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Discussion in 'Vegas Trip Reports' started by The Hangman, Apr 2, 2003.

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  1. The Hangman

    The Hangman Tourist

    Jan 20, 2003

    My Trip Report

    As I sit here, sipping my coffee, may I say what a pleasure it has been to find this group and to be able to share so much information with so many knowledgeable and helpful people.

    Our car is packed. The last few minute things are happening. It is almost time to hit the road, go to work before we get to the airport later today.

    The good news is tonight we will be in Las vegas again !!!

    Hope some of you can stop by The Plaza Hotel & Casino and say hello. Who knows, maybe you can join me on TV if we are shooting then.

    Again, it's been a pleasure being here and Thank You all for helping make my return trip to Las Vegas a special one. By the looks of things, we will do it again in December, for my wife's birthday.

  2. deano

    deano Guest

    Following your trip with great interest Ill suppose Ill miss you when I get there on the 14th its a shame my 12 year old would of love to have met you hes wrestle mad.

    Have a good one,
  3. Smarra17

    Smarra17 Poker Queen

    Jul 28, 2002
    Brooklyn, NY
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Have a great trip and I look foward to your trip report. Hopefully you will have a few wild stories to tell us!
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