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XMAS TR - Hotels, Cold, Pets, Comps, LOVE...

Discussion in 'Vegas Trip Reports' started by ssfblue, Dec 31, 2007.

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  1. ssfblue

    ssfblue Low-Roller

    Oct 3, 2007
    The Bay Area
    Trips to Las Vegas:

    My Trip Report

    My last trip report was definitely more fun than this one... this one will probably be a short one!

    I'll make this a play-by-play format.

    Pre Notes: This is the pet trip and family ended up coming along as well, which made it all that much more fun!


    SFO to LAS via Virgin America - I swear by this airline now, everything about it is just awesome! Not a boring ride yet!

    Shuttle to Westin Casuarina - Took forever for the shuttle guy to leave the airport but didn't really mind it. Arrived at Westin Casuarina.

    The $20 Trick did not really work at all... I was hoping for a bigger room, for the dogs and all, but got a standard room on a "preferred floor" with some morning quirks but didn't really get anything worth the $20... it was the holidays and I didn't really want to ask for it back. Eh, I probably would have never done that anyway... it's a risk I guess.


    Small Hotel, really small room (I think I was spoiled by Planet Hollywood), beds are really comfortable, bathroom was too small (again, probably spoiled by PH).

    The Casino was, as expected, really small, but at least had low table limits and the games that I liked (3 Card Poker, Texas Hold'em Bonus). They only played these games after 5pm though which sucked, but ah well. I also noticed that the roulette history display wasn't working and people were playing! It's kind of hard to play without the history.

    Their restaurant, Suede, was okay. I had breakfast and lunch over the trip. Their omelet was super salty and they forgot my toast. I had a burger for lunch and it was alright, not the best I've had.

    All of the dogs I saw were adorable. I'm glad they had a place for dogs right next to the strip, though it was still a rather long 3 Block walk to the strip, especially in the FREEZING COLD!


    Man, it was sooo damn cold in Vegas. This was the first time I have ever been to Vegas during this time, so I was sort of surprised. I layered up but that didn't really help. Hell, I can't imagine what it's like to live in a place where it's even colder.


    I had 2 free nights at the Flamingo so I might as well have used it. Good thing I reserved because the cold brisk walk from Westin to the Strip was a long one and I would be playing into the wee hours of the night.

    I tried the $20 trick, but got my money back. All the guy could do was give me a GO Room at an extra $50/Night, but I passed on that. Room, was thankfully bigger than the Westin, but not by much.

    Their Poker room wasn't impressive at all. Really small area and I had to keep getting out of my seat to let the dealer get in his/her seat. Heck, the dealers didn't even have a dealer seat! Horrible!

    I played a tourney there and didn't really last too long. My hand got edged out by a better full house. What can you do?


    I was unlucky on this trip... had a couple of lucky runs but never got back up to what I lost. Ah well. :(


    Quarks Bar: Had their steak and warp core breach and it was MMMM MMMM GOOD. The Breach tasted AWESOME; however, as the sweetness really covered the alcohol so I got a buzz really quick. I had the mini so it was only half of the full breach. I was the only one drinking it with my family.
    - I am a big trek fan so I had a blast while there. Didn't do the experience since I have done it in the past. I just never went to Quark's.

    The Victorian Room (Bill's): Had comped dinner there two nights so even though the food wasn't really impressive, I couldn't complain. Had a burger the first day and a steak the next.

    Grand Lux (Venetian): Really nice restaurant with some moderate prices. The bread was awesome. I had caramel glazed chicken and it was off the hook! For dessert, we had their fresh baked cookies and it was OOOH SO GOOD :).


    It was a big hotel. Some family stayed there and had a GREAT room in the tower that was not the Venetian Tower (I forgot the name) Even though the room was great, what did not impress me was the price, assuming you paid for it. To be honest, PH, even though its only a 4-Star vs 5-star, the room at PH is better for the price. Big and roomy with a huge bathroom!

    The didn't like being in the casino much because of the perfume. I am very sensitive to that kind of stuff so I had a headache after a short while.


    This is my first Cirque show and I must say that I am INCREDIBLY IMPRESSED.

    I'm only 21 so I never grew up with any Beatles music so honestly, my first thoughts were that the show wouldn't be all too fun, but was I WRONG.

    There were some music selections, such as Blackbird, that have always been one of my favorites... I just never knew that it was the Beatles who made it. Blackbird was one of those songs that I enjoyed listening to whenever it came around, but never actually remembered to find out more about it.

    Anyway, the music was just awesome. The moves and tricks were amazing as well; however, there was always so much going on that it was hard to really see the whole picture. The storyline was really good, although vague. Special effects were off the chain and I really wish that theater was my bedroom!

    Even though I never experienced the Beatles when they were THE band, i couldn't help but have feelings of Nostalgia... I can tell how (and why) the music had such great impact on people. The music was really ahead of its time in my opinion and I realized how much of the music I listened to sampled the Beatles themselves.

    Again, GREAT SHOW. Even though it's a little bit expensive, it was well worth its price, at least to see just once. We couldn't get 1/2 price tix because that show was already sold out so we had to get what we could.

    I bought the soundtrack.

    Hmm, I think that's all for now. FUN trip, though unlucky!

    Flight back to SFO was painless and stress free, with the exception of this little kid yelling, screaming, and crying the entire way, right across the isle. Luckily this was a really short flight. I mean, I would understand if this was a baby that was yelling and screaming but this was a toddler I believe. Although I'll admit that I am ignorant to child care as I don't have one, I did not hear the parents ONCE tell their child to be quiet.

  2. jillmn

    jillmn High-Roller

    Jan 17, 2007
    St. Paul, MN
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Thanks for the TR. I've wondered if the beds at the Westin are really as comfortable as they say. :)

    And, come on, it's not that cold!! I was there 23-27 and it wasn't bad! :poke: We came home to 22 degrees and 8 inches of snow! :thumbsup:
  3. gmoney590

    gmoney590 VIP Whale

    Jul 8, 2006
    Tacoma, WA
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Nice report. When you stayed at the Westin did the pets stay in your room or did they have a kennel or such for them to stay in? It can get quite chilly at night in December and what wouldn't be a bad walk during most parts of the year tends to be a little more daunting.
  4. angel81chick

    angel81chick Abuelita

    Jun 29, 2007
    City of Angels
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I'm so jealous that you get to fly Virgin to Vegas :(

    Oh well...thanks for sharing...and yes, it is definitely super cold in Vegas...esp. for those that grew up in Cali, more specifically Southern Cal! ;)
  5. keno

    keno obsessed with countdown timers

    Mar 27, 2005
    Bay Area, CA
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I wish Virgin America flew out of San Jose. I'm tempted to drive up to SFO to fly to Vegas on VA, but since I live like 10 minutes from the San Jose airport and 50 from SFO, that wouldn't make much sense.

    Vegas is super cold this time of year. And the wind! ah man! Like Angel, I'm a CA kid and like it a bit warmer. Cold places are okay to visit (I love tahoe!), but I've no idea how people can live in the snow! blah!
  6. dung bug

    dung bug Low-Roller

    Dec 12, 2005
    Houston, Tx
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Thanks for sharing...
  7. btodd

    btodd High-Roller

    Nov 11, 2003
    Winnipeg, Canada
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    We are staying at the Westin in March. Hopefully it will be warmer and the walk to the Strip won't seem so long. Is it not directly across the street from the Bally's Sportsbook??

    Great report............loved it!!
  8. hanoscf

    hanoscf High-Roller

    Jan 22, 2007
    NW Wisconsin
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Great report. Thanks for sharing. Hope you have better luck next trip. And I agree with Jill - it's not that cold in Las Vegas. I had -14 at my house this morning.
  9. jillmn

    jillmn High-Roller

    Jan 17, 2007
    St. Paul, MN
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I wouldn't say directly across the street, no. It's probably a 1/3 of a mile walk from the strip would be my approximation.
  10. ssfblue

    ssfblue Low-Roller

    Oct 3, 2007
    The Bay Area
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    haha, I can't imagine it being that cold ever... Im just used to the year round 60-70 degree weather here...barely any seasons here.
  11. IWantToGoToVegasToday

    IWantToGoToVegasToday Tourist

    Jan 4, 2008
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I haven't stayed at the Westin in Vegas, but we did stay at the one in Puerto Vallarta and let me tell you, the beds ARE WONDERFUL! I have always said since then if we ever have a choice of staying at a Westin or somewhere else, we will pick the Westin just for the beds. They are indeed heavenly!
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