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What a town! :)

Discussion in 'Vegas Trip Reports' started by sueb, Aug 21, 2003.

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  1. sueb

    sueb Tourist

    Nov 11, 2002

    My Trip Report

    For a middle-aged lady traveling alone, safety is always an issue. Vegas does such a great job in most places! I tried out the Nugget (loved it - best room I have had so far!)...for $246, I got rt on AMW and 2 nites --- surprise! it also included a FREE ($45 value) ticket for Spirit of the Dance (nice lil show - had seen it in Reno and enjoyed it more the second time despite the poor setting). Betting was SLOW at Nugget - but did really well (hey, I play nickle slots - what do you expect) at Barbary on the Strip, Horseshoe and LVC on Fremont. Horseshoe is generous with food comps even for a lil gal like me. Came home with my original stash of cash almost in tact, box of Ethel M's best for a patient hubby and ready to go back before the end of the year. By the way, lil ol' Norman at the Stage Deli (CP Forum) is out with leg injury - but they can still make a mean choc. cream --- if I were rich, I would fly their food in to my town! You Vegas folks sure know how to show a lady a fun time!!! [​IMG]
  2. Vegas V

    Vegas V Guest

    Sueb - I agree. Vegas is a place where I don't mind going alone. There's so much to do, and I always feel safe. Sounds like you had a GREAT time! I've got 7 days to go for my next trip...I cannot wait!
  3. ilovevegasbaby

    ilovevegasbaby Tourist

    Apr 19, 2002
    It wasn't until this trip that I noticed so many people going solo. I noticed it when reading trip reports prior to departure and I noticed while in route (on our plane). I was thinking about this before we left. Being female, Vegas is probably the only town that I would visit by myself and feel comfortable about getting out. On our last night (Wednesday night of this week), we stopped and ate at NYNY. I wanted to play some Monopoly slots and spotted them in a corner. My husband was eager to get back to our hotel and get on the BJ table. I told him to go ahead. He said he would wait for me but I could tell he was antsy. I told him to go on I would be fine. He looked at me funny and said he really didn't want me to walk back by myself. I told him I wasn't concerned at all and to go have fun. I should have left with him though. I lost some money (I don't know what I was thinking, I never seem to win in NYNY [​IMG] ).
  4. sueb

    sueb Tourist

    Nov 11, 2002
    RE NYNY - try their $10 free slot play coupon - I walked away with $10 of THEIR money:) Yep - I cut and run while I am ahead - makes for more fun:)
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