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TR 6/17-22 Wynn and Bellagio-The End

Discussion in 'Vegas Trip Reports' started by LVLady, Jun 27, 2007.

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  1. LVLady

    LVLady Tourist

    May 26, 2003
    Memphis, TN
    Trips to Las Vegas:

    My Trip Report

    Day 6: Friday June 22

    So here we are, our last few hours in Vegas. I woke up around 7:30 and packed as quickly as I could as the casino was calling my name!! I hate packing as this means our trip is coming to an end. I was wishing we had about two more days of fun, but we were on our way home. The plus about coming home is seeing my adorable 4 legged kids. Oh how they miss us when we are gone. Sure the dog sitter is a good stand in but it isn’t mom and dad………
    Anyway, hubby had gone down to get some Danish and a Latte for me while I was still sleeping so I had woken up to breakfast which is always nice, after drinking the latte and showering and packing we headed down. I tried my hand at some VP but had no luck, hubby tried some blackjack and came out even, at this point it was about 10:15 so I went and said good-bye to Diane at the Fontana and we decided to head out to Silverton. This would prove to be a HUGE mistake. I had wanted to stay at Bellagio but hubby wanted to play craps so off to Silverton with a stop to fill up the tank. After getting gas we crossed over Blue Diamond and around the maze of construction around Silverton. As we were nearing an entrance to the parking lot we stopped at the stop sign. We then were making a left turn from where we thought we were supposed to be, next thing we knew we heard a crunch. Yup, a car had come up on our left hand side and either didn’t stop or didn’t see us. I am sure we are at fault, but the car wasn’t there when we started our turn from apparently the wrong lane!! At this point it is 11:15 and we had planned on being at the car rental return by 11:45. This wouldn’t happen, because although our car had just some scratches on it, the other driver had a bit more damage. This fender was bent and the plug had come out of his washer fluid tank. We immediately called the police and my insurance company. We waited and waited for what seemed like forever, finally at about 11:50 the cops arrived. At this point I started calling Delta as I did not think we would make our flight!! After all they want you there at least 2 hours ahead of time and our flight was 1:30. Now I had not planned on being there 2 hours early as it is my experience in Vegas that we have never needed more than an hour and 15 minutes. Delta was giving me a hard time and did not want to put us on another flight based on the fact that one of our tickets was a companion ticket etc etc. I was in a panic that we wouldn’t make our flight!!! Though if we didn’t we could do a flight the next day with a double connection for a $50 fee!! Oh well, lucky for us the cop finished up at about 12:20 and sent us on our way. We made it to the dollar drop off talked to the attendant told him what happened, we filled out a quick form then went to wait for the shuttle. The shuttle was quick and we made it to the airport at about 12:40 the agent told us we would make our flight and we breezed through security making it to D terminal with enough time to grab something to eat.
    I was still a bit shaken but the whole thing but the flight home was an easy one, watch Breach which got my mind off of things and tried to remember the good points of the trip of which there were many. We did have a good time and only one bad hour. I haven’t heard from my insurance company yet, and we haven’t heard from Dollar so we are just waiting to see what will happen. The rental only had scratches no worse than I have seen on cars I have rented in the past, but what a shame as it only had about 1000 miles on it. This won’t prevent me from renting a car again and if we don’t end up paying anything out, I still will never get the insurance from the car rental place.
    We got into our home airport about 11:30 and waited for bags, only one came out, apparently the other got left in Vegas. Too bad we didn’t get left with it!! Made it home about 12:45 to two of the happiest puppies I have ever seen. They were bouncing off the walls……..There is something nice about coming home to that. They made the day seem so much better…..The second bag arrived at the house around 1pm the next day as it took the red eye home and all is well. When all was said and done we came home with $500 more than we went with so that was nice especially since everything we won, we won on the last day and we never had to break into the travelers checks!!

    Highlights of the trip:
    Spending time with some really good friends.
    Dinner at Rao’s
    Coffee on the Patio at Prime
    Enoceta San Marco at the Venetian was amazing and our total of $87 for the meal completely worth it.
    Champagne with friend at the Wynn, Mirage and Excalibur was great.
    Hitting 4 aces with a kicker even with only $1 in the machine was awesome.
    But best of all after a stressful few months, spending some fantastic time with my husband was the best. I just wish we had more time together. Between carting FIL around and meeting up with my friend it seemed we lost a lot of time together.

    I will look forward to our next trip, though I have no idea when that will be since Hubby is in the process of looking for a new job I can’t really plan anything, but will hold the great memories of this trip with me until the next one. Our next trip will be the two of us unless my friends from CA decide to meet us again and it will be relaxing which is something we can do with them. It is nice having those types of friends who you don’t have to plan anything for and who just go with it. We won’t have to worry about picking FIL up for dinner every night and having a set time, which gets to me a bit. But still we enjoy our time with him and know his trips to Vegas will be few and far between as he just doesn’t get around like he used.
    Hope you enjoyed my mini novel……….
  2. gmoney590

    gmoney590 VIP Whale

    Jul 8, 2006
    Tacoma, WA
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Sorry to hear about the accident on your last day; that can really change the tone of your vacation. I hope your hubby finds a job soon so you both can partake in the Vegas adventure faster.
  3. Dean Martin

    Dean Martin VIP Whale

    Jan 16, 2003
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Ann...I thoroughly enjoyed your novel..lol You know, kudos to you guys for taking such good care of your FIL but someday you should take a trip to Vegas, just the two of you and do nothing but chill by the pool, gamble, eat and drink and let the cabs take you everywhere you want to go.... that sends you home really feeling like you had a vacation. I love not touching a sterring wheel for 5-6 days...lol Say hi to Dale and we hope to see you two back in Vegas someday! John
  4. timmysmom

    timmysmom Low-Roller

    Apr 26, 2006
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    LVLady -- loved your novel also. Sorry to hear about the accident at the Silverton. With all the construction going on near it, plus with the new configuration of how to access the parking lots, we found it very confusing during our recent trip and had several near misses; no one seems to know which way to turn and half the drivers either don't see or ignore the stop signs. Your FIL is very forutuate to have such a considerate son and daughter-in-law. Perhaps if you are very lucky, hubby will find a new position within driving distance of Vegas!! As to your four legged animals greeting you when you get back home, we get the same treatment from our two kitties -- lots of meows and they stick to us like velcro for the next couple of days. When we return to Vegas in August, I'll do my best to keep the seat at VP machine #69 warm for you.
  5. LVLady

    LVLady Tourist

    May 26, 2003
    Memphis, TN
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    We actually think the kid didn't stop and that is how the accident happened. Granted we goofed, but that road construction is hard to navigate. And yes the puppies stuck like glue to us too!! They are the sweetest things!!
    And please do keep "my machine" warm for me, I was very happy when it finally paid off. Took 3 days though!!!
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