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Sept 22-25

Discussion in 'Vegas Trip Reports' started by jodi14, Sep 30, 2004.

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  1. This was a trip that I planned for my husband's birhtday and all in all I thought it went great.

    Sept 22
    We arrived at the airport around 11:30am grabbed our bags and headed off to board a shuttle to the Excalibur. We checked in with no problem and to my surprise we weren't disappointed with the room. I was going to try the $20 trick but lost my nerve at the last minute. Once we were settled in we headed down to the Aladdin too have lunch at Spice Market. I had been once before and once again I was pleased with the food. After lunch we headed to the north strip as my husband wanted to show me the world's largest gift shop. Not realizing how far it was I blindly agreed and ended up with some blisters from the journey. [​IMG] As we trekked back down the strip we stopped at Westward Ho to have some $1.99 margaritas and play $3 blackjack. It was my first time playing and the dealer was very unfriendly, my husband asked how her night was going and she didn't even respond. We played for awhile and bothe came up ahead. As we continued down back to Excalibur we stopped in various casinos putting money in the slots, since nickels are my favorites [​IMG] I love the bonus games. we decided to call it a night around 1am.

    Sept 23-BIRTHDAY!!!!!!
    We woke up and headed down to Excalibur's buffet for breakfast. It was good,we had a 2 for 1 coupon so you really couldn't go wrong. After breakfast we decided to go check out Luxor but my husband had to run up to the room to get his cell. I put $5 in a nickel slot and won $150 on my third spin :D We continued on to the Luxor where we gambled some more and were doing quite well. After a while we decided to go swimming at the hotel. This was my only disappointing moment of Excalibur, I didn't like that both pools were only 3 1/2 feet deep. But we made the best of it. Then I went to have a massage and my husband gambled. The rest of the day we checked out MGM, New York New York, and Tropicana. I had made reservations at Il Fornagio for dinner. I was very impressed as we signed up for players clubs and ordered drinks from the bars how many people acknowledged my husbands birthday. One of the bartenders even gave him his drink and it wasn't in a small little glass. Dinner was great I highly recommend Il Fornagio the food and service was great. The rest of the night was drinking [​IMG] and gambling.

    Sept 24
    We woke up and packed our bags because we were moving to the Casino Royale. We found out a couple weeks before we left that we would be able to stay another day and the rate at Excalibur was not what we wanted to pay. But the night before we were supposed to check out we got a message saying we could continue our stay another night for $109 and that is what we were paying at Casino Royale. Does anyone know if this is common for Excalibur or for any of the hotels? But we had to check out because we wouldn't have been able to get our deposit back. The cab driver that picked us up was literally crazy and very rude. He told us that he f***en hated going to Casino Royale and the whole ride continued cussing and revving his engine. I was more than glad when we finally arrived at our hotel. Where he proceeded to throw our bags out of his trunk and when my husband only tipped him a dollar he slammed his door and sped off. I was not about to tip someone who was very rude and disrespectful. We checked into the hotel which was what we expected a very Motel 6 quality room but we didn't mind because hey we were in Vegas! We went and had lunch in Caesers at Planet Hollywood the food was good, not unlike any other Planet Hollywood I had been to before. We checked out the Forum and put some money into the machines. We then went to the Mirage to see the white tigers, my husband's favorite. I would have loved to take him to Sigfried and Roy. We then spent tons of time in te Venetian. Oh it is so beautiful in there. We then needed a nap before heading out that night. When we went back out we checked out TI including the Sirens show. We went and saw the volcano and decided we were ready for dinner. We went to Margarittaville for dinner and we enjoyed the food as well as the erupting margarita volcano. After dinner we checked out more casinos, continued to drink, and just hang out.

    Sept 25
    Our flight left at 12:30 so we decided to head over to the Mirage to go eat breakfast at Cravings. The food was vey good as well as the champagne but we waited nearly 30 minutes just to get in and be seated. After breakfast we checked out hopped in the shuttle and were set to come back home. The airport was not to busy or stressful. We had a wonderful time I just wish we could have stayed longer. I was so glad everything went well since it was my husband's birthday and his first trip to Vegas since he was of age, his last trip he was 13. To
  2. sin

    sin VIP Whale

    Jun 25, 2004
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    jodi nice report. I'm glad you both had a good time and didn't seem to have any major glitches. I'm also glad you admit to staying at Excalibur. I am in the minority around here that actually LIKES it there. And tell your Hubby happy belated birthday!!!
  3. chef

    chef Resident Buffetologist

    Apr 20, 2002
    Yes, casino hotels will often "offer" to let you stay additional nights at your current rate. The day before you leave, they have a pretty good idea of the inventory of the empty rooms they'll have and will offer them up accordingly.
    IF that happens again, let the Excalibur know you'll be happy to stay, as long as they pay for your lost deposit.
  4. HoyaHeel

    HoyaHeel Grammar Police & Admin

    Feb 24, 2002
    North Carolina
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    The friends we travel to Vegas with almost always end up staying another night at whatever rate we got--he's a pilot so they fly stand-by anyway. I think this past September was the first time they left on the day they originally planned.....

    Sounds like you had a blast, just roaming around & doing what you want--great birthday trip!
  5. Little Bob

    Little Bob Low-Roller

    Aug 18, 2002
    Trips to Las Vegas:
    Your feet were entitled to blisters if you walked from Excalibur to the Ho and back.
  6. yellfore99

    yellfore99 Tourist

    May 14, 2004
    Enjoyed your report jodi14. I can sympathize with you about your feet. Last April we walked from Mandalay Bay all the way north to the Stratosphere . (Must of been all those desserts for lunch at the Bellagio buffet) Needless to say we cabbed it back. Twenty bucks well spent!
  7. scoobagirl

    scoobagirl Tourist

    Jul 5, 2004
    Jodi, great trip report! Was the Excalibur over-run with children during your stay? Did you do much gambling at the Excalibur? Was their spa nice - good massage?

    I'm glad to hear you liked the room at the Casino Royale too - did you gamble much in their casino?

    It sounds like you had a great time! Congrats on your winnings too!
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