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Trip Report 1/2-1/4~ Bellagio- Part 1

Discussion in 'Vegas Trip Reports' started by Typhinie, Jan 6, 2005.

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  1. Typhinie

    Typhinie Tourist

    Dec 5, 2003
    Los Angeles, CA

    My Trip Report

    Well, for those of you who read my other thread, I wasn't even sure I was going on this trip. I decided to go when my Mom said "I feel worse if you didn't go"

    I'm sure no one wants to hear about my 45 minute uneventful flight so I'll just skip to out arrival in Vegas. Our plane landed at about 3. It took our baggage over an hour to get to baggage claim. By the time we caught a cab, and got to the Bellagio it was about 4:30.

    I REALLY wanted a nice view. I decided I would do the 20 trick. I go out of my way to get in a guy's line that looks like he might budge. I personally have better luck with guyss when it comes to getting upgrades. I guess I picked the wrong guy, because not only was he rude about it. I think he gave us the crappiest room in Bellagio. My friends and I are convinced he was gay.

    I was not impressed with our room at Bellagio. I mean it's a step up from Monte Carlo, but nothing like I was expecting. I don't see how they could charge over $250 for these rooms. The room was a bit small and our view was of the back of the other side of the hotel. There was a break in the building where you could see The Orleans but other than that, the view left a lot to be desired. I realize now, I should have just paid the extra $30 a night for the view. It would have been well worth it.

    We get settled into our room and I give Vegashost (Bill) a call. He has a comped bottle over at Body English and we plan on meeting him there in a couple hours. I mention to him that we wanted to go to Lght first and he puts us on the list- which included a free drink ticket. NICE! I am super excited about meeting someone from the board.

    We run across the Street to grab the buffet at Aladdin. The line is too long so we decide it would be better if we got some drinks forst to make the time go by faster. We go to Phat Tuesday's and I decide to get the 190 Octane. I needed to start the night off right and that drink did it for me. I was only 1/2 done with it when I was pretty drunk. I guess it was the empty stomach.

    I LOVE shopping in Vegas! I guess it is because you can do it while your drinking. It just makes everything more entertaining.

    By the time we get to the buffet, I am not even that hungry. I put a 10 in a random nickel slot and accidentally lose it in about 30 seconds. We eat. The buffet is good as always. We go back to our room to get ready and sober up a little bit so we can last the whole night.

    Ladies... Please don't try to use a curling iron when you've had a little to drink. Not only did I burn myself, I completely screwed up my hair. By the time I realized it looked bad, it was too late to start over again. Oh, well! It's dark inside clubs, I don't need perfect hair!

    We go down to Light. The doors open at 10:30 and it's about 10:25 right now and there is a huge line outside. We were one of the first to be escorted in with our fre drink tickets. All the poeple in line were giving us the dirtiest looks!I knew then that Bill was the MAN! It was very quiet inside. We got our drinks right away and swallowed them down fast. We considered getting another one but we had plans to meet Bill at about 11:30 at Body English at The Hard Rock so we decided to just go. We step out of the club and the people that were giving us dirty looks before are even more pissed because we just walked right out. So I yelled "Sucks to be you!". I am usually a nice person, but when you look at me with such disgust, I have to shoot some attitude!

    We get to Body English and we meet Bill and some of his friends outside. We get ushered right in and let me say I was really impressed with this place. We had an awesome table overlooking the dance floor. He orders greygoose, which is fine with me. I love vodka so I am happy with the choice. Bill informs me that when he drinks vodka he gets real crazy! I get crazy when I drink anything so I am happy someones going to get crazy with me. The server brings over some shots. We toast and suck them down. I was well on my way to having a crazy night.

    Body English plays some great music. Some 80's rock (which I lOVE), top 40 stuff, old school hip hop, and just great drinking music- meaning you sing along to it when your trashed.

    I had about 2 mixed drinks and I found myself unable to stop dancing. I think it was the Red Bull I mixed with my vodka, but I was hyper and wanting to party the night away. I grab my friend and we go to the dance floor. Some guy tries to start a "You Got Served" dance off with me. OK, that's cool, I can do it. I mean, he was a good dancer and everything, but I can do something that a lot of guys can't- the splitz. So yes, in My drunk state... wearing a short skirt, I do the splitz in the middle of the dance floor. He was baffled. "HAHAHAHA! Now what, BITCH!?"

    We go back up to the table and one of my friends is doing jaegar shots with Bill. Nice! Everyone is starting to get really, really Drunk. Bill and I are start to get to know eachother and start talking about all of you guys. We were thinking about all of you while we were taking part in our buffoonery!!

    Things start getting fuzzy for me at this point. I remember giving Bill a lap dance- and he may have given me one in return. I think I tried making out with his friend (I'm not sure if I actually did- I remember trying for a while). My friend flashing the camara for a pic. I remember making out with someother random guy. I remember dropping a drink. I also remember meeting a guy who claimed to be "Tara Reed's Husband". I got freaked out and walked away from him. SOrry if this is a choppy description, but that's how I remember it.

    Around 3:30 or 4 we decide to go get breakfast. Its me, my 2 friends and Bill. We are the only one's left standing. My friends are a little work out but I am still ready to go. I don't remember the cab ride to PAris, but I'm sure it was funny. When you have had as much to drink as I did that night, everything is funny.

    We ate at the Paris Cafe. They made me put my shoes on before going in. I didn't remember taking them off at that point so I looked at the lady and went "What are you talking about?" I finally felt stupid when I realized they were in my hand! Oh, well. It's Vegas, I'm sure she's seen worse. I know I had the Eggs Benedict and I remember it being really good. AT about 5, Bill tells us he's still trashed and wants to hang for a while so he sould drive. I tell him don't worry about it, you can crash in our room. I know this looks bad, but I promise you- NOTHING HAPPENED!

    I remember taking a cab from Paris to Bellagio because we were too drunk to walk across the street. The cab driver was probably pissed, but at that point I didn't give a crap. I wanted to go to sleep.

    As we were walking through the casino. Everyone was string at us. I mention that I think they think we are hookers. I scream at the top of my lungs- "Yes, we ARE HOOKERS!! Can everyone stare any harder!?" I think Bill was also helping me make a fool out of myself by pretending to be our "pimp". It was real funny.

    We all fall asleep around 5:30. I somehow wake up at 7:30 a little drunk but not able to sleep. Yes! I love the casino early inthe morning. I can GAMBLE NOW! Both of my friends I went with don't gamble so I was excited baout getting a couple hours of that in. I was sitting at a 2 cent slot when 2 guys, about my age, come stumbling by, singning, obviously still out from last night. They were using eachother to stand up, and I just die laughing. Only in Vegas! They notice me laughing, and come over to seranade me! They reeked of booze but I didn't care at all. Everyone was laughing and staring at them. It was great!

    Just then, I hit on the machine for about a $100. put a 20 in and I cashe out at 116- not bad! I wondered around for a bit... winning some, loosing some, when Bill calls. He's like where are you? YOUR GAMBLING AT 8 IN THE MORNING!? Thats way too funny!" So I meet him and we talk for a few, we decide to meet up for a drink later that night.

    I go up to my room and one of my friends awake. I guess the other one was sleeping and was yelling at everyone to be quiet. So we decide to leave and get something small to eat. There is a long line EVERYWHERE. I start getting a little mean. I am hung over, hungry- so hungry I feel like I am going to throw up, amd there is nothing but lines. 45 minutes later, I can't take the line thing so we grab a bag os dorito's and a diet coke from the gift shop.

    We decide to walk across the street to the desert passage shops. We forget our rain jackets and it's pouring outside. To top it off, the street is completely flooded! Its a little over ankle deep and about 6 ft into the street. We get soaked. The way back was even worse. We decide no more walking- only cabs all day for us. We are Californians- we hate the rain anyway!

    Ate at Raffles at Mandaly and talk about what we want to do that night. They want to see Chippendales, but since I have seen it twice, I say- you guys go ahead, I'll pass- But if you want to see Thunder from Down Under, I'm up for that! So we all decide that would just be too cheesy that there would be no way not to have a good time!


    Sorry for the two parter... I intended for this to be short, but I guess I remembered more than I thought... I'll post the next part tom. morning. My hands hurt from typing! :rolleyes:
  2. Jer

    Jer Shoot 'em Down, Turn Around, C'Mon....

    Jan 20, 2002
    Southern California
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Great trip report Typh... Now I can figure out where Bills hand was! [​IMG]

    Can't wait for part 2...
  3. Jack21

    Jack21 Guest

    So far soo good, Typh...since you are gonna get about 4912 responses to this TR I figured I'd post some early reflections and questions:

    *Next time, avoid the $20 trick at Bellagio with thin, clean-cut effeminate "men"; next time go with the rough-and-ready burly Westward Ho clerk named Earl.

    *If I were in long line outside Light and saw you just saunter in, it truly WOULD suck to be me.

    *My "kingdom" to be the the Body English dance floor for 5 minutes ;)

    *Bill's lap dance- was that his "tip?"

    *The guy who said he was Tara Reed's husband was lying; I know this because when I woke up this morning Tara told me I was her huband.

    *"I'm too drunk to drive home, can I hang out a while/" God I loved that line in college...I saw the prettiest sorority rooms that way.

    Hope your fingers recover soon...Jack21

    [ January 07, 2005, 06:07 AM: Message edited by: Jack21 ]
  4. milehiman

    milehiman VIP Whale

    Sep 21, 2002
    Scottsdale, AZ
    Wow, great trip report so far.

    I'll have to remember that line about being too drunk to drive home...

    This already sounds like a better trip than your last one. Sounds like you hooked up with the right group this time.

    Can't wait for the second part.
  5. YoungGun

    YoungGun VIP Whale

    Aug 4, 2003
    Southern California
    Glad you had a good time. Thanks for the read.
  6. HowardSternChick

    HowardSternChick Newbie

    Dec 28, 2004
    [ January 07, 2005, 08:23 AM: Message edited by: HowardSternChick ]
  7. blackjack

    blackjack Monkey!!

    Mar 28, 2003
    North Coast
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Can't wait for part 2. Sounds like you had much fun in typical "Typh" fashion. I must say that I don't think that you have to "try" to make out with anyone. Ain't noboby gonna turn down that offer (unless they're a desk clerk at the Bellagio).
  8. sin

    sin VIP Whale

    Jun 25, 2004
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Typh, sounds like you had a blast! I can't wait for part 2.
  9. RamBill

    RamBill Tourist

    Jun 8, 2004
    west hartford, CT
    Fun TR, Typh! No doubt about it, I need to become a good friend of Bill's (or at least a random guy!) LOL!!

    Looking forward to part 2.

    May all your hopes and dreams come true this year.
  10. HurricaneMikey

    HurricaneMikey A-List Buffoon

    Jan 25, 2002
    One foot in Music City, one foot in Sin City
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Mad props to VegasHost for throwing out the old reliable "I'm too drunk to drive home" line...and for having it work again, too! [​IMG]

    Glad to hear that classics are still effective.

    Mikey :D
    Mikey's Ali-Like Return to the Ring for March Madness
  11. Typhinie

    Typhinie Tourist

    Dec 5, 2003
    Los Angeles, CA
    Jack21- Well, I wasn't going to try the trick, but it did work out for us at Venetian, so I figured it might work at Bellagio. He didn't get any money from me though... just some attitude about our room being on the 8th floor! I know that guy was not Tara Reed's husband. He also claimed to br some famous motor cross guy. But thanks for the kind words! It was a fun trip!

    milehiman- A little better than last time. They still didn't gamble, but I had another girl that was able to drink as much as I do and stay out as late as I do, which made this trip a little better. My "boring" friend was still there this time, but I didn't let her bother me like last time.

    Blackjack: I can assure you that there are plenty of people who wouldn't make out with me! But in Vegas, and when there is TONS of vodka involved, it doesn't happen that often!

    Sin: It would have been more fun if you were there and we could have hit up a strip club together!

    Rambill- Vegashost is a great guy- You should all meet him in March!

    Mikey- Well, I'm not dumb, I know that's a "line". But I guess it did work! But again- NOTHING HAPPENED UP THERE! We all just passed out!

    Part 2 is coming soon!
  12. vegasdrea

    vegasdrea Buckle Bunny

    Nov 29, 2004
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I am glad that you went and that you had a good time. I loved your TR, I was living Vegas through you (since it's been so long since I have been there). All I have to say is that you and I HAVE to go to Vegas together or at least meet up and hang out for one night. Thanks for sharing. [​IMG] It was great!!
  13. tvon

    tvon VIP Whale

    Jan 14, 2004
    Boston, Ma
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    the famous motorcross dude could be pink's husband or boyfriend or whatever.

    im real surprised, a hot girl doesn't get a room upgrade? you're right, he musta been gay.

    Anyway, typ, you always seem to bring the party.. and bill seems to have gotten more than he bargained for hooking you up with passes.. [​IMG]

    well heres hoping you post those pictures.. [​IMG]
  14. RossW

    RossW North of the 49th

    Nov 1, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I feel hungover and shaky with the DT's just from reading that TR. I know that now at 40, I would be "passing out in your room" a lot earlier than you...I'd get up when you returned though.... ;)

    Good read...

    And as Jack said...'*My "kingdom" to be the the Body English dance floor for 5 minutes" [​IMG]

    BTW how is your liver? Don't be too hard on it..it has to last your whole life.

  15. vegashost

    vegashost Guest

    Guys I wish it weren't a line. Whenever I drink vodka it totally wrecks me. Now if it were Jaeger all night that would be a different story. All I rmemeber was putting my head pn the pillow, then waking up when the maid came in. Typh is a warrior she can party like the best of them.
  16. milehiman

    milehiman VIP Whale

    Sep 21, 2002
    Scottsdale, AZ
    Oh sure VH... Nice excuse...

    I guess you've never heard of a taxi? LOL

    Just kidding, we're just all jealous that you literally got to spend all night with Typh.

    Maybe Warrior Princess or Warrior Queen might be a better description. We've all seen her pic.
  17. dkbk

    dkbk High-Roller

    Jun 17, 2003
    Yardley, PA
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I'm thinking that Vegas would implode if you added sin to the mix.

    By the way Typh, not to be a downer, but I agree with Ross W, gotta love that liver!

    [ January 07, 2005, 02:01 PM: Message edited by: dkbk ]
  18. Thekiller

    Thekiller Tourist

    Jan 6, 2004
    Typhinie, Looks like your trip report left HowardSternChick speechless.

    When the first drink is 190 octane you know there's going to be a train wreck down the line [​IMG] Looks like Vegas Host got run over too.

    Speaking of VH, instead of telling us nothing happened, just say you can't tell us. Your going to ruin his reputation. You don't want him to be refered to as Vegas Hostess do you? :D Just kidding VH. Thanks Typh [​IMG]
  19. blackjack

    blackjack Monkey!!

    Mar 28, 2003
    North Coast
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Just remember... What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas [​IMG] .
  20. Mia4071

    Mia4071 Tourist

    Jul 28, 2002
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    WE WANT PIC's [​IMG] I know you got some Typh :0) Great report - I can't wait to read part 2.
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