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Sick and 2 days until I leave

Discussion in 'Vegas Trip Reports' started by paulajpa, Feb 13, 2004.

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  1. OK Billy did you drop this sore throat off in Oklahoma on your way back to Texas????? I have a full blown sore hurts to swallow throat thank god I dont have tonsils anymore .... if not better in the morning I will take antibiotics to try and ward off the evil bad vegas trip curse :D

    Wish me luck in a speedy recovery Paula
  2. HoyaHeel

    HoyaHeel Grammar Police & Admin

    Feb 24, 2002
    North Carolina
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Start inhaling vitamin C!!! And hydrating--drink cold care tea and tons of water. I hope you don't come down with a full-blown anything!!!! My fingers are crossed for your HEALTHY Vegas trip!!
  3. bigdogmom

    bigdogmom VIP Whale

    Mar 9, 2002
    Prescott Valley, AZ
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Gargle with salt water, too. And zinc lozenges sometimes help, if it's a cold. :(
  4. SH0CK

    SH0CK Stylin' and Profilin' Quasi Tech Admin

    Nov 2, 2001
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Ack! I think I'm going to suggest that we don't fly over Texas or Oklahoma! Oh crap, our connecting flight is in Houston... dangit Billy!

    I think I won't leave the house this week so that I can't catch anything from other people. ;)

    Hope you get to feeling better, and if not, drink lotsa alcohol in Vegas, that outta kill whatever bug it is anyway [​IMG]
  5. Billy from TX.

    Billy from TX. Tourist

    Jan 6, 2002
    Wylie, Texas
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    SORRY, Maybe this thing I got is working like a computer virus. I started feeling like crap again while at work on Friday. I ended up taking a half day off and going back to the doctor, since all my antibiotic is gone. He gave me a shot and another rx for a diffrent antibiotic. He said that if it is not gone totally in the next 10 days then its not strep its some kinda viral infection. I can't have that! That sounds like it might be harder to get rid of. So, I am back to running fevers with the cold chills. So, I feel your pain, STILL! I wish you the speediest recovery and good luck in Vegas. I know you said you don't have your tonsils anymore, but can you gargle warm salt water to sooth your throat. That seemed to help me at times. Drink plent of juices and take vitamins.
    Good luck!
  6. paulajpa

    paulajpa Guest

    Okay its offical I am SICK so I have started antibiotics and as soon as the cold meds I have take affect after I nap I am off to Walmart to get vitiamins and zinc and water and juice and anything else that looks like it will help my only prayer now is to keep hubby from getting it ...wish me luck I will post again on Monday before I leave and let you know how its going .

    Billy I really hope you are better soon..

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