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trip to u.s and vegas with kids

Discussion in 'Vegas Trip Reports' started by larryfromdk, Mar 9, 2003.

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  1. HI!!
    Sorry not much time so here is a short report.
    Train copenhagen-frankfurt.flight frankfurt-north carolina-phoenix.Stayed a few days in Tucson to visit family and friends.drove to vegas on feb.11.stayed overnight in a small hotel with a jacuzzi in arizona(kingman)on the way.Arrived at the orleans hotel thursday night(32usd inc.2 buffets)the next night friday coasted 75usd.moved to plaza hotel for sat.and sunday because the price of the orleans went up to 160usd on sat.paid 50usd for plaza on sat and 34usd on sunday.this inc.10usd in gas and a comedy show.
    Orleans is a much better hotel then plaza especially with kids.Orleans has bowling a cinema, and a great view from the window.The rooms and buffet are also better at orleans. Everything went perfect this time.No problems.
    Stopped at stateline on the way to calif.rode
    the great roller coaster and stayed overnight
    in a good room for 20usd.
    The next day we drove through death valley.What a beautiful place.Not in the summer i suppose but now it is great.Went to magic mountain ,knotts,and Disney.We like disney and knotts but not magic mountain.
    The only minus of the trip was whenever i turned on the t.v. all i heard was terror alert and war.Decided not to listen to anymore propagada and kept the t.v. off for most of the trip-
    I was wondering considering the u.s. was at the next highest terror level why was there no extra security?In disney and knotts we were serched at the gate.I understand that but in vegas it was business as usual.
    By the way we saw the afternoon magician guy at tropicana and ron lucas at the rio.Both great.
    The bellagio must have changed their idea about kids eating at the buffet.We took 4 kids in there
    with no problem.
    I will return after the war starts in march because the airfares will be really down like the usd. and the las vegas hotel rates.
  2. Rurdy2rk

    Rurdy2rk Tourist

    Aug 8, 2002

    I'm glad you had a good time, but why do you always make references to a pending war, and how it is going to benifit you? Everyone is entitled to his / her opinion, but enough already. I hope the airfares go up due to oil prices, just to keep you, and your sarcastic self out of here. If you don't agree with U.S. policy, that is your right, but don't try to through in your "cheap shots", and disguse your views as a trip report. Enough already!!
  3. HurricaneMikey

    HurricaneMikey A-List Buffoon

    Jan 25, 2002
    One foot in Music City, one foot in Sin City
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Yeah Larry...What Rurdy2rk said...

    It seems every one of your posts has a political agenda that the rest of us don't really care for.

    I'd like to have the waitress bring you a nice tall cold glass of STFU and put it on my tab.

    Yeah, we're all entitled to our opinions, so here was mine.

    Mikey's Ali-Like Return to the Ring for March Madness
  4. LV Terry

    LV Terry Captain Flop'N Fold

    Sep 30, 2001
    Santa Barbara, CA, USA

    Another round of STFU for my friends!
  5. HoyaHeel

    HoyaHeel Grammar Police & Admin

    Feb 24, 2002
    North Carolina
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Everyone play nice while Sonya's gone--if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all!
  6. larryfromdk

    larryfromdk Guest

    We had a great trip.Sorry about the short report.
    As for the war ,Yes the dollar is going is going down in value the euro is going airfares drop due
    to fear of flying but since most of you support the war then you gotta accept these things too.
    Stop whining and be glad if someone comes over there to use money and keep people working.
    This is my last comment about that.
  7. VEGAS $$$

    VEGAS $$$ Low-Roller

    Feb 16, 2002

    "Stop whining and be glad if someone comes over there to use money and keep people working."

    Suuuuurrrre. :rolleyes:
  8. LV Terry

    LV Terry Captain Flop'N Fold

    Sep 30, 2001
    Santa Barbara, CA, USA
    I wonder what the Big Board would show as the over / under on that actually happening....
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