las Vegas:

    Welcome to the Board! I discovered this Board about nine months ago, and I've found this is the most fun, friendliest and constructive message board I've seen! The moderators seem to do a good job of keeping things under control as well. I can't think of ANY possible reason why you would get "slammed" for this post!

    I enjoyed your stories and look forward to your future trip report(s).

  5. HoyaHeel

    HoyaHeel Grammar Police & Admin

    Feb 24, 2002
    North Carolina
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I'm mentally re-visiting all the occasions my parents may have had for thinking me an idiot despite the money spent on my education :D Have your trips (or gifts?) improved since then??

    [ March 04, 2004, 08:32 AM: Message edited by: HoyaHeel ]
  6. abner2xday

    abner2xday High-Roller

    Feb 24, 2004
    Hey Hoya!

    I would like to think my gifts are getting better or at least a little creative. Now that my Dad is retired he has dove headfirst into San Francisco politics and community involvement groups. Last Christmas I got him a nice leather notebook/appointment book for all the meetings he goes to. My mom likes to read popular fiction so I got her a signed copy of Michael Crighton’s latest book. Last Valentine’s I got my wife an old 45 of Bobby Sherman’s ‘Julie, Julie Do Ya Love Me?’ and had it nicely framed. Can you guess what her name is?
  7. Billy from TX.

    Billy from TX. Tourist

    Jan 6, 2002
    Wylie, Texas
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I can only imagine how many times "what an idiot" came through my parents mind while growing up. I like your story, keep em coming.
  8. Dougie

    Dougie I am IN!

    Sep 18, 2002
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Keep 'em coming. It's nice to see other peoples great and not so great moments in the place we all love.

    I gave my in laws the first Harry Potter book on tape for Christmas this year. They had never heard of it, but the grand kids ALL talk about it. My wife says they are now looking for book 2. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

  9. Coaster Kikky

    Coaster Kikky Tourist

    Jan 8, 2003
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I love reading your trip report, no matter how old it is (but next time you go, we do expect it sooner!) [​IMG]

    Honeymoon in Vegas is one of my absolute favorite movies. Not only am I a Vegas-junkie, but I just today returned from the other location featured in that movie, Kauai. We took a tour of the gardens where James Caan rows Sarah Jessica Parker in the canoe and saw other locations too. Real nice!

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