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Rio Suites

Discussion in 'Vegas Trip Reports' started by wam, Dec 3, 2004.

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  1. wam

    wam Low-Roller

    May 5, 2003
    new york

    My Trip Report

    Stayed five nights at the Rio Suites for the first time, two nights comped over thanksgiving. Check-in and check out fine, assigned 9th floor room, Ipanema Tower with view of the Palms, Gold Coast, roof and moutains, disappointed with the view. Problem with hot water on three occasions, minor safe problem that was quickly solved, very nice hotel employees. Table minimums were high, great bar service at Shutters from a bartender jamie. Saw Scintas at half price, which was a very enjoyable show and highly recommend it. Ate at Vodoo Lounge, food just ok and not cheap.Would not go back to Rio Suites, prefer the rooms at both the Venetian and Mandalay Bay.
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