I'm staying solo on The Strip in May and love relaxing a hangover off by the pool. What is the proper etiquette for getting sunscreen on your back when you are solo? Thanks in advance!
http://www.backbliss.com/sun-tanning/ https://www.amazon.com/SunBuddy-Body-Lotion-Applicator-722301534601/dp/B0090AYSKE https://www.walgreens.com/store/c/back-buddie-lotion-applicator/ID=prod6181409-product Probably not what you were hoping for But maybe consider having one of these backup options just in case.
The top has to come off first... or the sunscreen won't squeeze out of the bottle/tube! I've seen folks ask pool/towel attendants or even other guests to lend them a hand. Some obliged, some didn't. RICHARD
I kind of like that 3rd one, but not enough to buy it. I found a mist spray can that contains sunscreen, that is my work around. I just do the best I can with that. if the pool attendant offered, I may go for that. I might even ask if they are hiring.
I'd buy a lotion applicator like shown above. You can get them at most stores, or on Amazon. I don't like strangers touching me so I'd be really uncomfortable having (or even asking) one to apply it for me!
Put the lotion on the back of your hands then rub it on your back. To make it come out even, fold up a long piece of plastic wrap and use it like a towel on your back. Do all this in your room before you go out.
Thanks everyone! Great Ideas. I had no idea the do it yourself applicators existed. Now I will be able to relax the previous night's booze off and not ruin my time with a sunburn.
This ^^^^^^ It's not an inconvenience for anyone to spray your back for you - they don't have to touch you at all! Perfect solution.
Just make sure your back isn't covered in scabs, pimples, moles or birthmarks that look like Satan. And no tats. Definitely no tats. Unless your a hot babe, in which case anything involving flowers or little birdies is okay.
Dunno if they still have them, but hard rock had "lotion applicator" staff members.....for hire. They even provided lotion. cant make this stuff up if i tried.