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T-17 hours!!

Discussion in 'Vegas Trip Reports' started by Billy from TX., Jan 31, 2004.

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  1. Billy from TX.

    Billy from TX. Tourist

    Jan 6, 2002
    Wylie, Texas
    Trips to Las Vegas:

    My Trip Report

    All of our bags are packed and we got plenty of everyone's trip reports ready for the plane ride.
    Getting ready to go drop the kiddos off at Grandma's house and return home for a nice peacful evening before our trip in the morning.

    Thanks, once again to all the valuable posters here at Sonya's place. You guys and gals have been tremendously helpful to us. I hope to have a long and winfull trip report when I return next week. Brandy and I will be sure to raise our glasses to the whole gang here while watching the sb.
  2. Bobby

    Bobby MIA

    Dec 10, 2003
    Sorry Billy, I thought you left already. Well good luck and I guess it's time for you to COWBOY UP in VEGAS.

    P.S. Don't break the bank, I'm still looking forward to going there in April so leave a little for the rest of us.
  3. Billy from TX.

    Billy from TX. Tourist

    Jan 6, 2002
    Wylie, Texas
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Thanks Bobby!

    I'll have a tr when I return.
    I'm sure I'll be making my annual deposit in the National Bank of Las Vegas.
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