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Siren song to that particular game...a question.

Discussion in 'Casino Gaming' started by deansrobinson, Apr 22, 2016.

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  1. deansrobinson

    deansrobinson VIP Whale

    Jan 27, 2016
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    In reading the threads on VMB - and from personal experience - there seems to be 'that game' in the casino to which we are drawn.

    What is it about 'that game' that appeals to you, and what is the polar opposite (that which you will never go near)?

    Here's my thinking...I play BJ. That's pretty much it. I don't play poker, nor do I play War, or any other card game. I think the appeal is that it
    is just social enough, being up to seven players, but still a head-to-head game...just me and the dealer. Generally speaking, I don't really like
    playing at a table where we are overly celebratory (these are not $100 tables, so managing expectations for ATM sized wins is my preference).

    What I won't go near is reel slot machines.
    Granted I have spent no time researching what constitutes a 'good' slot machine, I just don't have the wherewithal to sit there hour after hour just
    pressing a button. At least with BJ there is a modicum of skill involved. The times I have played, I have to play max-bet. I can't drag this out.

    The Mrs., however, loves slots (Carnival Rio, etc.). She likes the bonus and such that occasionally pop up, but I swear she can stretch a twenty
    dollar bill into a four hour chair testing session. She occasionally plays BJ, or watches me play, but I think she sees the game differently than I do.
    We have both come to understand that if you're not catchin' cards, leave the table...find a new one. But for her, if she's lost $X*, she's packing up and going elsewhere, whereas I may be tempted to reach for some more folding green outta the pocket.

    * - we're not talking thousands here, more like a touch over a hundred or so.
    'Cause once per annum is insufficient...
  2. crussader

    crussader Low-Roller

    Apr 21, 2011
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    For me, "that game" is poker (in the poker room, not the carney versions). The reason being that it is the only game I know of where I don't have to compete against the casino. I figured out a long time ago that I can't beat the casino, so I don't try.
  3. tringlomane

    tringlomane STP Addicted Beer Snob

    Jan 21, 2013
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Video Poker. Particularly Super Times Pay. It used to be live poker though.

    I typically avoid reel slot machines. Too many "bricks", and the bonus features, if any, aren't very exciting to me.
  4. deansrobinson

    deansrobinson VIP Whale

    Jan 27, 2016
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Video Poker...I want to ask about the appeal. To me - from what little I've seen - it appears that you're trying to draw a five-card-hand with various payouts. I've played that from time to time, but it struck me as kind of like a slot machine: a slow bleed. Is the appeal that it is poker without having to contend with other carbon based life forms? I see a lot of people sitting at the bar playing - so my question is how often do you get a substantive payout? Are there variations on video poker?
    'Cause once per annum is insufficient...
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