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Spirit $9 fare club

Discussion in 'Getting There & Getting Around' started by surf87, Mar 15, 2017.

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  1. surf87

    surf87 MIA

    Apr 28, 2016
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Has anyone here joined Spirit's $9 fare club and how is it working out for yout? For a $59 annual fee ($69 subsequent years), you get access to the $9 fares and 50% off baggage fee. I'm thinking of joining since I could probably recoup my $59 annual fee plus the $9 fares on my first round trip from Los Angeles to Las Vegas. Any other trips thereafter within the year would be ice cream sundaes with cherries on top.
  2. mdm4sfest

    mdm4sfest VIP Whale

    Jun 5, 2012
    Cleveland, OH
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I cant speak for myself, only my brother. He makes the trip from ATL-CLE to see me every few months. He joined and saved enough to pay for the year in one trip to see me. Although its called the $9 fare club, I am not sure if they still have $9 fares. I think the cheapest he has paid RT to visit me is $44 though.
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  3. Jimbucc

    Jimbucc VIP Whale

    Apr 1, 2003
    Cleveland, Ohio
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I did it for a year and then cancelled. It was OK if you fly enough to take advantage of it. Most of the time, I waited for deals that were generally the same as the $9 fare price. Also, if I go to the airport and purchase my tickets, I don't have to pay the passenger usage fee. $9 fare club prices aren't allowed at the airport, only online. For example Cleveland to Las Vegas $9 fare might be $59, so for my wife and I round trip would be $59x4=$236. Non $9 fare might be $65 so $65x4=$260. If I purchase at the airport, I save $71 passenger usage fee so $260-71=$189. That passenger usage fee is for 2 passengers from Cle to Las. The price will vary from city to city.
    Arizona Charlies Boulder
  4. smerrian

    smerrian View from Bally's

    Apr 22, 2014
    South Jersey
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Is the "passenger usage fee" something attached to all airline tix or just to Spirit Airline tix?
  5. The Rumor

    The Rumor VIP Whale

    Jul 28, 2015
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Spirit. IIRC that's the charge for buying online instead of at an airport ticket counter.
  6. Foos

    Foos High-Roller

    Jul 31, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I have yet to find a trip that I didn't save more money just by buying the ticket at the airport as opposed to any of the $9 fare prices that you have to buy online.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  7. Nathandrummond

    Nathandrummond Newbie

    Mar 15, 2017
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I have used this twice now and saved a ton from kansas city to vegas. nowhere have i found it cheaper to buy at the airport in the first trip we took 5 people and got round trip tickets with the $59 fee for $293. I just booked another round trip for 4 people $185. The baggage is high but we only take 2 day trips and being military I know how to pack 2 weeks of gear in a fanny pack lol
  8. tatterdema

    tatterdema VIP Whale

    Nov 10, 2001
    Seattle WA
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    For you people that have flown them, how big do they consider the free personal item? Does a backpack that fits under the seat in front of me qualify? Are they like Allegiant and charge for printing boarding pass? How are the check in lines in Vegas? Lol, they have flights from Seattle for $98 round trip so I was thinking of just flying down for the weekend if I can do it without any add on's or too much hassle.
  9. Foos

    Foos High-Roller

    Jul 31, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    The new Free size is 18"x14"x8"
    Most airports have a kiosk to print free boarding passes for all airlines (Vegas does and MSP) so no need to pay spirit.
    If you are not checking in a bag, you don't have to go to the Spirit counter at all.
    If you check in online 24 hours before your flight, you can get your seats and print your boarding pass then. The upside of doing this (and letting them choose your seats) is that you most likely will get a window or aisle seat, the down side is that they give away the seats in the back of the plane first...hoping to sell the better seats to someone else. If you wait until the last minute you have a good chance of getting a middle seat. Personally, I check in 24 hours before to get a guaranteed aisle or window seat and plan to move to an open row when boarding because many flights are only partially booked. I usually end up with a exit row seat for free or a whole row to myself.

    One personal item is included with a Bare Fare.

    This is something like a laptop bag or purse smaller than 18"x14"x8". It used to be 16"x14"x12"

    You need to pay for any additional/larger bag
  10. tatterdema

    tatterdema VIP Whale

    Nov 10, 2001
    Seattle WA
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Thank you Foos! It sounds doable then, similar but a little better than Allegiant. Lol, I have a canvas shopping bag that would meet those dimensions, and don't need to take a lot on a 2 day trip.

    That is a weird change in dimensions for the bags!?!?
  11. Foos

    Foos High-Roller

    Jul 31, 2009
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    They took away 600 cubic inches of space or a cube of space 8.4"x8.4"x8.4"
    that is a decent amount of space
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2017
  12. dcrawf

    dcrawf Low-Roller

    Feb 16, 2003
    Metropolitan Cleveland
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I am a $9 fare club member. The charge pretty much was a wash after factoring in the need to check 4 bags for our Vegas - CLE flight. It buys you lower bag fees. Fly again and you come out ahead on the deal. If you pay using your Spirit credit card you board in the 2nd group.

    Still, if the total price is anything remotely close I would happily pay extra to fly a good airline like Southwest just because I hate how Spirit dimes and quarters people (inflation).

    The reason offered for the carry on size change was the larger laptop cases. That's bullshit. It's so they can charge more, period.
  13. BlueBellThunder

    BlueBellThunder VIP Whale

    Jun 2, 2013
    New Jersey
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I've flown Spirit 5 times from PHL to LAS. I've only flown on the big front seat. I wouldn't fly with them otherwise. When I factor in the extra cost for the seat and 2 bags each way, it's always cheaper then the legacy carriers. As far as the $9 club I just cancelled my subscription yesterday. Not sure when I'll be taking my next trip will be so I don't need it. The way I see it if you'll save more then $59 on your first trip it's a no brainer. Or if you know you'll be flying frequently. Not all the places they go have the $9 fare. It's actually more when you factor in taxes. But I flew last October and will be flying on Tuesday and I saved a total of about $300 on both flights including the $9 discount on checked bags. But if your new to Spirit and not checking in bags and there's no $9 fare to where you're traveling then don't bother. And if you print your boarding pass at home it's free, $10 at the airport.
  14. tatterdema

    tatterdema VIP Whale

    Nov 10, 2001
    Seattle WA
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Oh well, I bit. Ended up pricing out at $84 R/T. What I like is that the times are perfect for my work schedule. Hopefully they are on time. That is the only thing I can imagine going wrong that would make it a bad trip.
  15. surf87

    surf87 MIA

    Apr 28, 2016
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    As for me, I haven't gotten onboard with this $9 fare club yet. As for being on time tatterdema, the few times I've flown them they were on time. I forget how they board but I think they did it by rows 20-30 first, then rows 10-20, then rows 0-10 (my memory fails me). Jet Blue does it something like this as well.
  16. tatterdema

    tatterdema VIP Whale

    Nov 10, 2001
    Seattle WA
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    One more question on their baggage policy. I have a small backpack that is well under their measurements for "Personal Item". I want to pick a few things up while in Vegas. Can I take my backpack and also a plastic bag with a few items in it, or is that out. One time I got dinged by Allegiant for my carryon being 1" over, and charged $50 to check it. I don't want to be in that position again.
  17. Blonde_4_ever

    Blonde_4_ever LasVegas4ever.com

    Jun 12, 2006
    Southern Ontario
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Tatterdema....I usually fly Spirit. A few trips ago I bought a whole bunch of bulky sweaters at Ross and they just would not fit in the suitcase. I carried them in a plastic bag when I went to fly home.....fully expecting to get charged for it, but the lady at check in just said "Don't worry about it" and let me go. Yay.
    Just my experience......
    • Like Like x 1
  18. tatterdema

    tatterdema VIP Whale

    Nov 10, 2001
    Seattle WA
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Thanks Blonde! I planned to buy 3 cartons of cigarettes. I might be able to pack them a pack at a time into my backpack and pockets, but would be easier if they just let me carry them on in a plastic bag. Lol, I guess I will wait and see. This whole trip is just a test to see if Spirit works out for me financially. If I can get away with just traveling with my small backpack, I might be able to fly down every other weekend, haha.
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  19. tatterdema

    tatterdema VIP Whale

    Nov 10, 2001
    Seattle WA
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Just wanted to follow up....
    Everything went fine. No one even looked twice at my backpack, and it looked like there were a lot of backpacks even larger than mine. They might have paid for them as carry on, but I doubt it.
    Now for the things that really matter, at least to me. Flight was a little early arriving both directions. Plane was clean and in good condition. Boarding was uncomplicated. Seats were as comfortable (or uncomfortable) as any other airline. Price rocked.

    I will definitely fly them again. I did learn one thing though. The last 4 rows of the plane has smaller seats, and those horrible little flip down trays that are about the size of a paperback book, and a useless seatback pocket that is made up of bunji cords. I got one of those on my flight home. No big deal for me, but in the future, I will probably wait a half hour or so to check (instead of right at 24 hours) in hoping they give those away to someone else.
  20. BobLasVegas

    BobLasVegas Low-Roller

    Jan 30, 2007
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    I paid the $59 bucks to join the $9 dollar club. I unsubscribed after my year was up.
    Never did I see an actual $9 dollar fare or anything close.
    Also, I think I just don't fly often enough to take full advantage of something like this.
    I ended up using other airlines on a couple of trips just because the deals were cheaper,
    despite being in the club.
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