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Just Two Texans in Vegas Adventure for 2010

Discussion in 'Vegas Trip Reports' started by ronc, Jan 28, 2010.

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  1. ronc

    ronc VIP Whale

    Dec 17, 2009
    Houston, TX
    Trips to Las Vegas:

    My Trip Report

    The employers have done their part...the pay period we set aside for our annual trip to Vegas has posted to our account. I know it happens every month for me and twice a month for my wife...why, then, was I nervous about it this time when it is like clockwork every time? A little pre-trip paranoia!!

    The next milestone is getting our Southwest boarding passes tomorrow morning...I know that we could pay extra for the "Early Bird" but I usually have pretty good luck on getting group "A" if I am online exactly 24 hours out. Early Bird would probably work better for our trip back. I am still considering doing that.

    The "ranch" is being left in good hands. It is nice to have a few animals around since I come from a farming background, but it does make it interesting when you have to line people up to take care of things when you leave. That is all done now, too. I guess the negative of it is outweighed by the fresh eggs from our free-range hens everyone is always asking us for!!
  2. Tonez78

    Tonez78 Low-Roller

    Jul 11, 2009
    The Great Northwest
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    awww, a fellow craps player! Have a good trip and roll some Yo's

  3. ronc

    ronc VIP Whale

    Dec 17, 2009
    Houston, TX
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Things Left To Do Pre-Departure

    --Go to the bank!

    --Finish "downtown" plan and clip ACG coupons we plan on using.

    --Decide on a show (or not) for Sunday night
    We are seeing two things at Sahara--"Rat Pack" show on Saturday and "Comedy Stop" on Monday. Since we are on a "budget" trip concerning shows, I am looking for another one that is a good deal. I got tix to the two so far via Goldstar. nice deal on prices...

    --Gather up other coupons and info for trip. P Ho offer--I always print out email with details in case there is any discussion.

    --Pack. Looks like highs in the 50's and lows in the upper 30's for the trip.

    --Look at the maps a few more time just to get my bearings. I can be directionally challenged until I "get" it....

    Oh yeah...Take care of last minute details around the homestead!!

    I am getting excited about this trip...my wife is beyond excited about it!! She plans on being ready for the first day this time...last spring, after her graduation w/ her Masters Degree, we went to a really nice steakhouse here. She had a really nice evening enjoying the steak and good wine. It made her flight out early the next morning and her first day a little dicey!!
  4. TheDMan62

    TheDMan62 Low-Roller

    Mar 12, 2005
    Austin, TX
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Have fun!!! I'm right behind you.
  5. Tammy58

    Tammy58 Frugal Slot Jockey

    Jun 16, 2004
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Two big things to be aware of before you board...(both things we did by accident before leaving for Vegas).

    Check your outside water faucets. One year hubby burned brush the day before and didn't turn off the shut off in the cellar. Well, the outside faucet broke the next day (day we left) and the water ran into the backyard for a week..Yes, high water bill that quarter.

    Do not under any circumstances use the dome or map light in the front seat of the car...while you are in the parking garage at the airport. Most garages are very dark, hence I turned on the light one year. Yup, you guessed it. We came home to a dead car battery.

    Of course, there's always checking the stove and iron 3 times...LOL.

    Just teasing, have a great time. 3 more months for me and I can't wait!
  6. ronc

    ronc VIP Whale

    Dec 17, 2009
    Houston, TX
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Wet Yards and Dead Batteries...

    I've done the dead battery thing...while I was in the car! I was home (on leave from the Marine Corps) talking to one of my best friends while sitting in the car and listening to music. It was time to take her home...and the car wouldn't start!! My mom had to go buy jumper cables and come "save" us...

    The same girl and I went out for an early dinner one evening (we were dating a bit at that time). I dropped her off way early (before 9). The next morning her dad, who was the minister at our church, shook my hand FIRMLY in the receiving line and said "I don't appreciate you keeping my daughter out all night"...you guessed it--I had none (either time :()and still got blamed for something someone else did!!

    The water thing would be bad...our pump would burn out if it ran for a week!!

    As for all the normal check the oven, door, dryer, etc.--my wife is just enough OCD to do that several times!!

    I can't wait...
  7. ronc

    ronc VIP Whale

    Dec 17, 2009
    Houston, TX
    Trips to Las Vegas:

    There are always little things that come up when you try to leave.

    Just got back from a trip to the doctor for an ear issue. Turns out I have a nice little infection that I need to settle down in the next 48 hours. It doesn't measure up to BeeeJay's back issue or the lady who wrecked her car...it is just a little something to slow me down a bit!!

    I will be ready Saturday morning!!!
  8. breanna61

    breanna61 Super Moderator

    Aug 6, 2008
    Ontario, Canada
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Ron, if you are looking for a great show, use your ACG bogo coupon for Gordie Brown at the Golden Nugget....it's a great show, plus he's easy on the eyes so he'll get your wife "all warmed up" for ya!:eek:
  9. breanna61

    breanna61 Super Moderator

    Aug 6, 2008
    Ontario, Canada
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Yikes......that had better clear up before you fly!:eek:
  10. ronc

    ronc VIP Whale

    Dec 17, 2009
    Houston, TX
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Thanks for the tip...

    On the show at the Golden Nugget. I will look into it!!

    I am trying to get my wife more interested in seeing the stuff downtown. She is kind of looking for the "old Vegas" she missed by never going until 2005 and I think there will be more of that "feel" down there than along the main part of the strip. Our friends here seem to like it down there--they play and stay at the Nugget every trip.

    Last time, she really enjoyed walking around Sahara and looking at old pictures, etc. That is a part of the reason for going to the Congo Room shows--to see that space. She also loves the old entertainers...she has a scary way of knowing the dialogue whenever an old classic movie comes on the tube!! Usually, she can guess the movie in one or two lines (not famous lines; just any dialogue).
  11. ronc

    ronc VIP Whale

    Dec 17, 2009
    Houston, TX
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Today's Reading Assignment

    I usually try to s-t-r-e-t-c-h some of my "mediocre" sessions to rack up some comps and enjoy the table camaraderie. If I am winning, I take the money and run once the table runs cool...and we all know what happens when we lose a session!!

    Anyway, I will be studying the craps "5-count" from Scoblete today. "Forever Craps" is my reading assignment...

    I know...no system can make you win a negative expectation game in the long run!!

    Then there is the never-ending list of things to do.

    --Last minute shopping
    --take care of my darned ear
    --mail my daughter's scholarship app for the day (she is applying for all she can!!)
    --cash in my wife's 'spa box"...she collects all the change around here...she wants to add that to her slot pot!

    Tomorrow morning is right around the corner!!
  12. ronc

    ronc VIP Whale

    Dec 17, 2009
    Houston, TX
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    One Down...

    Thankfully, I had a reminder set on Outlook...almost forgot boarding pass scramble with Southwest!!

    A42/A43...not too bad unless the flight is already full of people headed to Vegas when it gets to Houston!!

    My wife is pretty passionate in her disdain for Southwest's boarding process. I am pretty passionate in my disdain for baggage fees! So...we settled on the cheapest ticket with no fees and I'll buy her a drink for being patient with the process!!
  13. ronc

    ronc VIP Whale

    Dec 17, 2009
    Houston, TX
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Wow...Now Just Gotta Pack!!

    The "to do" list is complete.

    I am watching "21"...again. Watched "Hangover" earlier this week.

    I am ready for the trip tomorrow morning...I'll be following BeeeJay's escapades on my wife's iPhone and looking for SFChris and his SF Giants hat at the craps tables by noon tomorrow!! If I can manage it, I might even have a live update or two of my own.
  14. Blondie76

    Blondie76 Low-Roller

    Sep 19, 2008
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Have fun and win :)
  15. ronc

    ronc VIP Whale

    Dec 17, 2009
    Houston, TX
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Two In The Morning...

    and I can't sleep.

    Got up and checked on BeeeJay's update. Sounds like his trip is off to an interesting start (as I would have expected from him!!).

    Watched "21" one more time while I packed. I guess it isn't the best movie in the world, but I kind of like it. Packed way too much stuff--thankfully, bags fly free on Southwest!!

    I am ready to get this trip underway...
  16. VegasDiva

    VegasDiva VIP Whale

    Apr 23, 2009
    Calgary , Alberta , Canada
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Have a great trip! looking forward to hearing of your adventures
  17. TheDMan62

    TheDMan62 Low-Roller

    Mar 12, 2005
    Austin, TX
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Ronc, are you gonna post a running TR? Following Beeejays adventures is making my last weeks wait tolerable. Now if you also do it that would get me right to my trip lol.
  18. BeeeJay

    BeeeJay President of The Red Lobster Hostess Satisfaction

    Aug 23, 2008
    Chicago & Scottsdale, AZ
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    ronc---given that bags fly free, I may have a 6 foot pine box weighing about 225lbs for you to take on your return flight. I'll make sure to leave $80,000 in Bellagio chips in a satchel. I am taking Gaggles influence on my liver as a declaration of war by Canada against the U.S.!

    Have a great trip and hope you win big!!!
  19. ronc

    ronc VIP Whale

    Dec 17, 2009
    Houston, TX
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    American Casino Guide Pays 40 to 1

    Well, online access is limited since we didn't bring the computer and I can't type well on my wife's iPhone...but I have a bit of time to tell you an good story...

    We did a "Coupon Run" last night downtown. Hit about 6 casinos...

    I played the match plays; my wife, the free slots. She stood there if they made her stay, but she hates tables and wants to play the slots right away.

    We finished the match play at "Plaza"...she hits the slots. Minutes later, she appears with a $181.00 ticket. That was on a total of $10 free play. I finish playing and we move along...

    Now we are at "Vegas Club" and, since there is no match play there, I hit another craps table while she plays the slots. I'm just kind of in a daze (I had been playing since 4 a.m.; it was about or 7 p.m. or so. Here she comes...I'm thinking that she is ready to get out of this casino...


    So...the ACG @ $25 for two copies paid off $1,000!!!

    I'll have more later!!
  20. Billy from TX.

    Billy from TX. Tourist

    Jan 6, 2002
    Wylie, Texas
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I hope my nickel Steve McQueen slot is still at Vegas club over by the cage. I hit $250 with $5 in right before leaving for the airport on my last trip.
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